

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Denis Rancourt Bails from Global Warming Video: Global Warming IPCC Debunked...Again:

Leftist physicist Dr. Denis Rancourt, a former professor and environmental science researcher has bailed on his fellow global warmers, saying the movement is nothing more than a "corrupt social phenomenon," and "an imaginary problem of the First World middleclass." At the same time, the InterAcademy Council has released a damning report on the inefficiencies of the University of East Anglia (UEA) Climate Research Unit (CRU), and the U.N.'s InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). See Dr. Rancourt in a video below.

Dr. Denis Rancourt

The climate change fraud created a firestorm of interest, public amazement, and prompted a deeper investigation after David Holland of the InterAcademy Council tried unsuccessfully to get the IPCC and the CRU to submit the science behind their findings. When emails were released showing a maniacal quest using flawed and tampered-with research to show man-made global warming, the InterAcademy Council (IAC) determined the learn the truth, even as the IPCC did all it could not to co-operate.

Read a transcript from ClimateDepot of Dr. Denis Rancourt's comments or watch the video below. Here is one gratifying tidbit from Rancourt, who muses that Al Gore is working for someone else to push global warming - that Gore is not really invested in the belief.
Rancourt expresses hostility for Al Gore's "documentary" An Inconvenient Truth. Just my guess, but as a scientist, he is likely hostile about Al's Nobel as well. The film made him ill. [paraphrased]
David Holland is releasing the findings of the IAC investigation. According to Holland, The University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit is "not fit for the purpose," and he suggests "substantial" changes be made.
The IAC, which comprises the world’s top science academies including the UK’s Royal Society, made recommendations to the IPCC to “enhance its credibility and independence” after the Himalayan glaciers report, which severely damaged the reputation of climate science.
It condemned the panel – set up by the UN to ensure world leaders had the best scientific advice on climate change – for its “slow and inadequate response” after the damaging errors emerged.
Among the blunders in the 2007 report were claims that 55 per cent of the Netherlands was below sea level when the figure is 26 per cent.
It also claimed that water supplies for between 75 million and 250 million people in Africa will be at risk by 2020 due to climate change, but the real range is between 90 and 220 million.
The claim that glaciers would melt by 2035 was also rejected.
Professor Julian Dowdeswell of Cambridge University said: “The average glacier is 1,000ft thick so to melt one at 15ft a year would take 60 years. That is faster than anything we are seeing now so the idea of losing it all by 2035 is unrealistic.”
In yesterday’s report, the IAC said: “The IPCC needs to reform its management structure and strengthen its procedures to handle ever larger and increasingly complex climate assessments as well as the more intense public scrutiny coming from a world grappling with how to respond to climate change.”
The review also cast doubt on the future of IPCC chairman Dr Rajendra Pachauri.
Earlier this year, the Daily Express reported how he had no climate science qualifications but held a PhD in economics and was a former railway engineer.
Dr Pachauri has been accused of a conflict of interest, which he denies, after it emerged that he has business interests attracting millions of pounds in funding. One, the Energy Research Institute, is set to receive up to £10million in grants from taxpayers over the next five years.
Speaking after the review was released yesterday, Dr Pachauri said: “We have the highest confidence in the science behind our assessments.
“The scientific community agrees that climate change is real. Greenhouse gases have increased as a result of human activities and now far exceed pre-industrial values.”
The IPCC's Dr. Pachauri remains adamant that he is uniquely qualified and there is no conflict of interest while he raises funds for his own Energy Research Institute. He also says the warmers have "the highest confidence in the science behind their assessments," even though that science is shown to be manipulated, lied about and the "scientists" entirely corrupt. More at Climate Science. More at Watts Up With That?  More at AllPainNoGain.

Dr. Denis Rancourt on the Lies of Global Warming (video)

Related and Background:

ABC Questions Climate Forecasts: Can Climate Science be Trusted?
ClimateGate: Global Warming Bullies 

ClimateGate Scientist Phil Jones Not Prosecuted: UAE Asks for Jones Resignation 

Murari Lal Glacier Scientist: Unverified Data Used for Political Pressure 
Copenhagen Hopenhagen Nopenhagen? Rajendra Pachauri Apocalypse Now 

EPA Endangerment Finding: Obama's Carbon Dioxide Pollutant: Obama TopDown Control

Chris Horner Sues NASA? NASA Hidden Data: ClimateGate NASA FOIA

Network Media Silent on ClimateGate: Day 14 and Counting 

Hide the Decline Graph: ClimateGate Hide the Decline "Trick": Jones and Mann Hide the Decline 

ClimateGate Phil Jones Steps Down 

Philip Jones ClimateGate: Phil Jones Global Chief Liar and Cheat 

CRU Souce Code Decoded: Marc Sheppard Finds the Fudge Factor 

ClimateGate: Global Warming Bullies  

ClimateGate Phil Jones Steps Aside: CRU Climategate Chief Steps Down

Scientists may sue Gore over "Warming and Change" Fraud 

Jaws Dropped as Solar Scientist, Archibald, Praised C02

EPA Silences, Suppresses Opposition: EPA Lies 

The EU's Carbon Trade: A Scheme and a Failure

The Fight for Human-made Global Warming

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook

Lisa Murkowski Concedes: Palin-Endorsed Joe Miller Faces Democrat Scott McAdams for Alaskas U.S. Senate Seat

Just breaking, Senator Lisa Murkowski is conceding her U.S. Senate seat to Palin-endorsed Joe Miller. Miller will face Democrat Scott McAdams on November 2nd for the U.S. Senate seat for Alaska.


Linked by Reaganite Republican

Muslim Brotherhood Gets Direct Access to White House: Texas Governor Rick Perry Gets Nada: Behold Another Iftar Dinner at Taxpayer Expense

We hear today that President Obama has granted "Direct Access" of the White House to the Muslim Brotherhood, but refused even a quick meeting with Texas Governor Rick Perry while Obama was visiting in the State. A booby prize was offered to Perry, granting him a meeting with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Counterrorism Czar John Brennan. Perry declined the "opportunity," but no booby prize for the Muslim Brotherhood, who are meeting as we speak at the White House tonight. The White House declared there will be "no red tape" for the Islamic terror backers. Did I mention there is another Iftar dinner at the White House for the "brothers," after the meeting White House workshop?

Muslim Brotherhood

So what is the purpose of the workshop? From Big Peace taken from the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) newsletter, this is the purpose
…Leaders from Muslim organizations around the nation, particularly social service organizations, are invited to a workshop with representatives from the DOA, Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, Health and Human Services, the White House, Department of Education, the Department of Homeland Security, and more. Twenty five to thirty Muslim leaders representing 20 Muslim organizations are expected to attend the workshop. 
 According to a representative of CCMO, this workshop is designed to clarify how Muslim nonprofits, mosques, Islamic centers, and social service organizations can strengthen their communities through more direct access to opportunities provided to social service agencies at the Federal level. “It will hopefully help cut through some of the red tape and shine light on the many opportunities for funding, government assistance, and resources that we just don’t know about at the local level,” said Elsanousi.
More from Christine Brim at Big Peace on the redistribution of your money:
This workshop constitutes an abdication of their professional responsibility by all government participants – and a taxpayer-funded government stimulus program for the attending Muslim Brotherhood-associated groups.  The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928, is a global Islamist political movement dedicated to imposing Shariah law on all nations and institutions.  Their credo is “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”
Why do we think some of these groups attending, possibly all, may be associated with the Muslim Brotherhood?
Because the sponsoring organization – the Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations (CCMO), co-sponsoring with the Department of Agriculture – has a long history of associations with the Muslim Brotherhood.  They also signed a 2009 American Muslim Task Force statement threatening to “suspend” relations with the FBI, because the FBI was investigating possible links to homegrown terrorism in mosques and other Muslim organizations.
Obama gave this Iftar speech last year at the White House:

The President welcomed his guests by noting that the many contributions made by American Muslims to US culture were too numerous to mention, and added that "Tonight's Iftar is a ritual that is also being carried out this Ramadan at kitchen tables and mosques in all fifty states. Islam, as we know, is part of America. And like the broader American citizenry, the American Muslim community is one of extraordinary dynamism and diversity -- with families that stretch back generations and more recent immigrants; with Muslims of countless races and ethnicities, and with roots in every corner of the world."
From Discover the Networks on the Muslim Brotherhood:
Outside the Middle East, the Brotherhood has expanded its operations to the United States. Muslim activists affiliated with the Brotherhood have founded the Muslim Students' Association, the North American Islamic Trust, theIslamic Society of North America, the American Muslim Council, and theInternational Institute of Islamic Thought. The Brotherhood also reportedly exercises a strong influence in Muslim communities throughout Europe. 
In recent years, the Brotherhood has attempted to forge a reputation as a moderate and reformist Islamic group that has renounced its violent past. Lending plausibility to this reputation has been criticism of the organization by radical Islamist groups, who have condemned the Brotherhood’s willingness to participate in the political process as heretical. These groups have also criticized the Brotherhood for supposedly abandoning violent struggle as a means of establishing an Islamic empire. 
However, numerous statements by the Brotherhood’s leadership belie its moderate posture. Ali Sadreddine Bayanouni, the leader of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, has repeatedly disavowed violence while concurrently pledging his support for the terrorism of Hamas and Hezbollah. Muhammad Mahdi Othman Akef, a prominent leader of the Brotherhood, has expressed his support for suicide bombings in Israel and Iraq "in order to expel the Zionists and the Americans."
The sad thing is, none of us are shocked at anything anymore. Read about Obama's rejection of Governor Rick Perry here.

Linked by Larwyn's Linx and Doug Ross - Thank you!

Posted by Maggie @Maggie's Notebook

DOJ New Website Banner: Janet Reno Eric Holder Both Fond of New Quote

Old Glory has been removed from the Department of Justice (DOJ) website banner and replaced with a black background and white print. A new motto now resides on the webpage - a quote of which its origins are not completely certain, but were greatly admired by former Attorney General Janet Reno in January 2001, something she and Eric Holder apparently have in common. The quote is usually attributed to C. Wilfred Jenks, a Director-General of the U.N.'s International Labor Organization which busies itself with "the promotion of social justice."

Old DOJ Banner

New DOJ Banner

The common law is the will of Mankind issuing from the Life of the People

C. Wilfred Jenks, a Brit and a former Director-General of the International Labour Organization from 1970 to 1973, died in 1973. Anonymous DOJ "career lawyers" have differing opinions of the quotations author. C. Wilfred Jenks is known by conservatives for facilitating "a greater role for socialists and communists at the U.N.," and the global "workers rights movement, but no one is completely confident of the author. Some suggest the quote may have been placed on the building under the authority of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Some believe it was adapted from the writings of Sir William Blackstone. The American Spectator has the story:

Most telling: Jenks, as director of the ILO is credited with putting in place the first Soviet senior member of the UN organization, and also with creating an environment that allowed the ILO to give "observer status" to the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and to issue anti-Israeli statements, which precipitated efforts by the U.S. Congress to withdraw U.S. membership from the ILO. The U.S. actually did withdraw in the mid-1970s due to the organization's leftist leanings.
"It was Jenks's efforts that helped make the ILO a tool of the socialist and communist movement," says one of the DOJ lawyers. "We used to joke about how fitting it was that this was Janet Reno's favorite quote to use in speeches, and now the Obama folks think it encapsulates out department's mission."
The quote that now resides on the website is etched into the wall "of the 9th Street gate," of the DOJ, according to Janet Reno:
There is, on the wall of the 9th Street gate, a saying that I have come to rely on again and again. It says, "The common law derives from the will of mankind, issuing from the life of the people, framed by mutual confidence, and sanctioned by the light of reason."
Unless the law issues from all of the people, some of the people will feel left out. They will come to feel alienated. They will be angry. And this will not be a cohesive democracy. If you don't care about that, they will feel left out, alienated, and they will not have the opportunities that others have to skills, to jobs, to opportunity. That will only hurt America.
About Jenks from the International Labour Organization:
He held honorary degrees from many universities throughout the world. He lectured at the British Academy and the Universities of Georgia and Yale and was five times visiting professor at the Hague Academy of International Law. He was one of the international advisers to the American Law Institute on the drafting of its Statement of Essential Human Rights, one of the texts which served as a basis for drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
C. Wilfred Jenks was the author of numerous books with titles that champion globalism. Here are a few:

Law, Freedom and Welfare

International Law in a Changing WordOrthodoxy and Innovation in the Law of Nations

The World beyond the Charter in Historical Perspective: A Tentative Synthesis of Four States of World Organization

A New World of Law: A Study of the Creative Imagination in International Law

I mentioned that Janet Reno is fond of the quotation, and it happens that Eric Holder introduced Reno on January 15, 2001 - the day she made the comment about the quote on the 9th Street Wall of the DOJ. Additional Source.

Thank you Larwyn! for the email and the link.

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook

Glenn Beck Restoring Honor Speech Video

This video is Glenn Beck's keynote speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at the Restoring Honor event on August 28, 2010. At about 50 minutes in the bagpipes play Amazing Grace with vocalists, and the crowd joining in.

Glenn Beck Restoring Honor

Prepare to be inspired to restart your heart, honor your God, and honor your country perhaps in a way you have not before. After the video, see links to some wonderful posts about Restoring Honor.

Donate to the Special Operations Warrior Fund for which this event raised $5.5 million dollars with funds still coming in.

Don't miss the closing prayer.

Glenn Beck Keynote Address at Restoring Honor

Matt Ross at Conservative Hideout 2.0 has a marvelous post about the point of Restoring Honor. Here's a quote I've chosen out of many:

The more I think about this, the more I think that this is the start of something incredible.  If you watched Beck’s Friday show, there are tens of thousands of clergy, of all races, ready to sign on to this idea of restoring honor.  Additionally, they are begging the IRS to take their tax-exempt status.  They have hundreds that are reporting themselves for political speech, so they can sue the IRS, and win.  It is a revolt of sorts, and I don’t think the left will win it.  They have been doing it for several years, and IRS won’t bite on it.  The general interpretation is that they know that the’ll lose, so they leave the churches alone. 
John Carey at The Current:

As I continued to listen, I began to understand what America is truly about.  It's about us.  It always has been, we just need to be reminded.  It became clear to me that the source of our out of control government, the shredding of our Constitution, and even our economic woes is us.  We always had the power to stop it and yet we did nothing.  We failed to be the change we so desired in our elected officials.  We failed to hold them accountable for their votes, always claiming it was the other senator, or other representative that was the problem, not mine.
We continued to look the other way as the seeds of destruction were planted in the housing market with bad policy.  We remained ignorant and lived blissfully as anti-God and anti-America forces created organizations with the intent of fundamentally changing what our founders fought so hard to obtain; liberty and freedom.  We stood by and did nothing when our government seized more land and forced states to comply with a variety of unconstitutional mandates.  Even now there are progressive forces working at the state level trying to influence state legislators into proposing laws that will greatly diminish the power of the states.
LD Jackson at Political Realities says this:

When you read or see the news coverage of this rally, it is almost always classified as a controversial event. The Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were positive that the timing and the location of the rally was mimicking Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and humiliating his legacy. This because the rally took place at the same place and day, some 47 years after King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. The reality is something much less sinister and much more honorable. During the speeches that were given, Dr. King and his speech was mentioned time after time. Glenn Beck himself gave honor to the man who has done so much for equality in America.
Kate at Ol'Broad has the Beck's videos from his Monday show, talking about Restoring Honor.

Amusing Bunni's Musings has a great video of a Boy Scout leading the masses in the Pledge of Allegiance and then a magnificent singing of the Star-Bangled Banner AND a stirring slideshow of Americans loving and honoring their country. This slideshow brought tears. This is the embodiment of the America spirit.

Ahmed Mohamed Nasser al Soofi Terrorist? Hezam al Murisi Terrorist? Two Yemens on United Flight Arrested

Two Yemen men living legally in the U.S. were removed from a United Flight today. Ahmed Mohamed Nasser al Soofi of Detroit, Michigan and Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and Hezam al Murisi were allowed to board the United flight at Chicago's O'Hare airport last night even though "security concerns surrounded" one of them. In the video below you can see the two men taken off the flight in Amsterdam in handcuffs.

It's a bizarre story that U.S. officials seems ready to tell us has no connection to terrorism. The story at this time is that the two men do not know each other and just happened to be on the same flight from Chicago to Amsterdam - both boarding in Birmingham, Alabama. Both men's luggage ended up on a flight different than the flight they were flying on. The luggage had watches, and an empty bottle with three cell phones taped to it, at least one box cutter and three large knives.  According to ABC News, U.S. officials describe the odd items in the luggage as "mock bombs."
Airport security screeners in Birmingham, Alabama first stopped al Soofi and referred him to additional screening because of what officials said was his "bulky clothing.
In addition, officials said, al Soofi was found to be carrying $7,000 in cash and a check of his luggage found a cell phone taped to a Pepto-Bismol bottle, three cell phones taped together, several watches taped together, a box cutter and three large knives. Officials said there was no indication of explosives and he and his luggage were cleared for the flight from Birmingham to Chicago O'Hare.
Despite the items found in the luggage, the Birmingham airport cleared them for the flight to O'Hare. When the flight arrived in Chicago, officials learned that al Soofi intentionally sent his luggage on a different flight to Washington's Dulles airport, connecting to Dubai and then Yemen. Al Soofi did not try to board the flight to D.C.

That is all bizarre enough, without this....:

The U.S. does not expect to charge the men, a law enforcement official said. The two men arrested in Amsterdam - both traveling to Yemen - did not know each other and were not traveling together, a U.S. government official said...
Al Soofi was supposed to fly from Chicago to Washington Dulles International Airport in Virginia and then on to Dubai, one of the officials said. But when he got to Chicago he changed his travel plans to take a direct flight to Amsterdam, while his luggage went on to Virginia.
Al Murisi also changed his travel plans in Chicago to take a direct flight to Amsterdam, raising suspicion among U.S. officials. 
Dutch officials say they detained the men at the request of the U.S., and are holding them on "suspicion of a conspiracy to a terrorist criminal act." If the men cannot be charged for perpetrating the equal of "fire" in a crowded theatre, then passengers have never have a chance of boarding a flight without drama.

Yemen Men on United Flight Removed in Handcuffs

Others talking: BareNakedIslam

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook

Chris Matthews Asks to be Told Something He Doesn't Know

Notice the sheer angst on Matthews' face as he is told Democrats may lose the Senate. He asks, "could Barbara Boxer lose in California?" He's in shock - no thrill up his leg, but I've heard from a reliable source willing to speak under anonymity, that the Nation's electorate is causing Matthews extreme and painful constipation.

Chris Matthews - Something He Doesn't Know (video)

Al Sharpton Rallies Racism: Ben Jealous NAACP: Beck Crowd Would Not Applaud I Have a Dream Speech

 Al Sharpton's White-hate Reclaim the Dream rally, only yards away from Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor gathering, was intended to protect the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, who if alive today may have been standing on the stage with Beck, or at least as his niece, Dr. Alveda King said: "would like," what was said on August 28th on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In the video below, hear Ben Jealous, the president of the NAACP, say if MLK's speech been read at Restoring Honor, the crowd would not have applauded.

Glenn Beck Restoring Honor

Sharpton's embarrassment hasn't been this high-profile since he evoked Tawana Brawley's fake rape. He couldn't rally a significant crowd even with help from The U.S. Department of Education, which sent out 4000 emails, on federal computers, using federal employees, urging them to attend Al Sharpton's hate rally. Sharpton is claiming a crowd of 30,000, but some who stopped by both rallies are saying, huh-uh.  Joe Schoffstall at Eyeblast says 30,000 attendees are impossible - and points out the bleachers are at a high-school  athletic field and cannot hold anywhere near 30,000:
Sharpton’s website claims that 30,000 people made the 5-mile march to the MLK memorial, but I find that a little hard to believe. Those are high school football bleachers. There is nowhere near 30,000 people there.
So far, I have found no aerial shots of the Sharpton White-hate rally, but it is clear  Sharpton the Reverend Sharpton knows nothing of Grace. You cannot see it and you cannot hear it in this rally or in any interviews Sharpton has done since. Dittos Ben Jealous, the chairman of the NAACP, who says had the MLK I have a Dream speech been read at Beck's event, the crowd would not have applauded.

Ben Jealous NAACP: No Applause from Whites from MLK's I Have a Dream Speech (video)

Gretchen Carlson Robert Gibbs: Carlson: CANDIDATE OBAMA SAID THAT? Gibbs Spins the Surge Video

Among many incongruities in this video, Fox News' Gretchen Carlson questions Obama's Press Secretary, whose spin leads Carlson to ask "Candidate Obama said that? Carlson had two things on her mind, both of which Robert Gibbs tried to ignore: (1) the surge worked, but Obama said it would not, and (2) will the President give President George W. Bush credit for the surge in his speech tonight.

Gretchen Carlson

Gibbs insists Obama actually said the surge would work. Gretchen questions that statement and asks if Gibbs' spin is how Obama will address his own flip-flop tonight.

Gretchen asks over and over if Obama will thank President Bush tonight for the success of the surge, and gets no answer. Watch at 4:42 in. Carlson is not amused.

Then in the second video listen to Obama's comments on the surge, where Obama says that Bush was wrong on the surge.
OBAMA: I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there. In fact, I think it will do the reverse. I think it takes pressure off the Iraqis to try to arrive at the political accommodation that every observer believes is the ultimate solution to the problems we face there. So I am going to actively oppose the president’s proposal. I don't doubt his sincerity when he says he thinks this is the best approach, but I think he is wrong. And I think the American people believe he is wrong. (NBC News)
The third video has clips of Obama saying none of the experts believe the surge will work, but then experts tell the real story. Obama began the flip-flop in July 2008 when he scrubbed his campaign website of all criticism of the massive effort that would allow troops to come home within two years.

Gretchen Carlson and Robert Gibbs: Candidate Obama said that?
Experts Weigh-in on Obama's Opposition to the Surge (video)

Linked by:
 Ran at Si Vis Pacem who has a great pic of Baghdad Bobby Gibbs

Karen at The Lonely Conservative

ACLU Defends Homeowners Arizona Gadsen Patriot Flag

An Arizona Homeowners Association (HOA) has demanded a homeowner remove the Gadsen Don't Tread on Me flag outside his home outside Phoenix. The ACLU is "urging" the HOA to "adopt a less limited interpretation of their statute." Yes, I know - amazing!

Andy C.McDonel and the Gadsen Don't Tread on Me Flag

Andy C. McDonel said his HOA, the Avalon Village Community Association, asked him remove "the debris" from his roof:
"It’s a patriotic gesture,” McDonel, who has vowed to fight the HOA’s mandate, told the Times. “It’s a historic military flag. It represents the founding fathers. It shows this nation was born out of an idea.”
Here is the amazing statement from the ACLU:
“The Gadsden flag meets the spirit of the law. It’s a historic military flag. Many consider it the original American flag, before the Stars and Stripes.

Connecticut and Colorado residents are fighting the same battle. Read more here.

Renee Ellmers Bob Etheridge: Renee Ellmers End the Stranglehold on Congress Campaign

Republican Renee Ellmers is trying to replace bad-tempered, man-handler Congressman Bob Etheridge in North Carolina's 2nd District. Etheridge has a million dollar war-chest. The Democrat party is desperate to send Etheridge back to Congress where he has, and will, continue to support their big-spending policies. Ellmers' End the Stranglehold campaign is underway. See two videos below.

Ellmers has the endorsement of Sarah Palin. She is a nurse, her husband is a physician and they own and operate a medical clinic - making small business and tax-burdens high on the Ellmer's list of concerns. 

Renee is a solid constitutional conservative. She needs your help now. Can you donate? Will you donate to provide a moneybomb for Renee? This is one of our most important congressional races. There is nothing moderate about Bob Etheridge; in fact, he supported Pelosi and Obama 97 percent of the time. The second video below shows exactly who Bob Etheridge is.

Snippets from a Sanford Herald interview:
Aug. 25–DUNN — Her campaign headquarters is an unfurnished, sparsely decorated brick home just blocks from downtown Dunn. Her office is dimly lit, mostly bare and features a photo of her standing with Elizabeth Dole and Laura Bush.And on this particular day, she’s dressed in jeans and a casual shirt, arriving to work for another day of campaigning and meeting voters....
The health care issue is a two-fold issue for me and my husband, because we’re small business owners, and it hits us from a small business standpoint. But it also hits us from the medical side of it, which we knew would be devastating to the company and devastating to medicine here in our country — moving toward a more socialistic style of health care. And we’ve already seen some of the changes that are coming out that are not good.

The interviewer asked Ellmers what issues she would like to debate her opponent, Bob Etheridge, about. You will applaud her answer:
I’d like to talk about jobs and the stimulus package that he voted for … all the things he’s voted for in the past year, which he’s claimed will bring us jobs. It has not done a thing … the only jobs that have been created from that stimulus package are government jobs. There have been no private sector jobs created, and our economy is in jeopardy and has not moved forward.
So many of us are not active in supporting candidates monetarily. We think our hard-earned money should go to the candidates in our home states, but today we know "politics" are no longer local. Be assured that a congressman's vote in North Carolina will affect your family, children and grandchildren in Michigan, Colorado or Hawaii. 

For this reason, please consider supporting Renee with whatever dollar amount you are comfortable with now, knowing that your donation is an avenue to a Constitutional Congress. Use your credit card and contribute with Americans across the U.S. to a Renee Ellmers for Congress moneybomb. 

Renee Ellmers Moneybomb (video)

Who'er You! Bob Etheridge (video)

Cancun Bar Fire-Bombed: Cancun Castillo del Mar Attack Eight Dead

The Castillo del Mar bar in Cancun was attacked by a gang of men dressed in black. Eight at the bar are believed dead. At this time there is no word on whether Americans were in the bar at the time. Six Mexican nationals died at the bar and two in-hospital. Update 4:22 CDT 8/31/10: The dead are reportedly six women and two men, all Mexican nationals and employees of the Castillo del Mar.

At 1:30 a.m., the bar was fire-bombed with 'petrol,' also known as 'Molotov cocktails.' The bar manger escaped injury. Two women working in the bar were killed. All died of burns or asphyxiation. MSNBC is reporting the bar owners refused to pay protection money.

Castillo del Mar is located just five miles from the busy tourist region of Cancun. It not considered a popular tourist destination.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Arne Duncan Tries to Find a Crowd for Sharpton - Uses Government Computers

Over 4,000 employees of the Department of Education received an email (presumably on government, taxpayer paid computers) encouraging them to attend Al Sharpton's rally at a high school football field at the same time Glenn Beck's Restore Honor rally was underway on Saturday. The email was from Arne Duncan, Obama's Education Secretary. There must have been a high degree of angst in the Sharpton entourage, knowing that Glenn Beck's crowd would dwarf his own knee-jerk reaction to Restore Honor - where Sharpton believed he could save MLK's I Have a Dream speech from all those hideous Caucasians...at the same time Dr. Martin Luther King's niece, Dr. Alveda King, was a featured speaker at Beck's event.

Barack Obama and Arne Duncan

The Washington Examiner was told about the email by a Department of Education employee who "felt uncomfortable" with the request.

Although the e-mail does not violate the Hatch Act, which forbids federal employees from participating in political campaigns, Education Department workers should feel uneasy, said David Boaz, executive vice president of the libertarian Cato Institute.
"It sends a signal that activity on behalf of one side of a political debate is expected within a department. It's highly inappropriate ... even in the absence of a direct threat," Boaz said. "If we think of a Bush cabinet official sending an e-mail to civil servants asking them to attend a Glenn Beck rally, there would be a lot of outrage over that."
Duncan spoke from the podium alongside Sharpton, saying education is "the civil rights issue of our generation," and "...we have to stop thinking of [poor-performing children] as other people's children." Translated: poor-performing children are the responsibility of the village - don't even think about blaming parents for their underachieving children.

GOP Generic Ballot 10-Point Lead

This has to hurt not only Democrats but their friends inside the Gallup organization. The GOP has a 10-point lead on the generic ballot - an "unprecedented" lead according to the pollster.

Read the entire article and see the graph here.
Republicans lead by 51% to 41% among registered voters in Gallup weekly tracking of 2010 congressional voting preferences. The 10-percentage-point lead is the GOP's largest so far this year and is its largest in Gallup's history of tracking the midterm generic ballot for Congress.
These results are based on aggregated data from registered voters surveyed Aug. 23-29 as part of Gallup Daily tracking. This marks the fifth week in a row in which Republicans have held an advantage over Democrats -- one that has ranged between 3 and 10 points.
The Republican leads of 6, 7, and 10 points this month are all higher than any previous midterm Republican advantage in Gallup's history of tracking the generic ballot, which dates to 1942. Prior to this year, the highest such gap was five points, measured in June 2002 and July 1994. Elections in both of these years resulted in significant Republican gains in House seats. 
Cartoon courtesy of Michael Ramirez 

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook

Libertarians Keep Scott Kohlhass: Murkowski Not the Libertarian Candidate: NRSC Goes Home - Almost

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski (R) is in an almost dead-heat tie (but not quite) with Republican Joe Miller for Murkowski's Senate seat. A counting of absentee ballots, ballots with validity problems and early ballots starts tomorrow with Miller holding the lead with about 2 points. Speculations have been rampant that the Libertarian Party might drop their current nominee in favor of Murkowski but after an emergency meeting, announced today they will stay with their candidate, Scott Kohlhass, the Party Chairman.

Joe Miller and Lisa Murkowski

Approximately 20,000-25,000 ballots remain uncounted. Miller leads by 1,668 votes.  In the meantime, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) rushed to aid Murkowski, now says it will pull out of the state, leaving behind only an attorney who is still working on Murkowski's behalf. Joe Miller isn't much comforted by the news, and asks who "employed" the attorney.

Despite Senator Jon Cornyn's assurance that the vote count will not be tampered with, Miller is not convinced:
Despite Cornyn's assurance, though, Miller is still not convinced attempts to "skew" the election have ended. He said there "certainly is an effort to skew the results" in favor of Murkowski. Miller, an attorney and Iraq war veteran, said national operatives are still in the state, but he is not sure who employs them. 
Murkowski did not approach the Libertarian Party about the possibility of becoming their candidate. A newly released Public Policy Polling survey indicated that Murkowski would far well in November as the Libertarian candidate. Libertarians, however, say there are fundamental differences between Murkowski and the Libertarian platform.
The poll said that in the three-way race, Miller received 38 percent, Murkowski received 34 percent and Democratic nominee Scott McAdams received 22 percent...
The news is also a major boost for Democrats and McAdams, who the poll showed had a much better change in the race against Miller if Murkowski is not a cnadidate. The survey also showed Miller leading McAdams, 47 percent to 39 percent.
Palin-endorsed Joe Miller was considered a long-shot even with the Cuda's golden touch. No one expected Miller to oust sitting-Senator Murkowski. The good news for Murkowski is that the majority of uncounted votes, or at least the number she needs to retain her seat may, indeed, be found among the those ballots.

Coke Employees Sue Coke: Coca Cola Health Care Cancelled

Coca Cola cancelled health care for employees, now approximately 500 workers are on strike and some are suing the company. Among the complaints are "employee surveillance, intimidation and bad faith bargaining."

Coke Employees Sue over Health Care

Workers claim canceling health care violates a federal law known as ERISA, setting minimum standard for providing health care in private industry.
Attorneys representing 500 striking employees at Coke filed a class action lawsuit against the Company yesterday for violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) after Coke canceled the employees' health care. Five plaintiffs were named in the complaint.

"In my almost twenty years of representing workers and unions in labor disputes, it's hard to think of any past instance where I have seen an employer retaliate against its striking workers in a manner as egregious as what the Coca-Cola Bottling Company has done here," said Dmitri Iglitzin, an attorney at Schwerin Campbell Barnard Iglitzin & Lavitt, an employment law firm in based in Seattle.

"Cutting off the medical benefits to more than 500 workers, knowing that many of them rely on those benefits on a day-to-day basis and will be irreparably harmed if they lose those benefits is a brutal, full-scale attack by Coke on its own workers," Iglitzin said.
Cartoon by Robs Right and Ken Culotta 

Trapped Chilean Miners Send Video Love Letter to Loved Ones

This is new video of some of the 33 trapped Chilean miners is a virtual love letter to their loved ones. They speak about their families and their condition in the mine. They say they are doing better now that they have received food. I just heard Fox News say there is a plan to get the miners out in 60 days, rather than the first estimate of 120 days.

Chilean Miners

The main shaft of the mine collapsed on August 5th and all of the men in the mine were able to take refuge inside a shelter. It took 17 days for the outside world to know that the men were alive. According to this Fox News article, this video was a video love letter to family.

The miners will have to aid in their own escape by clearing thousands of tons of rock that will fall as a rescue hole is drilled toward them.
"The miners are going to have to take out all that material as it falls," Andres Sougarret, Codelco's head engineer on the operation, told The Associated Press Sunday in a phone interview.
After drilling three small bore holes in recent weeks to create lines of communication with the miners and deliver basic food and medicine, Chile's state-owned Codelco mining company will begin boring a rescue hole Monday afternoon that will be wide enough to pull the men up through 2,300 feet of earth.
The first step will be to drill a "pilot hole" similar in size to the other three. Then much larger machine cutters will slowly grind through that hole, forcing crushed rock to fall down into the mine shaft area near the trapped men.
Failure to keep the bottom clear of debris could quickly plug the hole, delaying a rescue that officials say could take three to four months.
In all, the trapped miners will have to clear between 3,000 and 4,000 tons of rock, work that will require crews of about a half-dozen men working in shifts 24 hours a day.
The men have basic clearing equipment, such as wheel barrows and industrial-sized battery-powered sweepers, Sougarret said. The hole will likely end up several hundred yards from their living area in the mine's shelter, giving the men room to maneuver and store the rocks, he added.

Chilean Miners trapped since August 5, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

WTC Remains a Pit Nine Years After 9/11 Video

In this video, Steven Crowder talks about the World Trade Towers site and what it is today - a pit - nine years after September 11, 2001 - only a pit. Crowder has impeccable timing and a finely-tuned sense of the heart of the news. Posted on February 25th, 2010, I doubt much progress has been made in these 6 months. This is one of those great videos we will not forget.

From Big Hollywood:

I do think it’s necessary however, to show the tragic imagery so that people don’t forget how fired up they were in the following months. It’s time to get fired up again. It’s time to honor the deceased by proactively fighting against government waste and forcing their hand into action. There’s no excuse for Ground Zero to look the way it does today

Steven Crowder on WTC 9 Years Later (video)

Thanks to The Conservative Lady for the video.

Nancy Pelosi on Jesus' Right to Life: When Did The Word Made Flesh Have the Right to Life?

Did Jesus have the right to life from the moment of conception? Pelosi was asked this question...in public last week. Listen to her answer...she was embarrassed, nervous and furious. She wanted no part of this question. You'll also see a previous video when Pelsoi said her favorite "word" was "The Word, the Word Made Flesh."

When was the Word made flesh, was it at the Annunciation when Jesus was conceived by the power of Holy Spirit or in the Manger when he was born?

Pelosi on Jesus' Right to Life (video)

Video courtesy of Eyeblast.TV and CNSNews

Ground Zero Mosque Tax Exempt Public Funding Avoids Usury? Shariah Law Comes to NYC

The Retuers headline: "Ground Zero Muslim Center may get public financing," even though the project developer says the facility will hold "1,000 worshippers." Developers are hoping to raise $70 million in tax-exempt debt and the city of New York is considering tax-exempts bonds. Shariah law requires the mosque to built with no funds repaid with interest. How does all this come together? Will New Yorkers provide Shariah Compliant Financing for their Muslim residents, not for a mosque, but for a community center? Shariah finance succeeds where terrorism fails?

Graphic courtesy of Infidel Blogger's Alliance

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook

Linked by Larwyn's Linx and Doug Ross - Thank you Larwyn!

Neal Cavuto Chris Christie: New Jersey Loses $400M Education Grant - Payback for Removing a Democrat Governor

Perhaps you heard last week that the State of New Jersey lost a $400M education grant due to a clerical mistake. New Jersey's 'Race to the Top' application included one incorrect piece of paper. The New Jersey Department of Education erroneously submitted 2010 to 2011 numbers, rather than the requested 2008 - 2009 numbers. Out of 1,000 pages of application and 700 pages of indices, there was a one-page error. Christie asks "does anybody in Washington D.C. have a lick of sense?" Of course, the answer is "NO." This is what happens in a Democrat administration when you have the audacity to remove a Democrat governor from office. Watch the video for an incredible display of governmental incompetence, idiocy and bias and some analysis by Fox News' Neal Cavuto.

Neal Cavuto and Governor Chris Christie on Race to the Top Program

Friday, August 27, 2010

Renee Ellmers Wins Ten Buck Fridays: Renee Ellmers is North Carolina US House Dist 2 Candidate:

Renee Ellmers, running for the U.S. House in North Carolina's 2nd District, is the Ten Buck Fridays winner this week with 37% of the vote. Republican Renee Ellmers first popped on my radar as I began searching for the conservative(s) challenging Bad-Tempered Bob Etheridge's 2nd District seat. This is an update to an earlier article. I'll have more on Renee soon. See videos below.

Renee Ellmers

Ellmers has received a lot of well-deserved attention lately. Her opponent, Democrat Bob Etheridge, needs to go, and I've provided some major reasons why below.

Renee is 46-years-old, a conservative, pro-life Republican. She is a nurse, married to a physician, they have a son.

Ellmers opposes ObamaCare and says there is a right way and a wrong way to improve health care, and Obama's way is the wrong way. In fact, she advises opponent Etheridge to ask "Who is Dr. Berwick?" Renee knows and has the information here on the man who will decide whether you get that knee replacement you need.

She is pro-tax cuts, pro-tax reform with lower taxes "across the board." She believes marriage should be between a man and a woman. Ellmers supports strong border enforcement and is against amnesty. She wants a system of strong employment verification to protect the employer. She wants Guantanamo kept open, and terrorist suspects tried in a military venue. She revers the Second Amendment and your right to keep and bear arms. Ellmers supports off-shore drilling, and believes it will be a boost to her home state of North Carolina. She is against Cap-and-Trade. On energy:
I support off-shore drilling – it could be a boon for North Carolina’s economy. I oppose President Obama’s ‘Cap and Trade’ bill which raises taxes on energy, then uses the tax money to send $300 billion in foreign aid to Third World nations so they can build so-called ‘Green Industries.’ Source: The Corner - Jack Fowler's interview with Renee Ellmers
North Carolina's 2nd Congressional District has been been represented since 1997 by the ill-mannered Democrat bully, Bob Etheridge. You'll remember Etheridge assaulted a student attempting to interview him.  Etheridge needs to go. That astonishing video is below. Judicial Watch has filed an Ethics Complaint against the angry Congressman, and this report says this was not the first time Etheridge has man-handled a student.

Ellmers was born in Ironwood, Michigan. Working full and part time, she put herself through college, graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Oakland University in Southwest Michigan. She met her husband while at Oakland, and after visiting relatives in North Carolina, Renee and Brent moved to Dunn, North Carolina.

Not only does Renee have a medical background; she also has business experience. From the Renee for Congress website:
  Renee Ellmers

Renee is active in community affairs, having served as Vice President of Community Development for the Chamber of Commerce and as President Elect of the Chamber for the coming year. She has also served on the Dunn Planning Board, the board of the Betsy Johnson Hospital Foundation and the Harnett County Nursing Home Committee.
She volunteers at Cape Fear Christian Academy where her son, Ben, is a student, and teaches Sunday school at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
Her Democrat opponent, Bob Etheridge, has sponsored 51 bills since arriving in Congress in January 1997. Only 6 were enacted, 43 didn't make it out of committee. Govtrack describes some of the bills he has sponsored and one stands out: H.R. 3150 which provides for Government to compensate poultry producers whose contracts were terminated or not renewed because of a poultry processor's cost cutting measures or due to bankruptcy. Sounds just like a Democrat - let the taxpayer pay your business losses.

The Club for Growth releases an annual report rating the House member's fiscal responsibility as shown by their voting record. Are you ready for this? Etheridge scored 6% out of 100% for the most fiscally responsible in Congress. If nothing else moves your vote to for Renee, that stat should. Read more here. Angry, big-spending Bob Etheridge needs to go.

One observation of the Club for Growth scorecard, nine Republicans scored 100%. A Democrat doesn't even appear on the list until you get to 64%, and then not again until 58%.

Etheridge voted for the DISCLOSE Act which will take effect by mid-July - before the FEC can write the guidelines. It is a direct swipe at your free speech. Consider the 'real' name: Democracy Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE).

From Rush Limbaugh:
Simply put, the DISCLOSE Act will limit the political speech that was protected and encouraged by Citizens United. Speaker Pelosi and the House Majority Leadership are making it a priority to pass this bill.  This bill is designed to take away the influence of Tea Party and other conservative groups in the upcoming November election. We feel like this bill will be successfully challenged in the courts, but the ruling will not come before the November election."
DISCLOSE exempts organizations that have more than a million members, have been in existence for more than ten years, have members in all 50 states, and raise 15% or less of their funds from corporations. Organizations meeting those specifications are exempted from DISCLOSE. Unions are exempted, but TEA Parties are not. Etheridge supported it. Remember it in November.

As I was looking for information on Renee, I found Election Projection's interview with Ellmers and relates this story:
The race between Democratic incumbent Bob Etheridge and Republican Renee Ellmers in North Carolina's 2nd district has garnered national attention thanks to Etheridge's taped outburst on a Washington D.C. sidewalk.  It also has personal significance for me.   
An interview I had with Ellmers was my very first, and my friend and distant cousin, Lorie Byrd works with her campaign.  Not long after Etheridge's tantrum, Jim Geraghty asked me to look at Ellmers' chances against Etheridge for an article he was writing on the race.
One startling item that I uncovered in my research was an internal PAC poll taken in late May which showed Ellmers just 5 points behind the incumbent.  Mind you, this poll was taken before Etheridge's now-famous scuffle.
I'm looking for more recent polling numbers, and I'll keep this post updated.

Today, Renee works with her husband, Dr. Brent Ellmers, as Clinical Director of the Trinity Wound Care Center in Dunn, North Carolina. They have a son, Ben. Find Renee on Facebook and Twitter.

Visit Renee's campaign headquarters
Donate Renee Ellmers for Congress

Please write-in Ten Buck Fridays on the donation form.

See a complete list of the 84 Ten Buck Fridays bloggers here

Congressman Bob Etheridge (D-NC) Assaults a Student (video)
Renee Ellmers on Bob Etheridge's Assault on a Student (video)

Others talking about Renee Ellmers:
Soderstrome - a terrific interview with Renee

H/T to Right Wing News for Ellmers' video

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