
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Acorn Funding Ban Reinstated: Gershon Order Stayed: No Money for Acorn

The U.S. Court of Appeals Second Circuit has temporarily overridden Judge Nina Gershon's order to reinstate Congressional funding of ACORN. After ACORN was outed in the "Pimp and "Prostitute undercover stories, Congress defunded the organization, which was shown to be willing to provide advice on how the "pimp and the prostitute," visiting numerous ACORN offices across the United States, could hide income from the IRS in an operation to smuggle 13-year-old girls into the country for prostitution.

 Darrell Issa

After Congress yanked their funds, ACORN sued. Gershon reinstated the money machine, and our tax money began flowing to this outrageous organization again. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals will now further review the case, but the money will be stopped immediately (whatever "immediately" means in Congress).

Today, Rep. Darrell Issa, the ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and Judiciary Committee Member announced that the funding has once more been stopped -- but temorarily.
"I applaud the Court of Appeals for immediately addressing the effects of judge Gershon's attempt to legislate from the bench. Today's action immediately restores the congressionally mandated ban on funding ACORN and its affiliates as a result of their criminal conduct and wasting of taxpayer dollars. Congress has the constitutional right to deny an organization the benefit of taxpayer dollars.

With today's action by the Appeals Court, the Obama Administration must take immediate steps to re-implement the funding ban for ACORN Congress put in to law. In recent months, ACORN has undergone a rebranding campaign to disguise itself and its affiliates. As a result, the White House and all federal agencies must be extremely vigilant to ensure that rebranded organizations who have continued to make deals and maintain connections to ACORN don't receive taxpayer dollars."
Click here for a copy of the Appeals Court Decision to Stay Judge Gershon’s injunction on implementing the Federal funding ban on ACORN.

Click here to read the April 2010 report entitled “ACORN Political Machine Tries to Reinvent Itself.”

Click here to read the February 2010 report entitled “Follow the Money: ACORN, SEIU and their Political Allies.”

Click here to read the July 2009 report entitled “Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise?”

Related and Background:

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