
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Tax Exempt Public Funding Avoids Usury? Shariah Law Comes to NYC

The Retuers headline: "Ground Zero Muslim Center may get public financing," even though the project developer says the facility will hold "1,000 worshippers." Developers are hoping to raise $70 million in tax-exempt debt and the city of New York is considering tax-exempts bonds. Shariah law requires the mosque to built with no funds repaid with interest. How does all this come together? Will New Yorkers provide Shariah Compliant Financing for their Muslim residents, not for a mosque, but for a community center? Shariah finance succeeds where terrorism fails?

Graphic courtesy of Infidel Blogger's Alliance

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook

Linked by Larwyn's Linx and Doug Ross - Thank you Larwyn!

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