If you are confused about the cases of Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean, I'm providing links to almost everything you want to know: the timelines, the prosecutors, the court case, the transcripts...or not, and the assault on Agent Ramos in his prison cell on February 4th, 2007. There's no reason to rehash it here, as everything has already been well-stated and well-documented.
After you feel you know all you can know, the link to the petition calling for a Presidential Pardon is at the end of this article, along with other sources important to this issue.
First a hat tip to Third World County for highlighting the work of Euphoric Reality reporter, Heidi Theiss.
Heidi says this of her compilation of work on this case:
"I have taken the liberty of condensing...material from several posts to place it into a rough timeline of events as they occurred. As well, I wanted to include information about some of the major players in this case, from the drug smuggler himself all the way up to U.S.Congressmen and Senators."When you visit Euphoric Reality, Heidi leads to you to the source she credits, Shawn Christopher Phillips of The Wry & Coy Report:
"for compiling some of the least known and most misreported facts surrounding the case of the two Border Patrol Agents prosecuted for shooting a drug smuggler".
Just click these links to the Heidi Theiss Reports: Euphoric Reality: Guard the Borders Blogburst: January 22,2007 - Dirty Texas Politics Taint Border Patrol Agents’ Trial
and Guard the Borders: Feb. 5, 2007: Dirty Texas Politics: Part Two and more... Breaking News: BP Agent Ramos assaulted by Illegals in Prison!! Feb. 5, 2007.
Then for Ms. Theiss' original source, at least in part: Patgray.com - The Wry & Coy Report Jan. 1, 2007 Participants, Timeline, and Connections: The Colluders and Patgray.com - The Wry & Coy Report Jan. 22, 2007 Farcical Episode and Disreputable Evidence: Judicial Malfeasance
PETITION AND CONTACT INFORMATION: FIND IT AT Grassfire.org where you can sign petitions, find phone numbers, send a fax and "see the faxes and the targets that include, The White House, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, Department of Homeland Security and more. Here's a bit of Grassfire.org's reporting:
"Department of Homeland Security Officials admitted that they lied to Congress about details in the case that sent U.S. Border agents Jose Compean and Ignacio "Nacho" Ramos to prison after they attempted to apprehend an Mexican drug smuggler who had crossed into the U.S. illegally with 740lbs.of marijuana".
"This outrageous injustice took place near El Paso, Texas,a notorious hotbed of illegal activity, where drug smugglers, and violent gang members illegally crossing from Mexico are often encountered. On February 17, 2005, U.S. Border Agent Ignacio Ramos (a former nominee for border patrol agent of the Year), and Jose Compean attempted to apprehend a fleeing illegal alien at our border".
"Today, both are in prison while their appeals are being heard. To make matters even worse, this same illegal alien was given a green card, free medical care and immunity for his testimony against the two agents. Just prior to the trial, this same drug smuggler was apprehended again for bringing 1,000 lbs. of illegal drugs into the U.S. Again he was freed, and is now suing the U.S. for $5 million claiming his civil rights were violated'.
Shocking Admission Of Lying By Government In Ramos/Compean Case
"Under questioning by Rep. John Culberson, a Department of Homeland Security representative admitted that his department did NOT have evidence to back up a number of claims made to members of Congress last fall to bolster its case against imprisoned agents Ramos and Compean, including: that the agents “wanted to shoot a Mexican,” confessed to shooting an unarmed suspect, were belligerent to investigators, lied and submitted false reports, and stated during the investigation that the illegal alien did not pose a threat. According to Culberson, "(DHS Inspector General) Richard Skinner admitted yesterday under oath that his top deputies gave members of Congress false information painting Border Patrol agents as rogue cops who were not in fear for their lives and who were 'out to shoot Mexicans."
"Government lied to Congress to bolster its case"
"Basically, the government has admitted that its officials lied to Congress in an effort to bolster its case in the public against agents Ramos and Compean. These charges have caused many to question the validity of the agents' claims that they are innocent and acted in response to an imminent threat from an illegal alien drug runner.
The truth is, Johnny Sutton and our governnment turned what is at most a procedural violation (punishable by at the most a few days unpaid leave) and made it into a witchhunt against our agents.
As Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said in a speech from the floor of the House on 2/7/07, "The initial ddecision to prosecute the two border patrol agents instead of the drug smugglers was indefensible, period. Sutton's only defense... has been to lie and to demonize the two border patrol agents."
Don't forget to sign the petition, send the faxes and make the phone calls.
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Illegal Aliens Border Safety Protecting our Borders Border Control Agent Ramos Agent Compean