
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

TSA Preserves Porn - Bans Controversial Opinion

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has banned workers using government computers to surf over to websites with controversial opinions. Porn sites, however, have been preserved in keeping with the past history of government workers immersed in pornography.

TSA Preserves Porn, Bans "Controversial Opinion"

TSA has not explained what websites provide a "controversial opinion." CBS asked for a definition of and received no answer. It's doubtful any of the mainstream media is concerned about it, being the shills for Barack Obama that they are.

Five categories are banned for taxpayer servants: Chat and Messaging, Controversial Conservative Opinion, Criminal Activity, Extreme violence and Gruesome content (including cartoon violence), and gaming.

See, no porn in the banned list.

Recently, the Minerals Management Service, responsible for approving BP's out-of-date and deadly faulty plan, admitted they did some meth - METH of all things, and some porn at the office.

While the nation's financial institutions invested your money in risky business, the government workers hired to watch Big Finance, the SEC, viewed porn sites more often than not. (SEC).

Last Fall, porn viewers at the National Science Foundation was "so pervasive"  an internal "watchdog" had to cut back on it's mission of "investigating grant fraud and recovering misspent dollars."
"To manage this dramatic increase without an increase in staff required us to significantly reduce our efforts to investigate grant fraud," the inspector general recently told Congress in a budget request. "We anticipate a significant decline in investigative recoveries and prosecutions in coming years as a direct result."
How sick are these people, specifically those in Management? I've had enough. How about you?

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