
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nov. 2, 2010 Live Blogging Election Night: Updates as they Roll

Ongoing updates in the order I find the breaking news, hopefully in alphabetical order. Ongoing updates on Wednesday. Please refresh the page to latest results updated throught Wednesday.

*Bumped to Top Wednesday morning*
Scroll down for current posts


11:40 p.m. CDT 11/2/10 
Republicans reach 218 in the House, 
and climbing.

8:45 a.m. CDT 11/3/10
Republicans @ 239 in House, 
hopefully climbing
Democrats in House @ 184

Republicans in Senate @ 46
Democrats in Senate @ 49

11/2/10 8:20 p.m. from Drudge: Republicans wine Senate Seats in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Kansas, Missouri, North Dakota, New Hampshire, South Dakota.

11-2-10 8:20 p.m. from Drudge: Democrats win Connecticut, Deleware, Maryland, New York, West Virginia.

11-2-10 8:20 p.m. from Drudge: Too close to call: Pennsylvania, Illinois, Wisconsin.

11-2-10 8:30 p.m. Fox says Nevada is too close to call.

ALASKA 11/3/10 8:00 a.m. CDT: Fox this morning reports that Lisa Murkowski holds the lead at this time. The rece is still too close to call.

ARKANSAS: Republican John Boozman wins the U.S. Senate seat, and sends Democrat Senator Blanche Lincoln back to Missouri.

ARIZONA: Republican Senator John McCain keeps his senate seat - says this will be his last race. McCain defeated Democrat Rodney Glassman.

CALIFORNIA: Democrat Jerry Moonbeam Brown wins California governship, defeating Republican Meg Whitman. California, don't even think of a bailout!

CALIFORNIA: Democrat incumbent Senator Barbara Boxer defeats Republican Carly Fiorina for the U.S. Senate. Babs, remember when you told Republican Senator Jim Inhofe: "We won, get over it" (or something similar), wish I could hear what Inhofe has to say to you in private. 12:11 a.m. CDT: About an hour after reporting that Boxer has won, twitterers tweeted that the race is tied with Fiorina slightly ahead of Boxer. So, what's going on? Take a look at this time stamped two hours behind Oklahoma time, which is correct. It shows Fiorina in the lead 47.3% to 47% for Boxer.

11/3/10: Final results this morning show Boxer defeating Fiorina 52% to 42%.

COLORADO: 11:55 p.m. CDT Democrat incumbent Senator Mike Castle is slightly behind Republican challenger Ken Buck at this time.

CONNECTICUT: Democrat Richard Blumenthal (who lied about his military service - several times) wins the U.S. Senate seat over Republican Linda McMahon.

DELAWARE: Fox News calls the Delaware U.S. Senate race for Democrat Chris Coons. The controversial Republican Christine O'Donnell loses, as many predicted.

FLORIDA: Fox News calls the Florida U.S. Senate race for Marco Rubio! Woot! Rubio received 50% of the vote with former Republican Charlie Crist (who couldn't win the Republican primary - and filed Independent), losing big time with only 29% of the vote. Democrat Kendrick Meek almost did as well as Charlie Crist with 20% of the vote.

Marco Rubio

FLORIDA 8th District: According to CNN, incumbent Democrat Congressman Alan Grayson has lost his U.S. House seat. They nasty, rude and contention congressman lost to Republican Dan Webster, who Grayson called "Taliban Dan." WOOOOOHOOOOOO!

FLORIDA 22nd District: Republican Lt. Col. (ret) Allen West has defeated incumbent Democrat Ron Klein. Wooot!

FLORIDA: Republican Rick Scott defeat Democrat Alex Sink for Florida governor.

Rumored that Charlie Crist has a real estate agent hunting for tanning salons at a bargain basement price, since Obama hit them with a "special tax." [Just kidding...but who knows?]

IOWA: Republican Senator Charles Grassley retains his U.S. Senate seat, defeating Democrat Roxanne Conlin.

ILLINOIS: Republican challenger, Congressman Mark Kirk defeats Obama's close friend Alexi Giannoulis, for Obama's previous U.S. Senate seat. Kirk replaces Roland Burris who was appointed to Obama's seat after the 2008 elections.

INDIANA: Republican Larry Bucshon defeated Democrat Trent Van Haaften. According to CNN, this seat of one of three in the state Dems are in danger of losing.

KENTUCKY: Fox News has just called the Kentucky U.S. Senate race for Republican Rand Paul, leaving Jack Conway, known for hitting below the belt, trailing Paul 53% to 47%.
RAND PAUL: "I have a loud and clear message that doesn't mince words,  we've come to take our government back!" 
LOUISIANA: Republican Senator David Vitter retains his U.S. Senate seat, defeating Democrat Congressman Charlie Melancon.

MARYLAND: Democrat Senator Barbara Mikulski retains her senate seat, defeating Republican Eric Wargotz.

MARYLAND 1st District: Democrat incumbent Frank Kratovil is defeated by Republican andy Harris, 55% - 41%.

MASSACHUSETTS: Democrat Barney Franks goes back to Washington, defeating former Marine Sean Bielat. (I really hate this!) If there was any justice....

MASSACHUSETTS: Democrat Governor Deval Patrick retains the governorship, defeating Republican Charles Baker.

MICHIGAN: Republican Rick Snyder defeats Virg Bernero for Governor.

MICHIGAN 1st District: Democrat incumbent Gary McDowell has been defeated by Republican Dr. Dan Benishek.

MINNESOTA 5th District: Incumbent Democrat Keith Ellison has defeated challenger Republican Joel Demos.

MINNESOTA 6th District: Incumbent Republican Michelle Bachmann defeated Democrat challenger Tarryl Clark.

MISSISSIPPI 4th: Democrat incumbent Gene Taylor defeated by Republican Steven Palazzo. Taylor is a 21-year-veteran of the House. 

MISSOURI: Republican and current Congressman Roy Blunt has defeated Robin Carnahan for Republican Kit Bond's seat in the U.S. Senate. Another seat staying Republican.

MISSOURI 4th District: Democrat incumbent Ike Skelton has been defeated by Republican Vicky Hartzler. This is a big one!

NEVADA 9:45 p.m. CDT The U.S. Senate race between Democrat incumbent Harry Reid and Republican Sharon Angle is still too close to call. Get this: Skelton is pro-life, voted against health-car and was endorsed by the NRA - and he lost to a Republican.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Republican candidate, Kelly Ayotte wins the U.S. Senate seat retiring Republican Senator Judd Gregg's will vacate. The losing Democrat is Paul Hodes. The win was 62% to 35%. Ayotte was endorsed by Sarah Palin.

NORTH CAROLINA 2nd District: 10:20 pm CDT It appears Republican Renee Ellmers may have defeated Bad Bob Etheridge for the U.S. House seat. Still awaiting confirmation

NEW YORK: Democrat Andrew Cuomo will be New York's next governor, defeating Republican Carl Paladino.

NEW YORK 15th District: Corrupt Congressman Charlie Rangel keeps his seat in the U.S. House.

NORTH DAKOTA: North Dakota Governor John Hoeven has won a U.S. Senate seat for ND, defeating Democrat Tracy Potter. The state has not had a Republican govenor for 24 years.

OHIO: Senator Rob Portman retains the Republican seat in the U.S. House, defeating Lee Fisher.

OHIO: Democrat Governor Ted Strickland defeated by former Republican Congressman, John Kasich.

OKLAHOMA: Senator Tom Coburn retains the U.S. House seat.

OKLAHOMA: Republican Congresswoman Mary Fallin will be the first woman in the Governor's mansion, and steps into the office with a Democrat term-limited-out. Jari Askins, the former Democrat Lt. Governor was defeated by Fallin 58% to 42%.

PENNSYLVANIA: Fox at 8:46 p.m. CDT The race between incumbent Joe Sestak and Pat Toomey is too close to call. 10:40 p.m. CDT: I'm reading that Toomey is up 120,000 votes and that Toomey wins, but this is unconfirmed. 11:10 p.m. CDT Fox calls it for Pat Toomey for Pennsylvania U.S. Senate seat.

PENNSYLVANIA: Republican Tom Corbett is projected to defeat Democrat Dan Onorato for Pennsylvania's governors race.

PENNSYLVANIA 10th District: Democrat incumbent Chris Carney was deafeated by Republican Thomas Marino, 54% - 46%.

PENNSYLVANIA 11th District: Republican Lou Barletta takes Congressman Paul Kanjorski's U.S. House seat, 54% - 46%, in a very blue district. 

SOUTH CAROLINA: Fox News has called the South Carolina Senate race for Republican incumbent, Senator Jim DeMint challenged (kinda-sorta by Democrat Alvin Greene). Greene is facing felony charges for showing lewd material to a college student.

SOUTH CAROLINA: 9:20 p.m. CDT Governor's race between Republican Nikki Haley and Democrat Vincent Sheheen is too close to call.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Republican challenger Renee Ellmers has defeated man-handling-Democrat-incumbent-Bob Etheridge. Woot!

SOUTH CAROLINA 2nd District: 9:20 p.m. CDT Still no word on the U.S. House race between incumbent Congressman Joe Wilson and Democrat challenger Rob Miller.

SOUTH CAROLINA 5th District: Democrat 28-yr incumbent John Spratt is defeated by Republican Mick Mulvaney, 54% - 46%.

SOUTH DAKOTA: Republican Kristi Noem defeats Democrat-at-large incumbent Stephanie Herseth Sandlin.

TEXAS: ABC calls Texas governor for the sitting-Republican-Governor Rick Perry.

TEXAS 17th District: Republican Bill Flores becomes a new congressman in Texas, defeating long time congressman Chet Edwards,  61% - 37%.

WEST VIRGINIA: Democrat Governor Joe Manchin wins the U.S. Senate seat, defeating Republican  John Raese.

VERMONT: Democrat Senator Patrick Leahy retains his U.S. Senate seat against Republican challenger Len Britton.

VIRGINIA 2nd District: Democrat incumbent Glenn Nye is defeated by Republican Scott Rigell.

VIRGINIA 5th District goes to Republican Robert Hurt, defeating Democrat Tom Perriello - who Obama showed up to campaign for just a few days ago. Perriello loses to Hurt 52% to 46%.

WISCONSIN: 8:45 p.m. CDT U.S. Senate race between Democrat incumbent Russ Feingold and Republican Ron Johnson is too close to call. Democrat incumbent Senator Russ Feingold is defeated by Republican Ron Johnson.

NOTE: CBS is whining that only 8% of Hispanics turned out to vote.

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