There's more tucked inside the new Senate Immigration Reform Bill (s.1639) than just accepting illegals already in this country, and those who encroach after the Bill becomes law.
Read a portion of the Bill that will pay reparations to foreign aliens from WWII as well as link to important commentary on this issue. As Jim Fonte writing in National Review said it could include reparations to Nazis - and there's more. Time is of the essence. Call, fax or email your Senator this weekend.
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**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at
Other Coalition members' commentary and research on the impact of illegal aliens on the citizens of the United States:
Newt's Immigration Ad from Freedom of Philadelphia. Excerpt: Ok I know a lot of people out there think Newt has too much baggage for a serious run at the Presidential nomination. However, the man just speaks words of truth. Listen to him here, sure I know it's just an anti-amnesty ad spot but put that aside and listen to him.
Immigration Bill Has Reparations for Nazis from Debbie at Right Truth. Excerpt: from Webloggin "Immigration Bill Includes Possible Reparations for
WWII Nazis." It seems that every page of the Senate's closed door attempt to
ram an unworkable immigration bill down the throats of the American
people is chock full of trap doors and trick wording. (h/t Big Dog)
Posted by Maggie
Article End
Tracked by A loss of privacy from The Florida Masochist. Excerpt: The MSM can't get its facts straight on a daily basis. How many people are going to be hurt when the Sun-Sentinel and the other newspapers start publishing this info? Will they have recourse to sue these media publications or are we going to be screw..
Tracked by This is How Immigration is Supposed to be Done from Blue Star Chronicles. Excerpt: For the last couple of weeks someone I know was involved with some students doing internships in his medical office. Both of the students were first generation Americans. One had been born in Korea but moved with her family to America when she was a
Tracked by Where's the Dramamine? Part Fourteen from The Florida Masochist. Excerpt: Too much noise is good, too much noise is bad. Why don't the St. Petersburg Times editorial boards take the ear muffs off their brains. Or rather put them back on. I'm so confused, how about you?
Linked byAmerican Troops Save Mother and Unborn Baby The video above is a BBC report about American Troops saving a woman and her unborn child. A male relative had shot the woman in the stomach, apparently trying to kill the baby. This incident happened in the tribal areas on the Pakistan ...
Tracked back by The Gospel According to Barack from Adam's Blog. Excerpt: Obama’s out preaching the gospel according to Barack at the United Church of Christ Convention. This is an attempt to dupe religious voters. Sadly, I think many will fall for it.
Tracked back by Tom Cruise Movie Sure to be Crap from Adeline and Hazel. Excerpt: Berthold Von Stauffenberg is not a Tom Cruise fan. Von Stauffenberg is the son of German aristocrat Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg who made an attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.
Tracked back by New UK PM Brown is an Idiot from Planck's Constant. Excerpt: Actually I want to make two points in today's post: 1) The UK's soon-to-be Prime Minister Gordon Brown is an idiot. 2) The embarrassing USA leftist propagandist Michael Moore is an idiot. To see why the two are related, read on.
Tracked back by Doing The Jobs Americans Won't Do from 123beta. Excerpt: San Diego's Vision Robotics is developing 'fruit picking' robots to replace illegal aliens...
Tracked back by The Knucklehead of the Day award from The Florida Masochist. Excerpt: Today's winner is Virginia Governor Timothy M. Kaine.
Technorati Tags: Illegal Aliens, Immigration Reform, Senate, Senate Bill s.1639, WWII, Italians, Germans, Open Trackback Weekend, OTA, OTPB, Linkfest Haven Deluxe,
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Take Back our Country Weekend Open Trackbacks
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
9:08 AM
Labels: Border Security, Immigration/Illegal Migration, Linkfest, Open Trackbacks, Reparations, Senate, WWII
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