
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Michele Bachmann Poll Below 50%: About Michele Bachmann

Conservatives are expecting a tough US House race for Rep. Michele Bachmann (R) in Minnesota's 6th District. She is the hard target for Liberals, who love to hate her.

Michele Bachmann

Bachmann holds a 9 point lead against state Senator Tarryl Clark (D) 48% to 39%. It is always a concern when an incumbent polls lower than 50%, and not wanting to make light of the Congresswoman's need to 'bulk-up' her numbers to set our minds at ease, it's worth mentioning that she won the seat with 46% of the vote in 2008, and the win that sent her to Washington, D. C. in 2006 with exactly 50%. A nine point lead is a nine point lead.

With every Republican seat in the House a necessity to keep, conservative Michele Bachmann representing Minnesota's 6th District is expected to be a tight race. She is the biggest target for Democrats, even bigger than Sharon Angle. Many Democrats hate Michele Bachmann and have vowed to overwhelm her campaign financially. She has pulled it out before, but was not faced with the current animosity. Her donation page is here.

Congresswomen Bachman has received the endorsements of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, The National Rifle Association (NRA) National Right to Life Pac, Susan B. Anthony List, Taxpayers League Liberty Fund, Trust in Small Business PAC, Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life and...Sarah Palin.

Bachmann was the first Republican woman from Minnesota to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. She is a Christian, a fierce leader of conservative principles with a background as a federal tax litigation attorney working on both civil and criminal cases. She is vocal about simplifying the U.S. Tax code and lowering taxes on families and small business. She wants our energy reserves to be unrestricted, while promoting alternative solutions.

Michele is pro-life, believes marriage should be between one man and one woman. She wants a health care program that is not government run in any manner. She believes reforming the tax code to offer "full tax deductibility for individual health expenses, including medical care, dental care, long-term care and insurance premiums," may be the answer to private health care. Bachmann wants education back in the hands of educators and parents, and out of the hands of government. She is pro-military.

She is a fiscal conservative, scoring 88% on the Club for Growth 2009 scoreboard, placing her at No. 82 out of 435 congressmen (smaller is better). She opposed the automaker bailouts, the $700 billion financial bailouts, and proposed instead, suspension of mark-to-market accounting rules (as has Newt Gingrich). She has boldly spoken out about Obama's connections to Jeremiah Wright and Weatherman Bill Ayers.

Bachmann has a "history" with TEA parties, appearing at them, speaking at them, including standing vigil with 10,000 Tea Partiers in Washington, D.C. against the Democrat health care vote.

Michele was born in Waterloo, Iowa to a Democrat family. She is 54-years-old, a graduate of Winona State University in Winona, Minnesota. She graduated Oral Roberts University/Coburn School of Law in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1986 with a law degree, then went to the College of William and Mary for an LLM in tax law. She became a Republican in her senior year at Winona State.

Michele and Marcus Bachmann and family

Michele is married to Dr. Marcus Bachmann, a clinical therapist. Together they have 5 children, but this family has opened their home and their hearts to 23 foster children. Isn't that amazing? The Bachmann's live in St. Croix and own Bachmann and Associates, a mental health care practice in Stillwater, Minnesota. Bachmann has some ownership in a family farm. Make a contribution to Rep. Bachmann's campaign.

Michele Bachmann (video)

Linked by Si Vis Pacem - Thanks!

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