Trackback URL for this entry:'m glad to have the opportunity to tell you about a new assault on cancer - An Army of Bloggers. This "assault" is in the form of a blogroll, a well-known and handy tool for many of us, and in this case, a weapon to fight the menace that changes lives forever.
My commitment to An Army of Bloggers is to continue supporting The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Project - For the Cure, 5005 LBJ Freeway., Ste. 250, Dallas, TX 75244, or call 1-888-888-3317. I will increase my donation, and I will be proud to make a note on the memo line of the check: An Army of Bloggers.
Perhaps you are an ardent blog reader, but do not have a website. Please don't let that stop you. Just make a donation to the cancer project of your choice, because you, too, can join us by designating "An Army of Bloggers" on your check.
Here's how to join in this fight - direct from An Army of Bloggers headquarters:
Cancer is no respecter of race, religion, social status, income or profession. It is an insidious disease that robs people of a quality of life and too often, of life itself. This blog has one purpose, and one purpose only, to enroll as many bloggers in An Army Of Bloggers as possible and to encourage them to make an annual contribution to fighting cancer. The Rules for membership are simple, put the logo and blogroll on your blog, send a donation to a cancer program of any kind and post about it. It would be helpful if you write in the "memo field" of your check the following "Donated By The Army Of Bloggers." Help spread the word, help beat this s.o.b. into the ground. If you are a blogger, join the blogroll and make a donation. Leave a comment too if you would be so kind as to whom you donated to. Please leave the address and name of the charity in your comment (you don't need to name the amount). Please, if everyone helps this disease can eventually be whipped.And this from G.M. Roper who formulated the blogroll:
"This Blog and accompanying Blogroll is dedicated Pamela Roper Clark, my beloved sister who passed away in 1990 from ovarian cancer. By putting the power of the blogosphere to work, we hope to make a citizens push to conquer this dread disease."The rules for membership are simple:
1) Add the code to your blogroll. You'll find it here in the left-hand column.
2) Make a post on your blog supporting research to cure cancer and to announce your membership in this worthy fight.
3) Make a comment on this post giving the cancer research or charity you will support annually. The amount of your gift is entirely up to you, but the more you can afford, the better it will be.
4) Non bloggers can particpate too by making a comment and listing the cancer research facility/organization or charity you will support annually.
Here are some suggested research organizations and charities, beginning with one very special to me: Susan G. Komen for the Cure National Cancer Institute, The Lung Cancer Alliance, The Cancer Research Institute, The American Cancer Society, Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation of America/Cancer Research Foundation of America. Or, your favorite what ever it is.
H/T to TexasFred
Article End.
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Technorati Tags:Cancer, Fight Cancer, Cancer Sucks, An Army of Bloggers, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, American Cancer Society, Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation of America/Cancer Research Foundation of America, The Cancer Research Institute, The Lung Cancer Alliance,