
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hannity NAMBLA Jennings: Kevin Jennings Harry Hay and NAMBLA - Video

Kevin Jennings, Obama's Safe Schools Czar, was "inspired" by Harry Hay, an icon of NAMBLA - the North American Man Boy Love Association, the founder of Radical Faeries, and a communist. Hannity interviewed a former FBI undercover agent with NAMBLA Bob Hamer, who infiltrated NAMBLA. This is a must see video, especially since NAMBLA has gone underground for the last couple of years. See video below. See update below video.

Harry Hay

To be clear, Harry Hay was not a member of NAMBLA, but he spoke at multiple conferences and I have links to some of them along with quotes. Harry Hay was a major supporter of NAMBLA. There is no insinuation in this post that Kevin Jennings is a member of NAMBLA.

Kevin Jennings said he was "inspired" by Harry Hay. Regular Folks offers a link to a 1977 transcript [and other great commentary about Jennings] with Jennings speaking: Promoting Homosexuality in Schools. Here is the quote that everyone is talking about today:
One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay, who started the first ongoing gay rights groups in America. In 1948, he tried to get people to join the Mattachine Society [the first American homosexual “rights” group]. It took him two years to find one other person who would join.
To evaluate whether it is odd that the Safe Schools Czar would be inspired by Harry Hay, and promote Hay's work in this own organization, GLSEN, here's some information about Harry Hay [beware: it is not for the squeamish]:

Harry Hay formed the Mattachine Society, designed to support gay men, in 1951. He had a problem, however, because he was also a Communist, and the Communist Party and its constitution did not allow gay men into their membership. There are differing stories about what happened next, but it appears that he quit the party to protect it from his reputation with Mattachine and his gay lifestyle in general. Officially, he was deemed "a security risk" because of his homosexuality, but his homosexuality was never really mentioned:
Hay responded by describing to her “the ancient and traditional pact faithfully adhered to in the Homosexual Brotherhood wherein one never reveals the identity of another without his permission—under any circumstances—even in the face of Party membership requirements.”
Hay is viewed as a man who "put the party ahead of his own lie's struggle." By the way, he was eventually driven out of the Mattachine because of his "radicalism."

Hay and his almost lifelong partner, John Burnside, formed the Radical Faeries. They are known as the Fathers of the Radical Faeries, Harry Hay is/was known as "A Gay Faerie Elder." If you are brave enough to go there, there is a website Be prudent about what photo pages you go to. Here's a quote from Mr. Hay:
"Confronted with the loving-sharing Consensus of subject-SUBJECT relationships all Authoritarianism must vanish. The Fairy Family Circle, co-joined in the shared vision of non-possessive love -- which is the granting to any other and all others that total space wherein each may grow and soar to his own freely-selected, full potential -- reaching out to one another subject-to-SUBJECT, becomes for the first time in history the true working model of a Sharing Consensus!" -- Harry Hay, Arizona, 1979

Hay died in 2002. Here is a memorial statement from
Harry Hay passed peacefully in his sleep at 2am on October 24, 2002, with a waxing full moon in Gemini. His partner John Burnside and longtime friend Joey Cain were with him when he died.
Please hold the Dutchess in your thoughts, throw glitter, be real with someone, kiss a man in public, or jack off to help Harry have a good transition. She loved us very much, and we have much to thank the cantankerous old girl for...
Harry Hay did more than lend his support to NAMBLA. Read what is alleged to be the transcript of a speech Hay gave to a NAMBLA Conference in New York City on June 25, 1994. Some snippets:
It is my purpose today, in this brief discourse, to lay out for your delection these ingredients, which you might find engaging in devising a fresh decor for your 1990s parameters, ones that might infer delightful hidden approaches to gay spirit. 
The image of the older devotee being totally responsible for the shining boy Apollo, whose inspirational shaping is within his spirit care, the modern-day equivalent of the immortal pair of the older-younger lovers of the Theban Band, each nonpossessively challenging the other to grow and develop to his finest potential, continues to embody, in my view, the responsible cutting edge of gay spirit, a truly shining path to live for. 
In today’s frightening world where the hysteria of the hetero world is clearly out of control, we all of us need more of such hand holds to steady our courses.
He also spoke at NAMBLA Conferences in San Francisco in 1984 and Los Angeles 1986, as well as a "Forum at New York University 1983 and the Spirit of Stonewall Conference, New York 1994.

At the 1984 San Francisco NAMBLA Conference, Hay said he was not a member of NAMBLA, but he wanted to pay "honor" to the
...the men who were there when I needed them so very desperately, and who reached out in love, and who reached out in trust, and who gave me the opportunity to learn love and trust at a very early age.
So I’m about twelve years old and I swim very well at this point—very good swimming underwater and various other things.  And so I don’t go into the kids’ pool, I  go in the big pool.  And I had this experience probably five or six times.  Some man comes up to me, wants me to see how long he can stay underwater.  And it’s important for me to understand just how long he stays underwater.  He’s going to go way down to the other end of the pool and he’s going to come up between my legs and he’s going to come out the other end.  So he goes down to the other side, he swims through my legs, and he [does?] my c**k out of my bathing suit and he caresses it a couple of times and comes out the other end.  And then he is going to come back.  So he comes back through again, and this time spends a little more time.
I think it’s important to realize that I know perfectly well that I can stop this game any moment that I want.  I can call the attention of the kids around me to what’s happening.  And I know perfectly well that he’s going to be hauled off.  I don’t know exactly what’s going to happen to him, but I know they will come and get him because I’ve seen that happen before, already at twelve years old.  But I am not going to reveal this man.  I’m not going to reveal him because in me there’s a sense of loyalty.  I’m not going to reveal him to the others around him,  I’m not going to expose him, and I’m also not going to expose myself either….
Hay makes it clear that he was manipulated, not molested and not brainwashed.

At the New York University NAMBLA Forum in 1983:
I also would like to say at this point that it seems to me that in the gay community the people who should be running interference for NAMBLA are the parents and friends of gays.  Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world.   And they would be welcoming this, and welcoming the opportunity for young gay kids to have the kind of experience that they would need.
With everything we know about Kevin Jennings, and if you don't know much, there is a link below with details, Kevin Jennings needs leave the office of Safe Schools Czar. What is really disgusting is the President Obama hasn't already fired him, and even more disgusting is that Obama considered Jennings for the job in the first place.

Hannity, NAMBLA, Kevin Jennings and Bob Hamar (video)

Related and Background:

New Update: Harry Hay, Kevin Jennings: Harry Hay and NAMBLA

Kevin Jennings Safe School Czar: Kevin Jennings Condom for 15 Year Old Boy

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