
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Barney Frank Looking Forward to Lame Duck Session

When I watched Barney Frank's angry tirade of a victory speech, I missed this warning he had for us. I suppose it's the Charlie Brown effect the Democrats have on us. That and the irrational fear that his spit would somehow fly through my monitory into my eye.
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) prefers the upcoming ‘lame duck’ session to facing a Republican-controlled House of Representatives.During his acceptance speech last night, the incumbent Democrat criticized Republicans, the Tea Party and the incoming house.

“I go back to Washington in two weeks, in the lame duck session, and uh, actually, compared to what it will be next year lame duck is probably going to look good by comparison. Because we’re going to have a difficult time in which the far right wing dominates that party and they’ll get a chance to see what they really can produce,” Frank said.

They're counting on his being preoccupied with our holiday preparations and reveling in victory while they ram through more of their radical agenda. Beware!

Cross posted at The Lonely Conservative

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