
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Right Reading Round-up 6-26-10 at Maggie's Notebook

There was so much news this week. You might have missed these stories.

Weasel Zippers on a rigged New York election that "allowed some New Yorkers to flip the lever six times" and produce an Hispanic winner.

At Conservative Perspective, Christopher shows the jaw-dropping, apocalyptic security locked onto Toronto for the G-20 - complete with pics.

Chicago Ray has the Top 10 Conservatives Liberals love to hate, with links to a full list of the Top 100.

Red at Caught Him with a Corndog has an incredible salute to her Dad on Father's Day. Dad must be so proud. I may be a week late but note that it's complete with Bob Marley, Leon Russell and Charles Bronson.

Pundett and Pundett has some incredible news about what in-womb babies feel and don't feel.

With all the World Cup hoopla, did you miss that Australia Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was outsted for his "dictatorial style, power grabs, and centralization of decision-making?" Reaganite Republican has the details of the power switch, just how much changes might change...or not.

Right Truth reports the latest investigation of CAIR, including plans to "silence 2010 candidates," and any talk of jihad, Shariah law and Islamic terrorism. This is news we must be aware of as we head to November. If you do not know about the CAIR Observatory, find it at Right Truth.

AmerIsrael points out that Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority's Fatah Party is equally as guilty as everyone else in "Palestine" for undermining peace.

Nice Deb on New Orleans surviving the British. (NiceDeb says her co-blogger BlackisWhiteImperialConsigliere actually wrote this post)

Speaking of power grabs, Karen at The Lonely Conservative has a great post on Antonio Gramsci, and his legacy of achieving Hegelian Marxism, successfully designed to capture our culture, all these many years after his death in 1937.

The Anchoress has a video of a gifted young Harvard student giving a salutatory address in Latin. I was fascinated, even though I didn't understand a word. Her delivery made me believe I should understand. Learn what comes next for this young American (and take a look at the very chic hat on the left).

Stanford at Blog@MoreWhat explains why the five American jihadis sentenced to a Pakistan prison, didn't get a life sentence. CAIR is involved.

Left Coast Rebel has an interesting piece on a new and powerful GOP fundraising apparatus - outside of the RNC, because let's face it, no one gives their hard-earned money to them anymore. So who's behind the new venture? Read it at Left Coast Rebel.

Daniel at Sultan Knish talks of the lack of Western interest in Turkey and Iran's invasion of Iraq this week, the deaths of  Kurds, and Turkey's shakedown of the U.S. Daniel's insight into the back story is always profound.

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