
Monday, June 14, 2010

Obama Seeking Bullhorn Moment: Compares Oil Spill to 9/11: Emulates G.W. on 9/11 from Oval Office?

I won't soon forget George W. Bush speaking to the Nation on 9/11 from the Oval Office. He addressed "despicable acts of terror" against our country. Tomorrow night, Barack Obama will speak to the Nation from the Oval Office, the first time he has done so. Yesterday, he compared the Deep Water Horizons oil spill to September 11, 2001. Tuesday night he will hope to emulate the sober, saddened yet determined demeanor of G.W. on that terrible night almost nine years ago. Obama is looking for his bullhorn moment. He will start with the Oval Office address, pack up his presidential podium and haul it all down to the oil-laden sand in Louisiana, and don't be surprised if he pulls out a bullhorn.

Obama with Podium and Politicians

Somewhere in the blogosphere, there is a long-shot version of the photo above; Obama standing alone with his little podium, on a Louisiana beach. I have seen the long-shot of it, but can't locate it right now. The above photo is a close-up with Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) on the left and Gov. Charlie Crist (I-FL) on the right.
He has a little podium set up near some rocks, protecting him fro the oil and mud and dead animals and unemployment. 
I don't remember G.W. Bush taking his little podium to classrooms or the rubble of 9/11. Maybe I'm wrong. See his "bullhorn moment in the second video below. Note that Bush didn't plan it, it just happened.

Yesterday, Obama compared the Deep Water Horizons oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to September 11th, 2001. This from CBSNews:
While the Obama administration has fended off comparisons between its response to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and the Bush administration's response to Hurricane Katrina, the president is not averse to making comparisons with the worst terrorist attack on American soil.
In an interview with's Roger Simon on Friday, Mr. Obama likened the effect upon the national psyche of what may become the largest oil spill in history with that of 9/11.
Never one to let a crisis go to waste, Obama will push for Cap and Trade from the Oval Office - he says he will make a "bold" push for a new energy law. A reasonable person might think plugging "the damn hole" should be his priority, and consume his energy, rather than cantankerous legislation.

The first video below is Bush in the Oval Office on the night of 9/11 below.

Bush spoke of the Americans responding - the daring of rescue workers, others lining up to give blood, He called the attacks 'evil,' and mass murder. He said Americans, a "great people moved to defend a great nation."

On 9/11 public buildings were attacked and 3,000 died, the Pentagon was attacked, and fierce heros died in a field at Shanksville, Pennsylvania as they protected further buildings, probably in Washington, D.C. from being a target. The loss of the eleven BP workers on the exploding Deep Water Horizons rig are important and a tragedy. This post in no way negates their deaths or the affects on their grieving loved ones. But America knows 9/1l, and this Sir, is no 9/11 - as terrible as it is, and as long-reaching its effects, this oil spill is no 9/11.

President G. W. Bush on September 11, 2001 (video)

George W. Bush's Bullhorn Moment (video)

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