
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Vatican Statement: Koran Encourages Killing Christians: Christian Leaders Labeled Extreme

The Vatican has been meeting with Middle East bishops, along with Muslim clerics. While America's Left refuses to acknowledge that the Koran calls for death for Christians, along with Jews and everyone not submitting to Islam, the Vatican's Archbishop Raboula Beylouni has issued this statement: (important video below)

The Vatican
"The Koran gives Muslims the right to judge Christians and kill them with Jihad," he said. "It gives orders to impose religion with force, with the sword. For this reason, Muslims don't recognise the freedom of religion among themselves or others."
Muslims attending: Muhammad al-Sammak, political counsellor to the Grand Mufti of Lebanon, representing Sunni Islam; and Ayatollah Seyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Ahmadabadi, a law professor at the Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran and member of the Iranian Academy of Sciences, representing Shia Islam.

Pope Benedict XVI has warned against "lashing out against violence "in God's name." I praise the Pontiff and the Archbishop. It is critically important that Catholics and Protestants stand together to reveal the truth of the Koran. I can think of no more important issue today, than defending the West against Islamization.

When Christian ministers speak out against Islam and its threat, they are branded "radical Christians," "fundamentalist Christians," or "extremist right-wing religious leaders," and accused of attacking Muslims. Here's a good example:
Rev. O’Neal Dozier is pastor of the Worldwide Christian Center in Pompano Beach, Florida. He is a Conservative Republican and had a long history of favor with the GOP and the Bush family. That is, until the day he said Islam is a cult and he had a problem with a Muslim mosque being built in his community. Then he was asked to step down from the Broward Judicial Nominating Committee. It is said that he was“controversial” because he, a minister of a Gospel of Jesus Christ would ask judicial candidates if they were “God-fearing”. Oh my, to think a minister would actually ask someone going into a post of authority if they fear God...
Every quarter or so, I post this important video on the demographics of Muslims in Western nations. You will be overwhelmed by what you see, just as free countries are already being overwhelmed by the Muslim birth rate.

Muslim Demographics: The Critical Birth Rate

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