
Friday, July 16, 2010

Aminat Magomadova Strangled by Muslim Mother: Judge Sentences Counselling

Aset Magomadova strangled her 14-year-old daughter with a headscarf and killed her. The mother said her daughter came after her with a knife. A knife in the girl's room was found, but Aminat Magomadova's finger prints were not on the knife.

Aset Magomadova

The mother was acquitted of second-degree murder and found guilty of manslaughter. A Canadian judge sentenced the mother to three years probation with counselling for grief, depression and anger management.
The devout Muslim mother claimed Aminat came at her with a knife in her sewing room, where she prayed several times a day. She said she reacted by wrapping the scarf around her daughter’s neck and twice told the girl to put the knife down before the teen lost consciousness.
A knife was found in the room, but the daughter’s fingerprints were not on it
Prosecutors asked for a 12-year-prison sentence, but the judge decided the Defense Attorney had a better idea when he told the judge "a suspended sentence can still meet the demands of justice."
Magomadova arrived in Canada "for a better life for herself and her children from Chechnaya, where her husband had been killed by Russian invaders and she had a part of her foot blown off.
The mother agreed that probation was an appropriate sentence. What if the daughter had killed the mother? The murder happened in February 2007. Aminat Magomadova's life meant nothing. Just a couple of strong jerks on the ends of a scarf for 2-1/2 minutes, and a life is snuffed-out - and no one cares.

Linked by Reaganite Republican Resistance

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