
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Oklahoma Taxes Money Orders to Mexico: Mexico Threatens Oklahoma with Trade War

The state of Oklahoma passed a law last year to tax monetary wire transfers. Mexico has passed a resolution to urge their residents to stop buying anything from Oklahoma.

NewsOK says Oklahoma brought in $4 million in fees for wire transfers. That is a lot of wire transfers! However, the editorial says Oklahoma exports to Mexico increased by almost 50% from 2008-2009:
Oklahoma exports fell last year to $4.4 billion from $5 billion in 2009. But exports to Mexico grew from $358 million to $527 million. 
VDare links to the Latin American Herald Tribune saying $21.18 billion was sent from the U.S. to Mexico in 2009 - "remittances" they are called. "Remittances are the No. 2 source of income from Mexico."

It is my opinion, readers, that we have to stand on principle at some time or the other. This is a good time to start. Think about it: if every state did the right thing, and refused to support illegal aliens, the U.S. would be a much safer, and states would be more fiscally sound.

The response from the bill's author, Republican State Congressman Randy Terrill, is a tighter crack down on illegal immigration in the state.

From TulsaToday

Terrill says Mexico, a foreign nation, is interfering with the sovereign actions of a U.S. state. He suggests the conversation should be about the "dope" coming from Mexico to Oklahoma, and the "shamefully dysfunctional Mexican government." 
If they really want to pick this fight with Oklahoma, then I will be happy to immediately introduce or amend legislation calling for the state'current asset-seizure and drug-foreiture laws to be extended to all immigration-related offenses," Terrill said. "Id' also like to have good cause to advance legislation denying state-issued birth certificates to children born to illegal-alien parents. And we should restrict the actions of MexicanConsulars in Oklahoma who often assist illegal aliens attempting to establish permanent residence and find employment in the United States.
We'll see what happens. I'm with Terrill.

Linked by Fausta's Blog - Thank you!

Linked by The Snooper Report - Thank You!

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