
Friday, July 2, 2010

Barb Davis White is Keith Ellison's Challenger: The Strangest 2010 Election Story!

This is one of the strangest stories of the 2010 elections. Barb Davis White, a Republican, conservative, pro-life constitutionalists candidate for Minnesota's  5th Congressional District has just filed as a Democrat to face the first of two Muslims in the U.S. Congress, Keith Ellison (D-Minn-5th) in November 2010. Why would a true conservative file as a Democrat? The Minnesota GOP endorsed Joel Demos, a Pentecostal minister. More on Demos coming. See two videos below.

Barb Davis White

In 2008, White lost to Ellison, but she received 25% of the Republican vote and the highest percentage of any Republican on the ballot. With the state GOP behind Demos, White decided to run as an Independent, but no one candidate won the 60% of delegate votes at the nominating convention on May 20th. 

White says as she canvassed the 5th District, she found many Democrats wanting a choice other than Keith Ellison. In the video below, she says these Democrats know she is a pro-life, conservative, constitutionalists.

Nothing I read explains why the GOP would step out for Joel Demos. Most of what I read believes he hasn't a chance against Ellison. Some believe Barb White Davis isn't in the Jesse-Ventura-mold, and that's her problem with the state party.

Barb's plan is this: She is running as an Independent Democrat. She talked to Democrat neighbors. They want a choice in the August primary. Barb plans to knock Ellison off of the ballot. She plans to give the Democrats the choice they are seeking - anyone other than Keith Ellison.

White is active with various tea parties, attending many events and speaking at many events. She is endorsed by Change the Congress in 2010.

In February, Ms. White, who opposes same-sex marriage, grabbed national attention when she said "Rosa Parks did move to the front of the bus to support sodomy," and then she offered this:
There is no difference between a black person and a white person other than their skin color when there's a tremendous difference between a man and a woman. Allowing a black woman and a white man to marry does not change the definition of marriage. However, allowing two men or two women to marry would fundamentally change that definition."
Here are some Sodahead quotes about the Republican candidate, Joel Demos:
Endorsing Demos for Congress in Minnesota’s 5th CD was the Minnesota GOP’s first big mistake of the 2010 election cycle.
Barb Davis White, the 2008 GOP endorsed candidate in Minnesota’s 5th CD for Congress would have been a “feather in the cap” of the Minnesota GOP if they would of made a commitment to Ms. White, her campaign staff and the community. The arrogance and exclusion of conversations with Barb, who received almost 25% of the votes in 2008 – more than any other endorsed Republican running for Congress in Minnesota’s 5th CD was a heinous and reckless over-sight by the leadership of Minnesota’s Republican Party. If the Minnesota GOP would back Barb Davis White, now that former chairman Ron Carey is gone (or lurking with the intent to participate) – Barb Davis White can beat Ellison in 2010. People in Minnesota’s 5th congressional district will see a benefit to not vote “R” or “D” and send a message to big party madness.
At this point, I know nothing about Demos except reading some opinions around the blogs. More on him to come.

We'll see where this goes, and I'll add info as it becomes available. The thing is, someone must remove Keith Ellison from Congress.

Now a word about Keith Ellison:

Keith Ellison and Barack Obama

Keith Ellison, who is also Keith Hakim, is the first Muslim to be sent to Congress from any state, and the first to be sworn on the Koran. He is an attorney, a Democrat and an Black convert to Islam. He was raised Roman Catholic in Detroit and is a supporter of the Nation of Islam's leader, Louis Farrakhan (aka Louis Eugene Walcott).

According to GovTrack, Ellison is a "far-left Democrat." Find some informative links about Ellison's donors and connections to the Muslim Brotherhood here.

Ellison is a fundraiser for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Nihad Awad, the head of CAIR and James Yee, a Muslim Guantanamo cleric were featured speakers at Ellison's Congressional fundraiser.
The fact that the FBI has broken all ties with CAIR, saying CAIR is not "an appropriate liasion partner," should be enough to divert Keith Ellison's affection for the organization. This report quotes an FBI assistant director, Richard C. Powers, saying the FBI is unsure whether the relationship between CAIR and Hamas ever was severed. So, with all of CAIR's presence on Capitol Hill, with their mammoth media blitzs and lobbying efforts, with their denial of terrorist ties, the FBI cannot support their claims...yet CAIR continues to walk the halls of Congress...and Keith Ellison continues to support the organization.
The question is, who can unseat Keith Ellison? Thanks to Creeping Shariah

Barb Davis White Changes Parties and Files Democrat Independent (video)
Barb Davis White at St. Paul Tea Party April 2009 (video)

Linked by Boker tov, Boulder! - Thank you!

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