By Stanford Matthews Blog @ There is little that is more entertaining than to watch representatives of a state sponsor of terrorism like Iran act so innocent in light of previous statements that the holocaust never happened and they intend to destroy Israel. Not to mention the default Islamofascist creed bent on killing all infidels which also includes other Muslims they don't like. The sad part of the recent appearance of the Iranian President at Columbia University beyond the obvious was the number of closet liberals in the media tripping over themselves to attend a dinner with him. Not understanding that they may be the only ones in the world who actually believe their claim of doing it all in the name of journalism. So much so that their automatic defense of simply mentioning the first amendment is no longer presented with a supporting argument. Whether the Iranian President was too busy trying to fool other audiences this week or simply bored with the easy prey in American media and academia, the second errand boy has made his presence known. The Iranian foreign minister is currently attempting to give foreign policy mentoring to the Whitehouse and State Department. The worn out complaint of American saber rattling coupled with a plea for cooperation rather than confrontation is another amateur ploy looking for a gullible audience. With the advent of changing politics in France, the former opposition from the French as well as Germans, Russians and others at the United Nations may be altering course. A brief pause until November to put in place stronger sanctions against Iran on the nukes issue may be evidence of a difficult transition to pro American attitudes, the simple realization that Iran is an excessive risk with nukes or reluctance of some to agree with the US on Iran. But the French Foreign Minister has annoyed Iran by hinting at the threat of war if they continue to act like Saddam on nukes. While he backpedaled slightly after tension was raised, Iran may be less sure than their words indicate when stating the US is not in a position to deal with them militarily. While some pundits claim air strikes against Iran are not a viable option and the out of control public comments on the Iraq war suggest the US is not prepared to put more boots on the ground anywhere, the options available may not be so limited. It is fair to say one reason Iran makes these claims is to convince themselves or their population that the US will not resort to air strikes. And changing attitudes toward Iran from other nations may be enough to convince Iran to comply with international demands. And this post ends with a comment on an Iranian university inviting President Bush to attend a question and answer session. Presumably to reciprocate for the Columbia University fiasco. The White House Press Secretary Dana Perino indicated the invitation was not taken seriously. Let's just say in addition to the nearly impossible security requirements there is no real upside to honoring such a request. It is doubtful minds would be changed and determining whether the invitation is based on genuine interest or merely another ploy of the Iranian government will not take place. But there is some humor in the story.
Iran's Foreign Minister Says US Threats Not Helpful to Resolving Nuclear Issue United Nations 03 October 2007 Besheer report - Download (mp3) 671kListen to Besheer report
Iran Summons French Diplomat To Protest Kouchner Comments 03 October 2007 Iranian University Invites Bush to Speak 02 October 2007