

Saturday, May 31, 2008

What Does Obama Think Christian Churches Do?

Obama praised Trinity United Christian Church and its leaders for their many good works in the Chicago area, today as he "sadly" resigned from his 20-year membership in the church.

A first question might be: what does he think Christian churches do, routinely? Churches do NOT do "good works?" He has made much of the "good works" of Trinity. I know of few (actually, I know of no) Christian church which do not do "good works" in their local communities, as well as in their outreach programs.

I'm just a bit jazzed by his many references to the "good works" of Trinity United Christian Church. So there are 8,000 members? Surely, they do "good works" in their local area. What are their outreaches? Palestine, maybe? I don't know, but I think it is audacious to harp on the "good works" of Trinity United Christian Church. THIS IS what Christian churches do - they do good works. They feed and clothe the homeless and the other hungry. Some provide weekday daycare for children, some provide scholarships - the list goes on - Christian churches do in proportion to their membership. Trinity is a big church. So what? Christian churches simply do good works. There may be some that do not do good works, but I've never heard of even one.

Kristin Powers (Democrat strategist) is on Sean Hannity at this moment saying the [Trinity] "church has done many good things...look at this church in totality...." Yes, let's do just that. It is a hateful church and Trinity parishoners were on their feet, cheering, as the Catholic "Father" Michael Pfleger dumped on Hillary, which I do daily, but not from a church pulpit.

And of course, it is all about Obama. Months after the churches' white racism was exposed, Obama resigns. Why?

It’s clear that now that I’m a candidate for president, every time something is said in the church by anyone associated with Trinity, including guest pastors, the remarks will be imputed to me, even if they totally conflict with my long-held views, statements and principles...
Trinity is a Christian church and they better do "good works." The Obama's will not have a problem finding another Christian church that does "good works," especially with the tithe the Obama family can bring to a Christian congregation.

Posted by Maggie

Permalink: http://maggiesnotebook.blogspot.com/2008/05/what-does-obama-think-christian.html

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