
Friday, June 25, 2010

Obama Admin Places Danger Stay Away Signs 30 Miles from AZ Capitol Video

Thirty miles away from Phoenix, Arizona's capitol city, and 80 miles from Arizona's border with Mexico, the Obama administration posted signs warning visitors of "danger." Governor Jan Brewer has a message for Obama in the video below.
Jan Brewer

How would you feel about the U.S. Government putting two signs like these anywhere in your state?

Sign 1:

Travel Caution
Smuggling and Illegal
Immigration May Be
Encountered in this Area

Sign 2: 

 Danger - Public Warning 
Travel not Recommended

Active Drug and Human Smuggling Area

Visitors may Encounter 
Armed Criminals and Smuggling Vehicles 
Traveling at High Rates of Speed

Stay Away from Trash, Clothing, Backpacks and Abandoned Vehicles

If you see Suspicious Activity, Do Not Confront!

Move Away and Call 911

BLM Encourages Visitors 
Use Public Lands North of Interstate 8
[BLM = Bureau of Land Management?] 

National Public Lands icon on sign.

AZ Gov. Jan Brewer to Obama: Do Your Job! (video)

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