
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Carla Bruni Sarkozy Cartoons Michelle and Barack Obama: Carla Bruni Effect on Politics

Carla Bruni Sarkozy, the wife of the President of France Nicolas Sarkozy, launched her own website yesterday. She debuts by cartooning Michelle and Barack Obama, or not, with her own line drawings.

Carla Bruni Sarkozy and Nicolas Sarkozy

The website is confusing. Someone quotes "Carla," and it appears to be Carla quoting Carla. There are no author names attached to the articles, and a "whisper" by Carla, into the ear of Michelle Obama is cited. The conclusion: Carla Bruni Sarkozy has written every entry, or maybe not. There is a lot of third person writing with no attribution.

Her "gallery" contains her photographs and her own drawings. When you move your cursor over the drawing of Michelle and Barack, only Michelle is identified.

Bruni give Laura Bush a double-chin effect. She takes a few years off of her husband, Nicolas Sarkozy, ditto Bob Dylan. The Brits are not happy with her depiction of Sarah Brown.

In an article about being in Pittsburgh for the recent G-20, Bruni says Obama choose Pittsburgh to recognize the city's "reconversion to the green economy..." She said Michelle Obama "played" the role of hostess. All of the G-20 ladies visited the home of ketchep heiress Theresa Heinz Kerry.

There is something in French politics known as "the Carla Bruni effect."

French ministers are succumbing to the "Carla Bruni effect", vying to keep up with Nicolas Sarkozy's weight loss programme following reports that one MP was told to shed pounds if he wanted a top job.

Under the influence of his wife, a former supermodel-turned-singer 13 years his junior, Mr Sarkozy, 54, has been following a gruelling self-improvement regime and is said to have lost 15 pounds. He has dropped favourite snacks like chocolate and his exercise and diet is closely monitored by the first lady's personal trainer.

Check out Carla Bruni-Sarkozy's image of Michelle and Barack Obama here. Cartoon, or not?

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