
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lindsay Graham Chuck Schumer Want Biometric Cards with Fingerprints for All Workers

Last week I reported on Senator Lindsay Graham's legislation to bring illegal amnesty to 10 million illegal aliens in the U.S. Today, we hear a significant part of that plan is to issue each of us an I.D. card embedded with our finger prints and other personal information. The idea behind doing the equivalent of tatooing our foreheads with a government mark, is that employers will no longer hire illegals. How long do we think it will take for these cards to be falsified, hijacked, sold underground? Graham. I'm outraged. I bet you are too.

From Wall Street Journal Online:

Lawmakers working to craft a new comprehensive immigration bill have settled on a way to prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants: a national biometric identification card all American workers would eventually be required to obtain.

Under the potentially controversial plan still taking shape in the Senate, all legal U.S. workers, including citizens and immigrants, would be issued an ID card with embedded information, such as fingerprints, to tie the card to the worker.

The ID card plan is one of several steps advocates of an immigration overhaul are taking to address concerns that have defeated similar bills in the past.

The uphill effort to pass a bill is being led by Sens. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) and Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), who plan to meet with President Barack Obama as soon as this week to update him on their work. An administration official said the White House had no position on the biometric card.

"It's the nub of solving the immigration dilemma politically speaking," Mr. Schumer said in an interview. The card, he said, would directly answer concerns that after legislation is signed, another wave of illegal immigrants would arrive. "If you say they can't get a job when they come here, you'll stop it."

The biggest objections to the biometric cards may come from privacy advocates, who fear they would become de facto national ID cards that enable the government to track citizens.

"It is fundamentally a massive invasion of people's privacy," said Chris Calabrese, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. "We're not only talking about fingerprinting every American, treating ordinary Americans like criminals in order to work. We're also talking about a card that would quickly spread from work to voting to travel to pretty much every aspect of American life that requires identification.
 Related and Background:
Amnesty Next - DAMN Rule of Law - Lindsey Graham OnBoard

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