
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

St. Charles Rallies All Day: 2,225 Attend Morning Obama Health Care Protest 3-10-10

President Obama is speaking at his 3,588th health care rally in St. Charles (St. Louis) today. THE PUBLIC BANNED FROM ATTENDING! Protest events in the area all day...a morning rally had 2,225 pack a convention center ballroom.

St. Charles Rally - Morning Event
Pullout Quote from St. Louis Tea Party:
...we will gather as free men and women to tell this President, a servant by law and a ruler in his own imagination, that our will trumps his on all matters of domestic policy. 
At the morning rally, where some 2000+ people packed into a convention ballroom in St. Charles (see photo above) with Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder and U.S. Rep. Todd Akin and other members of the Missouri legislature to protest a government take over of health care, a local radio host acting as moderator, asked the crowd if any Democrats were present. One man stood up. Note - Democrats were not banned.

This from The St. Louis Tea Party:
Please plan to be on 9th street between Lucas and Delmar at 5:00 PM [CDT] Wednesday March 10th. (Gateway Pundit says "Wear Black")
President Obama will be at the St. Charles High School at around 3:00 p.m.  Apparently, he wants to poison the minds of our kids.
Evening Protests
The St. Louis Tea Party Coalition and many other groups will be at the Renaissance Grand Hotel at 800 Washington Ave.  We’ll be there, beginning at 5:00 p.m., to disabuse the President, the Carnie family of hoodlums and crooks, and Senator Claire McCaskill of any notion that they might have that we want their brand of socialized medicine. Please join us.
If you are on our email list, you’ve received information about some of the activities planned for downtown Wednesday.  This will be a major event.  Please try to make it.  More details by email later tomorrow morning and Wednesday morning.
Missouri blogger Bungalow Bill makes these points:
There are two developments that need to be pointed out today during Obama's visit to the St. Louis area. The first is more than three times the amount of people who showed up for Obama's healthcare pep rally have shown up in opposition at the St. Charles tea party event opposing the healthcare plan. This is a consistent ratio that is noted in many polls today as well.

It is also important to note that Obama has come to St. Louis to raise money for Claire McCaskill, one of his most loyal Senators who often looks like a lovesick puppy dog when she is near Obama. Wait a minute!  (read more about who is raising money for what and why - and who is left out in the cold, at Bungalow Bill's)
The RiverFrontTimes says there are two events today.
Later today everyone heads to downtown St. Louis where Obama is hosting a dinner fundraiser at the Renaissance Grand for Senator Claire McCaskill. The Tea Party plans a protest outside the hotel.
More from Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit (check in with him for reports later in the day):
We need ALL HANDS ON DECK, and ALL BOOTS on the Ground!! If you can take time off work, if you can leave your children or elderly parent with a sitter (or bring them)…if you can at all make this rally – DO IT!

This may be it! Pelosi is trying to bring this to the floor for a vote in the coming days…and is strong-arming all the moderate dems into voting for Obamacare Socialized Medicine – and Federally Funded Abortion. In a “nuclear option” procedure that was never intended for major social mandates, Nancy & Harry…and Leader Obama – clearly intend to disenfranchise well over half of the American People!

©2007-2012copyrightMaggie M. Thornton