Maggie's Notebook in Chicago Sun-Times, Reuters and other media:
The following are chosen for their continued relevance today:
Doug Hoffman - Sarah Palin: Palin's Hoffman Endorsement
David Mamet Conservative Thought
Gamaliel Foundation Prayer to Obama: Hear our Prayer Obama
Michelle Obama Disciplined - or Not?
Michelle Obama Disbarment or Disciplined?
Bill Clinton's Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Detroit $15M Stimulus Money to Pay Rent, House the Homeless
Media Malpractice: Silence Deafening on Ayers' Authorship
Jim DeMint Honduras Trip: Zelaya and The Supreme Court
Oil for Basket of Currency: Falling Dollar Road to One World Currency
Audra Mae and Bob Dylan's Forever Young: Audra's New CD
No Health Care Bill : Memorial Hermann Hospital The Woodland
Roger Ebert on Derrion Albert: Use Olympic Funds to Make the City Safe
Derrion Albert is Chicago Honor Student Murdered
Mark Turner and Russell Edgar: Turner's Bar Complaint Response
Mark Turner and Leonard Patrick Gonzalez - New Charges
Mark Turner - Pensacola Injustice and Patrick Gonzalez?
Mark Turner Needs Your Help: New Trial for Mark Turner?
Patrick Poff Gonzales Approached to "Whack" Bud Billings?
Sheriff Morgan: Patrick Gonzalez Contract Murders?
Leona Beldini is Arrested Deputy Mayor of Jersey City
Obama Bypasses School Superintendents
Fox Chicago 2016 Olympic: Take it to Rio: Michelle and Oprah to Copenhagen?
Bernake and Paulson Lies: Barofsky Exposes Bernake and Paulson
Bill Sparkman, Census Worker Murdered: Beck Blamed?
Billings Daughter: Ashley Markham and Sheriff Dave Morgan on Oprah
Sizing Up Barack Obama: Who is He, What is He Up To?
Crime Writer Dominick Dunne Dies
Susan Denice Atkins, Scariest Manson Girl Dies: Sharon Tate Killer Dies
Shane Bauer: American Held in Iran
American Police Force Armed in Montana?
Darlene Haynes Baby Found: Julie Corey is Darlene Haynes' Murderer?
Monica Conyers is John Conyers Wife
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad is American-turned Muslim Soldier's Killer, Carlos Bledsoe
George Obama is Barack Obama's Brother National Council of Churches: Far Left and Dangerous
Sarah Palin Ethics Charges: Palin Cleared of Every Charge Terry Barnich is Contractor Killed in Iraq
Geithner's Enablers in the U.S. Senate
Tracking the Mess of Fannie and Freddie
Political Funding and Manuevering in The Time of Obama: Exposed
Daniel Hannan: Do We Have a Daniel Hannan in our Congress?
Obama Promised Americans the Same Health Care as Congress
Obama and Abortion: FOCA Looms Islam Hi-Jacks American Labor Day
Palin is Powerful on Obama-Ayers Colin Powell's Intellectual Dishonesty
Obama's Mother's Divorce from Obama Sr. - Papers Available, kinda sorta
Jackson Nanny Grace Rwaramba
Dropping Christmas but Keeping the Manger
Conspiracy of the Lemmings: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis; Part II
Cigarette Tax Hike Huge
Roxana Saberi American Journalist: Saberi Convicted, Sentenced in Iran Chicagoans Vandalize Parking Meters
A Chicagoan's Perspective on Obama, Rezko and Corruption
Why the Obama-Ayers Connection Matters
Our Northern Neighbors: Touch Times with Islam
Barack Obama's Socialist and Communist Connection In Kenya Obama-Ayers Funnel Funds to Jeremiah Wright and The Arab American Network?
Barack Obama's Chicago African Village

Member of the Chicago SunTimes News Group
A Mother of a Fallen American Soldier Welcomes Home Her Son's Company
Liberty Sun U.S. Flagged Ship: Pirates Attacked Liberty Sun Off SomaliaColin Powell's Intellectual Dishonesty
Member of Sun-Times Media
Obama and Abortion: FOCA Looms

Fairness Doctrine: Not Your Daddy's Doctrine
UAW Jobs Bank Breaks the Bank: Organized Slackers
Newt Gingrich on Paulson and Mark to Market
The Somali's Only Documented Act of Assimiliaton
Tracking the Mess of Fannie and Freddie
Islam Hi-Jacks American Labor Day
Barack Obama's Socialist and Communist Connection
Palestinians All Excited About Israel's Interest in Saudi Peace Plan
Rice in Baghdad: Security Agreement Drafted
Boehner Promises to Stand Strong on These Issues
Conspiracy of the Lemmings: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis; Part II
Joe the Plumber and Neil Cavuto - Both are Heros Obama Wants Joe the Plumber's Wealth!
Palin is Powerful on Obama-Ayers
My Christmas Tree and Other Famous Trees
Oklahoma "Ethics" Bend to Pay Raises