
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Philadelphia Bars ICE from Arrest Data

Philadelphia has decided to deny ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) access to their database of arrests, which includes country of origin.

Independence Hall - Philadelphia

ICE has had a year-old agreement with the city to use the police database. Philadelphia is a tad upset that ICE has actually deported persons because they are in the U.S. illegally. The city of Philadelphia is obviously breaking Federal law by knowing the person is illegal and allowing them to stay. "Human Rights" is the worry. Some of the people in the database had committed small crimes, not big ones. Helloooooo! Most of us never commit a crime in our lifetimes. How about every city across the U.S. just following the law? Let's start with Washington, D.C.
Under the agreement, ICE agents can routinely access the city's Preliminary Arraignment Reporting System (PARS). That agreement is up for renewal on Thursday.
"It is the mayor's view that the PARS agreement should not be extended," Gillison [deputy mayor] said, speaking at a South Philadelphia church meeting attended by more than 300 immigrants and their supporters
This incident was reported at a meeting called by the New Sanctuary Movement:

One man, who gave his name as Ignacio Aguirre, described the arrest of his son. He said the boy had been at the beach, where he used a knife to cut a watermelon. He put the knife into a backpack. Several days later, without thinking about it, he took the backpack to school and tripped a metal detector. It was an innocent mistake, the man said, but it resulted in a visit from ICE and house arrest with an ankle bracelet for his child. 
Is Mr. Aguirre illegal, as is his child? When you read further into the article, it is possible that at least one person on the City Council might not be re-elected if deportations of illegals continue.

Philadelphia, the city where the U.S. Constitution was born with the enormous personal sacrifice of the Founders, is today the city with the highest violent crime rate in the country.

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