So here’s a recent Arab response on Iran’s nuclear program.
Israeli nuclear weapons and Western hypocrisy By Yusuf Fernandez (Source:
The article also suggests ‘Israel’s rejection to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) as the main obstacle to global nuclear disarmament.’ After stating that Israel has nukes with a 2000 km range and able to reach any Arab capital the article changes direction with ‘Israel is one of the few states in the world that have refused to sign the NPT and is reportedly the only state in the Middle East having nuclear weapons.’
Reportedly the only state in the Middle East having nukes, indeed. ‘Iran has repeatedly assured that its nuclear program is peaceful…’ Repeatedly ‘assured’ is the key here.
You may recall that Saddam Hussein commented after being apprehended from a hole in the ground that he did nothing to convince the world Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction for fear of looking weak to ‘his’ neighbors in the region. Had he not chosen that strategy he may have avoided another confrontation with the US military accompanied by the inevitable outcome. As if Desert Storm in 1991 was not proof enough he could not win a war against the US after invading Kuwait.
Like Iraq’s former ‘leader’ Saddam Hussein, Iran’s leadership behaves in a similar manner allowing statements calling for the destruction of Israel to stand refusing to recognize Israel’s right to exist and yet claim their nuclear ambitions are purely peaceful. They now promote the notion of ‘Western hypocrisy’ while they express the desire to destroy Israel and at the same time define their nuclear program as ‘peaceful’.
If you are curious to know who is Yusef Fernandez the following is from Frontpage magazine. ‘Yusuf Fernandez, the spokesman for the Spanish Federation of Islamic Religious Entities…‘
Some additional information may be found useful as well.
So the IAEA reports to this point have solved nothing as indicated in numerous reports in the ‘media’.
Yossi Melman / The IAEA report on Iran lacks the bottom line
‘IAEA hiding incriminating evidence’
UN nuclear watchdog denies hiding Iran information
UN reports increase in Iranian uranium programme
IAEA to report Iran atom slowdown ahead of talks
Iran, Syria have not carried out sufficient cooperation in …
Iran is continuing nuclear activity, says United Nations watchdog
Iran Claims Report ‘Vindicated’ Nuclear Program
Iran dismisses nuclear assessment
These stories support comments suggesting the ‘international community’ response to the nuclear ambitions of Iran, North Korea and others is impotent. They do nothing about the problem outside of promoting resolutions at the equally impotent United Nations. This criticism includes the IAEA.
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