

Friday, April 23, 2010

SEC Porn Rampant - Senior Level Employees Porn All The Time

We've talked about this before, but here's the latest, as we hear that in 33 probes, the SEC employees involved are receiving punishment of some kind - one has been fired.

Securities Exchange Commission (SEC)

From NYDailyNews:
The country's top financial watchdogs turned out to be horndogs who spent hours gawking at porn Web sites as the economy teetered on the brink, according to a memo released Thursday night.
The shocking findings include Securities and Exchange Commission [SEC] senior staffers using government computers to browse for booty and an accountant who tried to access the raunchy sites 16,000 times in one month...
Seventeen of the randy employees were "at a senior level" earning salaries of up to $222,481.
 We should not forget that the SEC is now run by Mary Schapiro, who was not at the SEC when the porn-surfing was the daily routine. She was the head of FINRA, overseeing Nasdaq and the NY Stock Exchange brokers and securities dealers. She turned a blind-eye to Bernie Madoff - with a whistleblower desperately trying to get her attention. Then Obama promoted her to the SEC head.

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