It is great to be hosting an Open Trackback and a Linkfest today. My computer has been down - lost almost everything, but, oh well...I'm not hungry, sick or living in poverty or oppression. As I tried to upload my OTA and Linkfest images, I remembered that I lost my entire photo library. How could I have done that? I DID the backup, and then Apple DID the backup, but it didn't work. Anyway, I'm happy to be back online. Come see me. Welcome to Open Trackback Wednesday and Linkfest Haven. I’ll will manually add your trackbacks, with excerpts if available, to this page as they come in. Be patient: some trackbacks mysteriously travel the entire blogosphere before they arrive.
Not familiar with trackbacks? Here's how to do it:
1) Choose the article you want to promote. Copy my permalink URL and my trackback URL (you'll find mine just below these instructions). Add my blog name: Maggie's Notebook linked with my permalink, into the body of your post (just after your completed article). Show it like this: Trackposted to:
Maggie's Notebook, which gives me a live link within your article. Then send a trackback to me (you'll need my trackback URL), which will let me know that you are joining in the fun. I will then add your live link to my article.
2) If you use blogging software that doesn’t have “trackback” ability built in, you can use Wizbang Standalone Trackback Pinger or Kalsey’s Simpletracks.
3) If you don't have trackbacks yet, just leave a comment and say that you do not have trackbacks, with an excerpt from your post and your permalink, and I will add that too!
4) If you would like to join the Open Trackback Alliance visit The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns for more information. Linkfest Haven Deluxe hosts link fests daily. You can host your own Linkfest or just participate in the "fests" of other. Go to Linkfest Haven Deluxe for more information.
Tracked back by:
World Powers Agree on New Iran Sanctions from Conservative Thoughts. Excerpt: U.N. ambassadors from six world powers agreed in principle Wednesday on a proposed new package of sanctions against Iran and were expected to introduce a resolution to the Security Council on Thursday if their governments approve it...
Petty professor with delusions of standing Walls of the City Excerpt: Ok, I am not one known to do fiskings... I find the habit somewhat annoying, and more often than not, atrocious overkill. However, there are definitely situations that warrant that kind of attention. An article in yesterday's Washing...
Please Lord, Make it Stop from blog @ morewhat. Excerpt: Bush is trying to set an agenda for the Western Hemisphere. The Democratic Task force is pandering to special interest in the form of advocacy groups from the Hispanic community. Presidential candidates are wooing everyone and promising anything to anchor voter support for...
My Mother Loved Shoes from planck's constant Excerpt: When the war ended in 1945 my father left Uzbekistan with two hundred thousand dollars sown into two of my mother's fur coats. The bills were larger in dimension than our present notes and made the coats weigh about 4 pounds heavier each.
Children of a Suicide Bomber from The Amboy Times Excerpt: h/t Jihad Watch. Unbelievable video, watch the children smile as they talk about their dead Mom and how she killed Jews. The following are excerpts of an interview with the children of Palestinian suicide bomber Rim Al-Riyashi, which aired on
Excerpt: Tonight on the Truth and Hope Report: -A Taxpayers Bill of Rights. -You know your Congressmen's rhetoric, now thanks to Club for Growth find out who they really are. -Britain collapses into tyranny over global warming. -The Congress
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses, and confesses from Right Truth Excerpt: In a new Pentagon report released today, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses to his involvement in the September 11, 2001 attacks on America. The report, which has been redacted, reveals Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses he was operational director for Osa..
Edwards: Global Warming will Make World Wra Look Like Heaven from The Amboy Times Excerpt: No fearmongering here...John Edwards: March 13th Bennett College Rally at Bennett College with Presidential Candidate John Edwards, March 13th 2007. Edwards on Skipping Fox News Debate: 'I saw absolutely no reason to give Fox a special platform especi..
One way to define Dhimmitude from Mark My Words Excerpt: The NY Times demonstrates dhimmitude by wrapping part of their anatomy around part of CAIR's anatomy
Our dear little Rosie from Mark My Words. Excerpt: Mark My Words
Excerpt: Now this is something the Donald should sink his teeth into.
Linked by: Henry Waxman - closeted Islamofacist? from Mark My Words
Linked by: Some people just have too much time...from Mark My Words
Linked by: Additional sources for info on Iraq from Mark My Words
Linked by: Petty Professor with Delusions of Standing from Walls of the City
Linked by: Truth and Hope Report: Wednesday Night Talk from Adam's Blog
Linked by: "Whew!" The faster I go, the behinder I get Third World County
Linked by: Protecting the Children of Illegal Immigrants...and other Criminals from StikNStein Has No Mercy
Technorati Tags: Open Trackback Alliance OTA Linkfest Haven Deluxe
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Open Trackback Wednesday Linkfest Haven
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
11:24 PM
Labels: Linkfest, Open Trackbacks
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