
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bill Clinton Goes Rogue: Bill Clinton Backs Incumbent Challenger to White House Pick

Bill Clinton has gone rogue and endorsed Andrew Romanoff, the Democrat challenger to Colorado's Senator Michael Bennet. Romanoff has been in the news lately, as he says the White House offered him other jobs if he would drop his challenge to Bennet. Don't confuse these claims of White House bribes with Joe Sestak. Romanoff is the second claim of such illegal shenanigans.
Andrew Romanoff

This report says Romanoff is the first candidate Bill Clinton has endorsed since leaving the White House. While Clinton didn't endorse Senator Blanche Lincoln, he campaigned with her, and is credited with giving her a second chance to come up for air and face the Republican candidate in November.
A SurveyUSA poll taken this month suggested that Mr. Romanoff has an uphill battle against Mr. Bennet, who was appointed to his seat after Ken Salazar became Interior Secretary. Mr. Bennet registered 52 per cent support in the poll compared to just 36 per cent for Mr. Romanoff.
So for Bill Clinton to step out and endorse a candidate who is not an incumbent is huge mammoth when you consider the White House did everything they could to remove Andrew Romanoff from the horizon of the U.S. Senate. Things must be getting a bit testy for Hillary.
Andrew brings to this race both an extraordinary record of public service and an extraordinary capacity to lead. I believe that those assets, as well as his deep commitment to Colorado, give him the best chance to hold this seat in November," Mr. Clinton wrote. "I support Andrew Romanoff, and I hope you will too."
Don't forget, Obama sent Bill Clinton to Rep. Joe Sestak to make the illegal bribe, which Sestak did not take, but spilled to the press. Romanoff has already received his bribes and refused them.

If Bill can pull this off, he and Hillary will seriously be considering another White House run in 2010. It is always about Bill, and going rogue for Bill Clinton is nothing new.

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