
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ten Buck Friday Week 3 Voting Ends Tonight

In a few hours Ten Buck Friday Week 3 will come to a close. At this moment Eric Wargotz, running for a U.S. Senate seat from Maryland is far ahead of the pack. Charles Lollar is a distant polling second. Lollar is also from Maryland, running for a U.S. House seat from District 5. Have you voted for your candidate of choice?

Ten Buck Fridays

RightKlik has done a yeoman's work publishing a profile of each candidate in the poll.

Past winners are Michele Bachmann (R-Minn), Sharron Angle (R-AZ) and Anna Little (R-NJ)

If you were on vacation last week or just busy celebrating our Nation's birthday and missed your donation to Anna Little, it's not too late. The incumbent, Frank Pallone, is a long-time member of the US house and a big spender. 
He [Pallone] voted against prohibiting federally funded abortion services, he voted against prohibiting partial-Birth/Late Term Abortion, when Bush was President he voted against Defense Authorization. With Obama as President, he voted to fund defense authorizations. To end this litany of Frank Pallone shame - in 2006 he voted against the Immigration Law Enforcement Act, against the Secure Fence Act of 2006, against the Border Security Bill of 2005, against the Real ID Act of 2005. Little's campaign has promised to give us feedback on the amount of TBF donations.
Donate to Anna Little here.

This week's winner will be announced tonight (Thursday) at midnight EDT.

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