

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Iraqi's Pefer TODAY to Saddam

This Sunday morning brings the news that many conservatives knew should be a reality, but couldn't confirm in the news. The March 18th UK Sunday TimesOnline reports this:

The poll, the biggest since coalition troops entered Iraq on March 20, 2003, shows that by a majority of two to one, Iraqis prefer the current leadership to Saddam Hussein’s regime, regardless of the security crisis and a lack of public services. The survey, published today, also reveals that contrary to the views of many western analysts, most Iraqis do not believe they are embroiled in a civil war.
And, so there can be no claims that the poll was sabotaged by pollers with an agenda, this direct from the UK Sunday TimesOnline.com:
Officials in Washington and London are likely to be buoyed by the poll conducted by Opinion Research Business (ORB), a respected British market research company that funded its own survey of 5,019 Iraqis over the age of 18. The 400 interviewers who fanned out across Iraq last month found that the sense of security felt by Baghdad residents had significantly improved since polling carried out before the US announced in January that it was sending in a “surge” of more than 20,000 extra troops.
The TimesOnline.com on Maliki in February 2007 compared to September 2007:
The poll suggests a significant increase in support for Maliki. A survey conducted by ORB in September last year found that only 29% of Iraqis had a favourable opinion of the prime minister. Yet 49% of those questioned preferred life under Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister, to living under Saddam. Only 26% said things had been better in Saddam’s era, while 16% said the two leaders were as bad as each other and the rest did not know or refused to answer.
Still on Maliki, a few paragraphs down in the article:
“We’ve been polling in Iraq since 2005 and the finding that most surprised us was how many Iraqis expressed support for the present government,” said Johnny Heald, managing director of ORB. “Given the level of violence in Iraq, it shows an unexpected level of optimism.”
The TimesOnline.com on Iraqi's and Civil War:
Another surprise was that only 27% believed they were caught up in a civil war. Again, that number divided along religious lines, with 41% of Sunnis believing Iraq was in a civil war, compared with only 15% of Shi’ites.
And then, the UK TimesOnLine.com does some updating this weekend, in Iraqi neighborhoods:
This weekend comments from Baghdad residents reflected the poll’s findings. Many said they were starting to feel more secure on the streets, although horrific bombings have continued. “The Americans have checkpoints and the most important thing is they don’t ask for ID, whether you are Sunni or Shi’ite,” said one resident. “There are no more fake checkpoints so you don’t need to be scared.” The inhabitants of a northern Baghdad district were heartened to see on the concrete blocks protecting an Iraqi army checkpoint the lettering: “Down, down with the militias, we are fighting for the sake of Iraq.”
This only makes sense. Who can believe that life was better under Saddam? Only those who benefited from being an insider. Read the good news and the entire article at UK Sunday TimesOnLine.com Also reporting on television and online: Fox News: Only 27% of Iraqis say Country in Civil War
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Linked blogs may or may not coincide happily with Maggie's Notebook. Also talking about good news in Iraq:Outside the Beltway Stormwarning's Counterterroism with What Civil War? Gas Attacks and Future Stability. Excerpt: Clearly, the outcome of the Iraqi adventure is still too far off the predict, but in spite of the constant barrage of bad news and suicide bombers, along with the recent chlorine gas attack (Iraq gas attack makes hundreds ill), Trackposted to The Amboy Times Blog @ MoreWhat.com, sissunchi, Cao's Blog, Faultline USA, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. Technorati Tags:

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