
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Barbara Boxer Million Dollar Home Undisclosed: Boxer Home Bought with $500,000 from Political Contributions

The Foundation for Ethics in Public Service has asked the Department of Justice to investigate Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) for not disclosing a home valued over one million dollars in Oakland, California, and paid for with $500,000 from political campaign contributions. The property is co-owned with Boxer, her husband, son and daughter-in-law. There are also claims that she held 7 mortgages with Countrywide Financial - the mortgage lender at the center of the mortgage scandal.

Barbara Boxer

Corruption for Boxer, whom Senator John McCain says is the most anti-defense, bitterly partisan senator in the Senate, drones on. From Pajamas Media's breaking news:
Despite the fact that Senator Boxer had an ownership in 854 Longridge Road [in Oakland], she failed to report this substantial real property asset on any of her personal financial disclosures between 2002 and 2010.  She had also failed to report the mortgage on the property.  Further, she failed to report the purchase of 854 Longridge Road in 2002.  Each year Boxer was required to have filed a “full and complete report.”
From The Washington Examiner on October 13th:
Deeds of trust compiled by...the Foundation for Ethics in Public Service show that the California Democrat and her husband, Stewart, held seven mortgages with Countrywide, the company which gave VIP mortgage discounts to influential customers, including Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-CT, and Sen. Kent Conrad, D-ND.

If Boxer received preferential treatment, it would be like President Bill Clinton ruling on the definition of "is..." 
The couple sold the home in 2006 for $1.87 million, according to She did not list the property on financial disclosure records because she didn't have to. Technically it did not generate income. But shouldn't the extra cash generated by refinancing be considered income - especially if they used it to buy another property? 
Boxer's son, Douglas and his wife Amy, live in the house paid for by $500,000 from Boxer's Democrat contributors. Had enough yet?

John McCain on anti-Defense Senator Barbara Boxer

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