
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lindsey Graham Censured by Republican Party: Lindsey Graham Compromised?

Lindsey Graham is taking a verbal beating this week. After years of head-scratching defections to liberalism, all-the-while claiming he will put his conservatism up against anyone, then skittering away to another secret meeting of the Gang of 14 or the Gang of 10, America is getting a bit nervous about the South Carolinia Senator. His own state Republican party has censured him at least twice in recent months. See an excellent video below.

Lindsey Graham

Today, Sen. Graham (R-SC) is working with Democrats on a Cap and Tax Bill and an Amnesty Bill. Now that's enough to drive a voter crazy. You vote for the man, and turns traitor and pretty much laughs in your face. The Party has censured him twice, and Cap and Trade and Immigration were specifically mentioned. He is accused of failing to abide by the principles of the South Carolina GOP platform and showing "contempt and belligerence" toward fellow Republicans.

In November 2009, he was censured for a long list of misconduct: his support of TARP, his support of Immigration, his support of Cap and Trade alongside of John Kerry - which the resolution says will be a job killer in the state of South Carolina, and for joining the Gangs of 14 and 10, for weakening the "Republican brand and tarnishing the ideals of freedom, rule of law, and fiscal conservatism."

Graham is not up for reelection until 2012. That's a good thing for Graham. This week, the president of ALIPAC (Americans for Legal Immigration PAC) spoke in Greenville, South Carolina and said Lindsey Graham is compromised because he is gay. In otherwords, perhaps, Graham is doing the bidding of Democrats in key areas because he is threatened - 'join us or we will out you.'

I have no idea if this is true or not, on any level, and I do not care that he is a gay man, if he is, but his stark left turns do more than raise eyebrows, and especially when being conservative on every level is the mission of the day. If he can be compromised because of a "secret" he wishes to keep, then he needs to leave the Senate - now.

Watch Lindsey Graham's Hot Air Balloon by the Southern Avenger, and note that Graham calls an angry townhall "the fringe group."

Lindsey Graham a Hot Air Balloon (video)

Linked by NetRightNation

Related and Background:

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