
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Michael Oren Israeli Ambassador: Tectonic Rift Between Israel U.S.?

The attitude of the Obama administration toward Israel has created a mammoth divide between the two countries, according to five Israeli diplomats who quote Michael Oren, Israel's Ambassador to the U.S. This is more than Obama's rude treatment of Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House. It goes far deeper than a dis, and for anyone paying attention, Israel could hardly feel otherwise. Oren has denied the reports to Haaretz.

Michael Oren

An interesting note about Michael Oren, he was born in the U.S. and was an American citizen until he accepted the Ambassadorship, which required that he relinquish his American citizenry. So, the five Israeli diplomats said Oren met with them and this is their story:
“There is no crisis in Israel-US relations because in a crisis there are ups and downs,” Oren told a closed briefing to senior officials in the Israeli Foreign Ministry's North American Branch and research division, Yedioth Ahronoth's Itamar Eichner reports. 
“According to the Israeli diplomats, Oren said …’Relations are in the state of a tectonic rift in which continents are drifting apart,’” Haaretz said.
“Oren noted that contrary to Obama's predecessors - George W. Bush and Bill Clinton - the current president is not motivated by historical-ideological sentiments toward Israel but by cold interests and considerations,” Haaretz reports. 
“He added that his access as Israel's ambassador to senior administration officials and close advisers of the president is good. But Obama has very tight control over his immediate environment, and it is hard to influence him. ‘This is a one-man show,’ Oren is quoted as saying.”
The Obama administration is not merely drifting away from Israel, it jumped into the strongest current and joined Israel's enemies (put your finger anywhere on a map and you'll fined them) heading far downstream, as far away as possible. However...this Haaretz article quotes The U.S. Undersecretary of Defense Ministry, Michele Flournoy saying "defense ties between Israel and the U.S. are stronger than ever."

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