
Monday, July 19, 2010

Obamas at Bar Harbor Club Shuts Down Vacationers

In Bar Harbon, Maine where the Obama Family vacationed, other "regular people" were not allowed to visit one of the most popular features of the area. At low tide, tourists can walk across the sand bar to Bar Island...unless the vacationing Obama's are in town and playing tennis or romping in the pool at the Bar Harbor Club (see photo).

I believe any President and family must be able to travel and have some fun, but we saw the Obama's in Hawaii, one of the top vacation spots on everybody's radar, renting a home that was a bit in the middle of the activity. The many people who came to the beach could not participate in their own vacations. I would like to see presidents pick a spot a bit more isolated for their entourage so not quite so many people are inconvenienced.

This particular First Family ignores that they are servants of the people, not the rulers of the people.

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