
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Phelim McAleer Al Gore: Phelim McAleer James Sensenbrenner at Gore Conference

Filmmaker and journalist, Phelim McAleer asked the great gasbag of global greening a question and got his mic cut. Al Gore was speaking at the Society of Environmental Journalists annual conference, just the place to ask a pertinent question, right? - a "society of ENVIRONMENTAL journalists" - great opportunity, but Gore did not want to address the errors in his book and movie, An Inconvenient Truth. Update: new video of McAleer and Gore.

Phelim McAleer

Skepticism is growing and downright unbelief is tipping Gore's "shifting momentum," of which he spoke about at Saturday's conference. On Saturday he was sharing his "optimism" about the movement, but others say that optimism is no longer shared by many:
"His optimism isn't shared by a lot of other folks," said Tim Wheeler, an environmental reporter for the Baltimore Sun. Gore may have been trying to push politicians to action, Wheeler added.
Wow! The Baltimore Sun, and this coming from an environmental reporter.
In what organizers said was a rarity, Gore took half a dozen questions from journalists, including one from Phelim McAleer, an Irish filmmaker who asked Gore to address nine errors in his film identified by a British court in 2007.
Congressman James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), joined some 200 people in downtown area of Menomonee Falls. One of the worries: Gore's gasbag belching will send jobs overseas.

Gore announced that President Obama will probably attend "the Copenhagen conference" which will boost an "international framework for emissions reduction."  No doubt Obama will attend. Anything "international" and the man is there. It is Copenhagen, however, and after his and Michelle's vainglorious performances there to grab the 2016 Olympics, will he return to that defeating world stage? Yeah, I think he will.

Send Rep. Sensenbrenner a thank you for standing alongside his constituents to protest this fanatic movement on the behalf of all of us. Go here for his contact info.

Phelim McAleer is an Irish filmmaker and known for his documentary Mine Your Own Business. Seems as I look around, the film is tagged as "anti-environmentalist." Could there possibly be a chance that it isn't "anti-environmentalist" but common sense environmentalism? None of us are "anti-environmentalists." The movement's audacious claims that we do not care about our planet is growing old and ugly, but - that is also a shifting momentum.

Source Watch says this about Phelim McAleer:
...he "is a Fellow of the Moving Picture Institute, a not for profit dedicated to advancing liberty through the medium of film." "He is also the joint managing director of New Bera Media, an independent documentary production company," it states.
Imagine that. A filmmaker wanting to advance "liberty" through film. ABC's Counterpoint says:
Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney are the producers of a film that uncovers attempts by western environmentalists to prevent mining in parts of the Third World, thereby denying thousands of people living in poverty and misery the chance of a better life."
You can read the transcript of McAleer with Counterpoints's Michael Duffy. Duffy gets things going with this:
Let's start with Mine Your Own Business. This is, in part, an attempt by the mining industry to hit back at environmentalists who tell fibs about proposed mines in poor countries. It was partly funded by Gabriel Resources;
It's about 2,000 people and about 600 families. When I got up there I found that everything that I'd been reading about the story and everything the environmentalists were saying about the story was misleading, exaggerated or sometimes just plain lies. And that got me interested in the village of Rosia Montana and the company that were opening the mine and indeed the environmentalists that were opposing them, and I started to wonder if this was just an isolated incident in Rosia Montana, because I'm an environmentalist, I'm's sort of the default position of any European almost to be an environmentalist. So for me it was surprising that environmentalists were lying and misleading and exaggerating.
Phelim McAleer directed and produced "Not Evil Just Wrong," in 2008. This is the story of the DDT ban and "extreme environmentalism. Big Hollywood says that McAleer is a "much sought after public speaker and radio show guest.

 The Honorable Al Gore is a part owner and chairman of Generation Investment Management, which sells carbon credits - which Gore buys from himself to live the large lifestyle that he and wife Tipper enjoy. In an earlier post, WorldNetDaily explained what Generation Investment Management does for Gore:
In other words, he 'buys' his 'carbon offsets' from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself," Hobbs writes. "To be blunt, Gore doesn't buy 'carbon offsets' through Generation Investment Management – he buys stocks.
Read the WND piece here.

I thank Rep. Sensenbrenner and and McAleer and everyone trying to tamp down the extremist views of Gore. Maybe common sense environmentalism can turn into a tea party of sorts, town halls, etc. I'll be looking for McAleer's work and ordering the DVDs.  The DDT issue is a hot button with me. The video below regards some 3000 scientists wanting to sue Al Gore over global warming fraud. I haven't found confirmation that a lawsuit has actually been filed. New video added of McAleer asking Gore the dreaded question, and his mic getting shut-off. Thanks to reader and phenomenal, extraordinarily talented master sculptor and news hound, David Lemon.

Phelim McAleer and Al Gore

 Al Gore - Scientists May Sue

 JenniferMarohasy's Politics and Environment Blog on Phelim McAleer

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