
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Charles Djou Honolulu Republican: Charles Djou is Republican US House Candidate for Hawaii 1st District

Charles Djou will face a yet-unknown Democrat opponent for a U.S. House seat from Hawaii's 1st District. In March, he won a special election for a vacated House seat with the term ending with this session of Congress, unless he wins the National Election in November 2010. This post has been updated 7-2-10. Look for other November 2010 Republican bios/info here.

 Charles Djou

Update March and May 2010:
Charles Djou won Hawaii's special election in March 2010 and is serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. His win broke a streak of six Democrat wins for the 1st District, making him the first Republican to go to the House in 20 years, and only the second Republican from Hawaii to serve.

In the special election, Democrat Colleen Hanabusa was the second runner-up, and will likely be Djou's opponent in November. Hanabusa and her faction were Hillary Clinton backers. Ed Case and his faction were Barack Obama supporters. There is intense disunity between the Democrats.

Typical of a Liberal, Hanabusa did not congratulate Djou in her concession speech.

Update July 2, 2010:
In April, Hanabusa was slightly ahead of Djou in fundraising. By May Djou had a lead. Hanabusa supporting, Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) has been raising money for her. Democrats will not give up Barack Obama's home district easily. Keep Mr. Djou in mind as you make your election donations.

Djou on the Issues:
National Security: Believes in strong Military. Wants troops funded - chided Congress for not having an up-or-down vote July 2, 2010

Immigration: Is an original co-sponsor of H.R. 5658 "Securing Knowledge, Innovation, and Leadership (SKIL) Act  - designed to make it easier to "attract and keep the best minds from around the world. This is on are I have not found much on Djou - no quotes about securing the border. 

Supports Free Trade with South Korea and the Philippines

Wants Obama to waive Jones Act and accept help cleaning up the Gulf. - Juen 23, 2010

Taxes - Spending: Wants to lower taxes to grow businesses and jobs. Says he has never voted for a tax increase. As City Council member, says he is the only Council member to never accept a trip paid for by taxpayers.
I will never sneak my own unexamined earmarks into the federal budget and I will fight earmarks pushed by other congressmen
Healthcare: Believes tort reform is necessary before any successful healthcare reform is viable. Supports inter-state health insurance. Supports a tax deduction for individual healthcare plans.

Ethics: Calls for "wholesale reform and improved oversight.

Environment and Energy: Will vote fight for federal support of alternative energy projects and will only support environmentally-sound and responsible efforts to enlarge america's domestic supply of oil, natural gas and nuclear power.

Education: Wants reform, believes we must turn education "right-side up," make principals and teachers accountable, empower parental involvement. Want to downsize the bureaucracies. Wants teachers who "do not teach" ousted.

Faith and Family: Believes we need a "more substantive appreciation of the role that faith plays in American life."

Issues Sources: here and here.


Djou won the special election. Mr. Djou is running against Democrats, former US Rep. Ed Case, and Hawaii Senate President Colleen Hanabusa. Note in the second video below, Djou says "...unlike Ed Case and Colleen Hanabusa, I've never voted for a tax increase or supported wasteful government spending." Djou has received Mitt Romney's endorsement, and the RNC has hosted a fundraiser for him.

Mr. Djou graduated Punahou School (Oahu College) as did Barack Obama. He is an Army Reserve officer (Captain) and an adjunct professor at the University of Hawaii. He is a Rotarian and is has served on the Board of Directos of the american Lung Association. He was named "Legislator of the Year" by small Business Hawaii in 2002, 2004, and 2006.

Djou is married and he and his wife, Stacey Kawasaki Djou have three children.

Charles Djou, Stacey Djou and children 

(These videos dating before he March 2010 when he was a candidate in the special election)See a video debate Part 1 here. See a video debate Part 2 here. The video below is Djou appearing on RedEye with Greg Gutfeld. Visit Charles Djou's campaign website here. The second video is from "Charles Djou Congress."

Charles Djou and Greg Gutfeld (video)
Charles Djou for Congress (video)

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