
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Doin' the Barney Shuffle: Shuffling On Over to Sean Bielat

The Barney Funk Shuffle. See the story below the video.

The Barney Shuffle (video)

Thanks to Bobby at The Camp of the Saints!

The video is by Ladd Ehlinger, Jr. (New York Times), with Stacy McCain and DaTechGuy hanging out. The NYT actually had some very nice things to say about Sean Bielat, the former Marine who is attempting to send Congressman Barney Frank home to Massachusetts (along with his rude boyfriend). 

There's a great story, actually caught on video, of the dancing "Barney" in front of a green screen. You want to see it. The Other McCain has the story, and DaTechGuy has the green screen video.

Sean Bielat is vying for Frank's House seat for Massachusetts' District 4. There are many reasons to sack Barney. Chief among them? Frank is the prime instigator of the Housing Meltdown, and don't let anyone tell you differently without doing your own homework. 

Frank engineered a program known as the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). He and a cohort, through the authority of Congress, forced lenders to make mortgages with no down payment, no credit checks, no jobs. If you wanted a house, you deserved it, and Barney, by God, would get one for you.

Vast numbers of homeowners were selling, and vast numbers of unqualified people were buying what they could not afford. Sellers were flying high...prices moved unrealistically upward - all across the Nation. Appraisals meant nothing. Thousands owned homes they could not afford, long before home prices soared. And then it all fell apart. New terminology filled the airwaves: The "SubPrime Mortgage Crises" was upon us. If your neighbor was in crisis with his mortgage, and you were not, sooner or later the value of your neighbor's home would plummet, taking your property with it.

See the crisis timeline here, and note that Republicans warned it was coming over and over, but Barney could not be convinced. He was making homes available in his high-priced market for anyone who wanted one, and don't you think he was ensuring a vote to send him back to Congress? Please watch the video if you are a Massachusetts voter, and if you are not, please watch the video and donate something to Sean Bielat's campaign. Politics are no longer local. Every vote Barney casts, affects my family and loved one in Oklahoma. The whole Barney story is sordid. Read it here.

Sean Bielat

Calling the powerful Barney Frank an "ethically-challenged liberal icon," Sarah Palin endorsed Sean today. The Bielat website lays-out his views. Please donate anything you can to the campaign here. It's easy to do by credit card. Takes only about 3 minutes. Be part of making history and bring sanity back to the U.S. House of Representatives.

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook

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