
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ten Buck Friday Blogs Send Their Bucks to Eric Wargotz Week 3

Dr. Eric Wargotz is the run-away winner of Ten Buck Friday donations for Week 3. Wargotz is running for the U.S. Senate seat from Maryland against incumbent Democrat, Senate Barbara Mikulski. See a video below.

Dr. Eric Wargotz 

Eric Wargotz is a physician and the elected president of the Queen Anne's County Commission.
Commissioner Eric Wargotz received his M.D. from the Ohio State University College of Medicine and is a graduate of Rutgers University. He completed his post graduate medical training, including Chief Residency, at the Veterans Administration Medical Center of Washington D.C. and the George Washington University Medical Center where he received the Frank N. Miller, M.D. Award for Excellence in Medical Student Teaching.
Eric Wargotz is a physician-businessman managing several medical businesses. He served as a Laboratory Medical Director for 17 years responsible foradministering and managing a busy hospital department including operating and capital budgets, management team and employees totaling over 100 at times, and scrutinizing department. and hospital activities to ensure proper utilization of resources.
He is former President of the Queen Anne’s County Medical Society (QACMS 2000 – 2004) and is Clinical Professor of Pathology at the George Washington University Medical Center and a member of their Medical School Admissions Committee.
The County Commissioners awarded him a certificate of appreciation in recognition of “civic and meritorious service” for his services in 2004. He has been honored for his civic service through House Resolution #280 2004 and Senate Resolution #470 2004. A House of Delegates Official Citation was received in 2003. 
Dr. Wargotz' and his wife Cheryl-Ann have been married 14 years and have three children. See a list of his community and civic activities at the Examiner, and read more on his conservative philosophy. The video below is a good (although noisy) interview at CPAC 2010. Wargotz is asked many questions, some quite difficult. While he did not have time for lengthy answers he answered each with conviction, and he obviously believes strongly in State's rights. Read this for his own statement.

Wargotz has received the endorsement of Major General Paul Vallely, retired Army. Vallely is a Viet Nam veteran and a senior military analyst for Fox News. He speaks loudly and often about the threat of Islam and is spearheading an Impeach Obama campaign...and has asked President Obama to resign. Endorsed by the Republicans for Environmental Protection,

Dr. Wartgotz is trying to unseat incumbent Senator Barbara Mikulski, who earlier this year was rumored to be retiring. GovTrack rates her a "far-left Democrat. She votes with her Party 98.5% of the time. The very Progressive EMILY's List is her biggest donor. Mikulski served in the U.S. House from Maryland's 3rd District from 1977-1986, then moved to the Senate in 1987 - so that is about 23 years in Washington, D.C.

In the September primary, Wargotz is facing other Republicans, including Dr. Neil Cohen [dentist] described as a "moderate Republican."

Update 7-10-10: There has been some controversy regarding Dr. Wargotz. Please read this before making your donation.

Update 7-13-10: Liberty at Stake took the initiative to contact Dr. Wargotz directly. Here is his email and the reply from Wargotz follows:
Dr. Wargotz, I am a conservative citizen participating in the Ten Buck Fridays bloggers program. You must of course know you won the week three voting. In the aftermath of the voting, the claim was raised that you had once said in an interview (paraphrasing) "you hoped President Obama would extend health care benefits to illegal aliens."
If this in fact means you are in favor of blanket amnesty for illegal aliens, I would be unable to send you my Ten Buck Fridays donation.    
But, if you can clarify your stand for me, by answering the following simple questions, I will ensure all the other bloggers in the Ten Buck Fridays Program are apprised of your clarification (and I will of course follow through with the donation at that point.)    
1. Will you support the conservative position that the border must be secured before any other "reform" is undertaken?    
2. Will you support the conservative position that (only after securing the border) any "path to citizenship" in any "reform" must ensure illegal aliens are NOT granted citizenship ahead of anyone presently standing in line under the legal immigration system.    
Thank you in advance for your thoughtful reply.
From Dr. Wargotz to Liberty at Stake:
1. I categorically deny that I have ever stated verbally or in writing that I favor extending health care to illegal aliens.  I have stated that it is ashame that the president and congress chose not to address illegal aliens when debating the health care issue since the illegals have such an adverse effect on our health care system.  
2. I have always stated that the borders must be secured first and our laws must be enforced.  
3. I have always stated that citizenship / amnesty is not an option for illegals.  We must not reward people who break our laws.  
I hope this clarifies my position.   
Did you know that in my 3.5 years as County Commissioner Queen Anne's County has become a member of the Federal Secure Communities program (google it) in April of this year, has deported the most illegals out of all the counties on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and has adopted a resolution pertaining to vendors in the county against hiring illegal immigrants?  
All initiated under my watch ( I was the functional Chair of the Commission for my first 2 years.)  End Wargotz reply.
[Liberty at Stake] I think he said his take on path to citizenship is even tougher than mine.  That's good enough for me to follow through with the program, and look forward to giving the contemptible progressive Babs Mikulski her pink slip. Cheers. 
Thanks to Liberty at Stake who took the time to inquire into the controversy.

On the donation form, in the space asking for occupation, 
please add 
Donated with Ten Buck Friday bloggers

See the latest list of participants after the video.

Eric Wargotz Ten Buck Fridays Winner Week 3 (video)

  1. The Other McCain
  2. Stop the ACLU 
  3. Proof Positive 
  4. just a conservative girl 
  5. JBlog Central 
  6. Maggie's Notebook 
  7. Polemicon
  8. The Conservative Lady 
  9. Right Truth 
  10. The Camp of The Saints 
  11. AmericanNation 
  12. GeeeeeZ!
  13. Randy's Roundtable 
  14. Left Coast Rebel
  15. Mind Numbed Robot
  16. Hack Wilson
  17. The War Planner
  18. Libertarian Advocate 
  19. Lady Cincinnatus
  20. RightKlik 
  21. Conscientiously Conservative - the birth mother of Ten Buck Fridays!
  22. Old Line Elephant
  23. Spartanburg Tea Party
  24. Anthropocon
  25. MerrieMarie
  26. Conservative Scalawag
  27. 20/10 Blog
  28. Fuzzy Logic
  29. Before it's News
  30. Action for Liberty
  31. Adrienne's Corner
  32. Reaganite Republican
  33. Lonely Conservative
  34. Michigan Blogger
  35. Nice Deb
  36. Pirate's Cove
  37. That's Right
  38. Potluck
  39. Rightosphere
  40. Caught Him With a Corndog
  41. The Resistance
  43. Gulag Blog
  44. MoreMonmouthMusings
  45. Right, Wing-Nut!
  46. World Daily News
  47. Lilac Sunday
  48. At The Point Of A Gun
  49. WyBlog
  50. Red Virginia Conservative Railroad
  51. Thirteen Stars
  52. America! Oh How We'll Miss You!
  53. Salisbury News
  54. Liberty at Stake
  55. No Sheeples Here
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