
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why is Dan Maffei Fundraising for Absentee Ballot Count in NY25?

In the NY25 race, Republican Ann Marie Buerkle leads incumbent Democrat Dan Maffei by 659 votes. We're waiting for the absentee ballots to be counted to find out the final tally. Ann Marie released the following statement today:
“Our lead in the initial vote count reflects what we have said throughout this campaign –that the people of Upstate New York want to reign in the excesses of the last two years and regain their voice in Washington. I am pleased to have won the initial count. We are confident that when all eligible absentee ballots are counted – that we will remain ahead – and victorious.

“Our success in this campaign is due in large part to the tireless efforts on the part of our volunteers. We still need their help and support as the process continues.

“Please go to to get involved and help us cross the finish line.”
From everything I've heard, it could be a few days, or even weeks before every ballot is counted.

According to Robert Harding, Dan Maffei sent out an email asking his supporters for more money.
What happened to the $2 million plus Maffei raised for the campaign? Is there nothing left over after running all of those attack ads against Ann Marie Buerkle day in and day out? And why does he need money? What's he got planned? Doesn't he trust the Board of Elections to count the votes? Are a few thousand Maffei ballots going to magically appear?

Keep an eye on this one - I smell a rat.

Update: Here's the text of the email. (Links disabled - LOL!)
It's been a long few days, but I wanted to give you an update on my race. While it still has not been called, we are neck and neck, with thousands of absentee ballots to be counted. National Republicans are already starting to send folks up to my district - and as Florida in 2000 showed us, they will do anything to win.

We need to make sure that every vote is counted.

Can you contribute today?
We need your help right now. We are in the process of assembling our team to help ensure that every vote is counted, but this is a costly process. We need to raise $25,000 by Monday to make sure that we have the strongest team possible. Your generous support has gotten us to this point - but we need your help to ensure Republicans can't steal this election

Can you contribute today?

This process could take days, possibly weeks, but I have every confidence that we will come out victorious.

Oh yeah, Republicans steal elections. Tell that to Al Franken!

Cross posted from The Lonely Conservative

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