
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bill Clinton Plays to 1/3-Full Gym: Bubba's Crowds Stayed Home in Blue Michigan

Bill Clinton could only fill one-third of the gym at a rally at Renaissance High School for Virg Bernero and other Democrat candidates. Bernero is hoping to become Michigan's next Democrat governor, and Clinton's appearance at the free and open event was expected to draw big.

Bill Clinton

The First Black President (who is more than half White, as far as we know), addressed the audience with a rousing and elegant speech:
“These other guys are playing you. They say they’re mad, they’re frustrated and want something new,” Clinton said. “But this country is coming back.”
And they tried to tell us Bush was an embarrassing speaker.

Same thing happened to Obama last month in Cleveland. Remember...they had to recruit students to fill the seats.

But more about Slick Willy :
Shortly before Clinton took the stage, the Rev. Wendell Anthony, president of the Detroit branch of the NAACP, urged attendees to leave bleacher seats along one side of the gym and try to fill the area in front of the podium before Clinton began his address. 
Nevertheless, the Wayne County commissioner said "Clinton is a rock star in Detroit."

Let's face it, the Comeback Kid can't make a comeback unless Hillary is President - even in a blue, blue state like Michigan.

I wonder how many in the one-third full gym were high schools students who are not legal to vote?

Another gem sent to me by David Lemon

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook
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