
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jennifer Firth is Scott Brown Sexual Harassment Accuser?

Here it comes friends. News today that newly-electedSenator Scott Brown (R-Mass) was accused of sexual harrassment by Jennifer Firth, a campaign worker in 1998.

Jennifer Firth

A funny thing happened after Firth's lawsuit was filed, however.  Firth's attorney, Harvey Schwartz, withdrew as her counsel saying "to the best of [his] knowledge, information and belief, the above allegations [by Firth] are not supported by 'good grounds.' The next day, Firth withdrew her suit.
"The next day, Jennifer Firth withdrew her suit. It was dismissed with prejudice, which means it can never be re-filed. Brown told a local newspaper that her lawyer had decided to withdraw after he was presented with letters and email messages that proved she'd been harassing Brown."
Here are Firth's original accusations, after taking "offense" and quitting the Brown campaign (Gawker has the original story):
According to Firth's complaint, Brown engaged in "offensive" conduct that caused her to quit his campaign; he then tried to "defame and humiliate" her by spreading rumors to her colleagues that she "had made sexual advances" towards him during his campaign. She also alleged that Brown told several people that he'd had an "intimate relationship" with her and that he had a stack of sexually explicit letters that Firth had sent him. In her suit, Firth says that she'd never been sexually intimate with Brown, nor did she ever send him the aforementioned letters. A 2000 article in the local paper, the Sun Chronicle reported that Brown had denied the charges; for her part, Firth said she felt that filing the suit was "the only way I could stop this."
In 2007, the Boston Globe printed the above photo of Firth, identifying her as "Selectwoman Jennifer Firth," in a story about the release of her social security number.

Is there a scandal here? I don't think so.

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