
Monday, July 2, 2007

Illegal Alien Threatens to "Bring Government and Economy to a Halt"

This is exactly why Americans did not want the Immigration Reform Bill. We have allowed an illegal alien to take sanctuary in a church and thumb her nose at deportation. She has been inside Chicago's Adalberto United Methodist Church (drat! wouldn't you know it's Methodist!) for almost a year now.

With the failure of Senate Bill 1639, the sanctuaried Elvira Arellano, has called for a "Campaign of Resistance." According to LaRaza Newspaper, Arellano is demanding "an immediate moratorium on all raids and deportations. AND SHE PLANS on "bringing this government and this economy to a halt." Lots of people are listening.

The failure of ICE to yank this woman out the church and set her on the road home, along with her seven year old son (U.S. citizen), is an insult to our rule of law and a hard slap in the face to citizens, both legal and legally naturalized.

Eric Zorn,columnist for the Chicago Tribune gives us some insight into Arellano:

She's not a particularly good cause celebre, as these things go. She has twice entered the country illegally, has been convicted of carrying a false Social Security card, speaks very poor English for someone who has been in this country nine years and she plays her so-called "anchor baby," a 7-year-old son who is a U.S. citizen because he was born here, as her trump card.
Any illegal, and especially any illegal who continues to break our laws, after the one they broke by encroaching our borders in the first place, deserves no tolerance.

Arellano is quoted as saying America's immigration laws are broken. The truth is the laws are not broken, they are just not enforced. That's not my fault or your fault. If Arellano had not encroached, this would not be a problem.

I expect Immigration officials to send her packing. Reader's out there in Chicago-land, I hope you plan to renew your protests loudly, and let your officials know just how outraged you are. It's a good bet that your taxpayer dollars are used to monitor this sanctuaried illegal.

Once again, Arellano, from inside a politically motivated church, plans to bring our government and economy to a halt. Get her out of this country!

Read the story at WorldNetDaily.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration(CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards,
email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

To contact your Senator, go to my sidebar at the right of this post. You'll see a box that says "Write to Congress." Input your zip code and it will take you to both your Representative's and Senator's phone, fax, street address and email.

For everything you ever wanted to know about illegal immigration, go the homepage for NumbersUSA.

You can send a free fax, without a fax machine at NumbersUSA. They will give you text for the fax, you can change it where you want to change it, or create entirely your own message.

Follow the links below to other Coalition members' commentary and research.
Michael Chertoff Needs Dr. Laura...Or Better Yet, Laura Ingraham! from Conservative Common Man

Bush commutes Scooter Libby, what about the border guards? from Debbie at Right Truth

Illegal aliens announce “campaign of resistance” from Tom's Flashbacks

The Sellout Seven from Freedom Fighter Radio Show

The Devil is in the Details: Who Gets Deported? from The Virtuous Republic

New Laws in Georgia Target Illegal Immigrants from GA Crime Watch

It is time to continue the push for border security from James Foley

La Raza: Sponsers in Racism (along with AZTLAN and MeCha) from Tom's Flashbacks

Know your Enemy---LaReza from Tom's Flashbacks

Analyzing the Fallout: Chambliss After the Death of the Immigration Bill from GA Crime Watch

Tracked back by So now what on immigration and border control? from Right Truth. Excerpt: After the recent defeat of the immigration bill, many of us took a deep breath and sat back to rest for a few minutes and take a good, hard look at the situation. My personal feelings are that we need

Tracked back by Illegal Alien Threatens to “Bring Government and Economy to a Halt” from Coalition Against Illegal Immigration. Excerpt: This is exactly why Americans did not want the Immigration Reform Bill. We have allowed an illegal alien to take sanctuary in a church and thumb her nose at deportation. She has been inside Chicago’...

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