

Monday, September 8, 2008

Obama's "Tissue-Thin Resume" Falls to McCain's Unshakeable Devotion to Principle

The New York Post says McCain is the man, and issues a powerfully worded endorsement.

THE Post today enthusiastically urges the election of Sen. John S. McCain as the 44th president of the United States. McCain's lifelong record of service to America, his battle-tested courage, unshakeable devotion to principle and clear grasp of the dangers and opportunities now facing the nation stand in dramatic contrast to the tissue-paper-thin résumé of his Democratic opponent, freshman Sen. Barack Obama.
Here's the NY Post's four (4) rock-solid reasons to vote for McCain, [and they say there "many"]:
(1) National security: The differences between McCain and Obama are especially stark. McCain says 9/11 represented a two-decade "failure . . . to respond to . . . a [growing] global terror network." He understood that Iraq is a critical front in the war on terror - and he urged perseverance even in the dark days that preceded the success of "the surge." Obama backed policies that would have abandoned Iraq to its fate, he bitterly opposed the surge, and once insisted that US forces invade Pakistan in search of Osama bin Laden - seemingly without regard for the potential consequences of attacking a nuclear-armed nation, ally or not. Regarding a nuclear Iran, McCain has pushed for the strongest possible international sanctions and diplomatic pressure. Obama opposes sanctions. And, when Russia invaded the former Soviet republic of Georgia, threatening a return to the Cold War, McCain reacted with stern disapprobation: "We must remind Russia's leaders that the benefits they enjoy from being part of the civilized world require their respect for the values, stability and peace of that world." Obama called for UN action - unaware, apparently, that Russia's Security Council veto would have prevented any. (2) Taxes: McCain knows that when government absorbs ever-larger shares of national income, the economy suffers. High tax rates diminish investment, killing jobs and stunting growth. And while Obama promises tax cuts for "95 percent" of Americans, what he actually is proposing is some $650 billion in tax-credit-driven hikes in entitlement and other spending, to be paid for with heavier imposts across the board, but especially on investment - like a sharply higher capital-gains tax. This is bad news for the millions of ordinary Americans who own stocks, either personally or through pension funds or who plan someday to sell their homes or other real property. McCain, wisely, vows to keep capital-gains taxes at 15 percent and to keep the Bush-era tax cuts in place - understanding that new growth will boost revenue, and promising to make up the rest with spending restraint. And he's called for a one-year freeze on most discretionary spending and an end to pork-barrel giveaways. (3) Trade: "I object when Senator Obama and others preach the false virtues of economic isolationism," says McCain - noting that "globalization is an opportunity" for US workers. He adds that while emerging economies like those of China and India are worrisome, the answer is competition informed by education and innovation - not protectionism. (4) Energy: On the economic issue most vexing Americans today - energy prices - McCain is aggressive He is a strong convert to offshore drilling: "We have trillions of dollars' worth of oil and gas reserves in the US at a time we are exporting hundreds of billions of dollars a year overseas to buy energy." He also strongly backs nuclear power - a carbon-free form of energy that America can produce relatively cheaply. Obama, meanwhile, hews to the Democratic Party line on energy: no nukes, no drilling and no comprehension of the consequences of such policies.... In the end, though, sound security, economic and energy policies - plus allegiance to principle - are critical to keeping America safe and strong. On all counts, John McCain and Sarah Palin understand this - and that's why we're in their corner to the finish.
In the meantime, publications and blogs posture and ponder, and would have us believe that some thought must be given to their own endorsement...yeah, right! Boston.com"New York Post gives early nod to McCain." "It's still nearly two months until Election Day..." Editor and Publisher: it is not a surprise that the New York Post would endorse John McCain for president. But doing so nearly two months before Election Day is a bit unusual. The Huffington Post questions Rupert Murdoch's role in the endorsement and Politico's Michael Calderone marvels at Murdoch's bait and switch:
It shouldn't be surprising that the right-leaning editorial board chose McCain... Recently, Murdoch [Post owner] -- ever the pragmatist -- told Michael Wolff that between the two, Obama would "sell more papers.” And at conferences, Murdoch talked about Obama being a "rock star," or gushed to newspapers about the "Obama phenomenon," while seeming to inch closer to an actual endorsement. But for all that flirtation with the Democrat, it seems the Post is settling down with the

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