
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

How the Presidency and America Will Be Changed by Immigration Fraud

Flashback: Immigration Fraud and the Presidency by James Lewis, writing for the American Thinker, is a prodding post - a reminder of just what is at stake if the immigration reform Bill s.1639 passes.

Before Clinton ran for his second term in 1996, Meissner [Administrator of the Immigration & Naturalization Service (INS)] ensured that hundreds of thousands of illegals were fraudulently legalized, just in time to vote for the Clintons.
Lewis points to Congressman Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), "the 2006 Democrat Congressional takeover" and Al Gore as being "intimately involved with this massive Democrat immigration fraud...."

After the Clinton's and Gore took the White House, quoting a David Schippers piece in the WSJ:
The U.S. got 75,000 new citizens who had arrest records when they applied; an additional 115,000 citizens whose fingerprints were unclassifiable and were never resubmitted; and a final 61,000 who were given citizenship without even having their fingerprints submitted so that no check was possible...
Then this all too often forgotten reminder:
Oh, and by the way, Mohammed Atta was found and released twice by the INS for immigration violations. Before he knocked down the Twin Towers and killed 3,000 Americans.
Read the article here.
Read how President Dwight Eisenhower handled immigration in the 1950's.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration(CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards,
email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

To contact your Senator, go to my sidebar at the right of this post. You'll see a box that says "Write to Congress." Input your zip code and it will take you to both your Representative's and Senator's phone, fax, street address and email.

For everything you ever wanted to know about illegal immigration, go the homepage for NumbersUSA.

You can send a free fax, without a fax machine at NumbersUSA. They will give you text for the fax, you can change it where you want to change it, or create entirely your own message.

Follow the links below to other Coalition members' commentary and research.
Bush Calls Immigration reform Bill Amnesty Today from Freedom Fighter Radio.

The Dirty Two Dozen from Bear Creek Ledger

Fred Thompson (Uncle Fred), Nafta and the Council on Foreign Relations from Freedom Fighter Radio

Hello Americans, you are now officially obstacles from Debbie at Right Truth.

Demand Your Refund Now! from Freedom Fighter Radio

Gwinnett County Geeorgia Fights Back from GA Crime Watch


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Tracked back by Don't Mess with the US from A Lady's Ruminations. Excerpt: Victory! We did it! Thankfully, the Amnesty bill has been voted down:

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How the Presidency and America Will Be Changed by Immigration Fraud from Coalition Against Illegal Immigration. Excerpt: Cross posted from Maggie’s Notebook. Excerpt: Flashback: Immigration Fraud and the Presidency by James Lewis, writing for the American Thinker, is a prodding post - a reminder of just what is at stake if the immigration reform Bill s.1639 passes...

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