
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

James Cameron Phelim McAleer: James Cameron Hypocrite Video

Phelim McAleer, a filmmaker and journalist has done a lot of heavy lifting to get the lies about global warning out to the world. Along with Ann McElhinney, McAleer exposes the hypocrisy of Avatar director, James Cameron. Cameron has told us we must "do with less," and donated $1 million to defeat California's Prop 23, which will suspend The Global Warning Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32). New video below.

James Cameron

The very successful and very wealthy Progressive, James Cameron lives quite the lifestyle, and is not at all bothered that you do not, and cannot if extreme and fraudulent green legislation continues to cripple our country. Backing up my "fraudulent" accusation is the news that California lied about emission in the state by 340% to get their "landmark Diesel Law," which among other things, will require every vehicle to have a motor produced no earlier than 2010. The second video is McAleer questioning Al Gore (it's priceless)

Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer

James Cameron - Hypocrite (video)
Phelim McAleer with Al Gore

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