
Friday, October 22, 2010

Geert Wilders: Judges Must Step Down: New Trial for Geert Wilders

After months of fighting against the extreme Muslim incursion into his country of The Netherlands, politician and party leader Geert Wilders' attorneys asked that the judges in his hate speech trial step down due to bias. See the video, Geert Wilders Warning to America below.

Geert Wilders

This comes on the heels of last week's reports quoting prosecutors saying Wilders "should be found not guilty" of insulting Muslims and non-western immigrants as a group. In the same article, "prosecutors were "outlining their sentencing demands."
Mr Wilders' lawyer Bram Moszkowicz had argued that the bench at Amsterdam District Court had created "an impression of partiality" by putting off a decision on the defence's request to recall a witness.
Being denied the opportunity to recall the witness would "make it impossible for the defence to substantiate a crucial part of its case", he added.
A hastily convened panel said on Friday that it found the trial judges' decision to be "incomprehensible in the absence of any motivation".
They said that, as a result, Mr Wilders' fear of bias as a result was "understandable".
"Under the circumstances, the request (for the judges' removal) is granted," said a statement from the panel.
The trial which began in October will start all over again with new judges who have not sat-in on any part of the trial. The investigative stage will remain as it was at the beginning of the previous trial.

Wilders is accused of calling Islam "fascist" and comparing the Koran with Hitler's Mein Kampf.

Mark Steyn's always insightful perspective:
At a certain level, the trial of Geert Wilders for the crime of “group insult” of Islam is déjà vu all over again. For as the spokesperson for the Openbaar Ministerie put it, “It is irrelevant whether Wilders’s witnesses might prove Wilders’s observations to be correct. What’s relevant is that his observations are illegal.”
Wilders Freedom Party more than doubled their seats in parliament in June elections...even with Wilders facing trial, gaining 24 seats up from just 9. About one-and-a-half million people chose The Freedom Party, and in doing so, Geert Wilders. The party is now the third largest in The Netherlands.

Make no mistake about it, Geert Wilders may be facing trial thousands of miles, and an ocean away, but he is fighting the fight against Islamization  for you and for me as well. He is risking one year in prison if found guilty.

Geert Wilders - A Warning to America Part 2

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook
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