Cross posted from Radarsite
From The Secret of Samson's Hair: Hollywood and the Demasculinization of America by Roger W. Gardner
On May 20, 1927, Charles Augustus Lindbergh became the first aviator to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a solo flight. After a harrowing 33.5 hour flight, the tiny single-engine “Spirit of St. Louis” touched ground at Le Bourget Airport outside Paris and the astonished Lindbergh was immediately overwhelmed by an hysterical ecstatic crowd, estimated at over 100,000 people. He had conquered the Atlantic alone and had become an instant celebrity of unprecedented renown. The following day, the President of France presented him with the prestigious Legion of Honor. On his return to the U.S. he was welcomed by President Calvin Coolidge who bestowed upon him the Distinguished Flying Cross.
His subsequent reception in New York City was the wildest in that city’s history. Mayor Jimmy Walker gave him a ticker tape parade, at which an estimated 4 million people lined the parade route just to get a glimpse of him. Shortly thereafter, the Guggenheim Fund sponsored him on a three month nationwide tour. Flying the “Spirit of St. Louis”, he touched down in 48 states, visited 92 cities, and gave 147 speeches promoting aviation. He followed this with a goodwill tour of Latin America where he met his future bride, the daughter of the American Ambassador, writer Anne Spencer Morrow. On March 21, 1929, President Coolidge presented him with the nation’s highest honor, the Congressional Medal of Honor.
In an incredibly short period of time, Charles Lindbergh had achieved a remarkable level of international adulation. He represented to the world a shining ray of hope and promise in an otherwise rather dismal decade. Standing on a pinnacle of fame, which in today’s world would rank him somewhere perhaps between a movie star and an Astronaut, with his all-American good looks, his boyish smile, and his (deceptive) air of modesty, Charles Lindbergh seemed the epitome of the perfect American Hero.
Wealthy, world-famous, respected and admired, “Lucky Lindy”, as he had now come to be known, eventually settled into his spacious New Jersey estate with his lovely new wife to begin what promised to be an idyllic life. On June 22, 1930, their son, Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr. was born and instantly became the most famous baby in the world. They had become the true First Family of America and an adoring public followed their every move. For the Lindbergh family the future appeared filled with unbounded hope and promise -- until March 1, 1932, when baby Charles was reported missing from his crib.
Needless to say, the “Lindbergh Kidnapping Case” quickly became the most notorious kidnapping case in history. Hundreds of international reporters descended on the small New Jersey town to feed the voracious appetite of an obsessed worldwide public, covering every nuance of the investigation, trial, and the subsequent sentencing and 1936 execution of the convicted perpetrator, the somber German-American Bruno Richard Hauptmann. There is no need here to reiterate the convoluted facts and innumerable controversies surrounding this historic case, except perhaps to take note that, in some sense, the case still remains open. Articles about the Lindbergh Kidnapping Case are still being printed, websites are still being opened, and books are still being written espousing endless theories and conjectures about the guilt or innocence of Hauptman -- some even implicating Lindbergh, himself, in the infamous affair.
What is, however, relevant to our purposes is that after the kidnapping and during the highly-publicized investigation that followed, much to his adoring public’s surprise, a darker side to Lucky Lindy’s personality began to emerge. Arrogant, authoritative, domineering, he began almost immediately to take over complete control of the investigation, issuing orders to the local and State Police, controlling the news conferences, even interfering with the Federal Agents assigned to the case.
This was the first chink to appear in Charles Lindbergh’s shining armor. The second would prove to be immensely more important and involve more than just the particular idiosyncrasies of his unique personality: his well-publicized, anti-war, pro-Fascist and -- though he would later try to deny it -- overtly anti-Semitic speeches, coupled with his high-profile involvement with the America First Committee.
The America First Committee was established in September of 1940 by Yale law student R. Douglas Stuart, Jr., along with several other students, including future President Gerald Ford. Supported by a group of prominent businessmen and a few well-known Senators such as Burton K. Wheeler and Gerald P. Nye, and some famous literary figures like the novelist Sinclair Lewis, poet E. E. Cummings and author Gore Vidal, the Committee launched a petition “aimed at enforcing the 1939 Neutrality Act and forcing President Franklin D. Roosevelt to keep his pledge to keep America out of the war.
They thoroughly distrusted Roosevelt, arguing that he was lying to the American Public”. They vehemently opposed Roosevelt’s lend-lease bill, “the convoying of ships, the Atlantic Charter,* and the placing of economic pressure on Japan”.Their platform rested on four basic principles: “The United States must build an impregnable defense of America. No foreign power, or group of powers, can successfully attack a prepared America. American democracy can be preserved only by keeping out of the European war. [And, finally,] ‘Aid short of war’ [helping England to survive] weakens national defense at home and threatens to involve America in war abroad”. Read more
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Fallen Eagle: The Treacherous Patriot
Posted by
Roger W. Gardner
10:35 PM
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Flight 93 Blogburst - July 30, 2008 - Join the Rally!
Rally this Saturday: Stop the crescent mosque!
Tom Burnett Sr. and Alec Rawls will be in Somerset PA this weekend to condemn the crescent/broken-circle memorial to Flight 93. Here is Alec's notice about the press conference that he and Mr. Burnett will host after they speak at the public meeting of the Memorial Project Saturday morning:
...Also on the press conference panel will be Diane Gramley, President of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, and the Reverend Ron McRae of Johnstown. In addition to our own statements, Mr. Burnett will read a statement from Congressman John Kline (R-MN), and Alec Rawls will present statements from Rich Davis, founder of the Chester County Victory Movement, and from K. M., President of Muslims Against Sharia Law. After answering questions for the press, Mr. Burnett and his co-panelists will host a rally to stop the re-hijacking of Flight 93. Members of our informal Western Pennsylvania Compatriots group (who spoke out at the last public meeting) will be in attendance, and some out of town folks will be coming as well.And check this out: a big color ad in the local paper:
To inform and invite the local populace, a half-page full-color ad will be running in tomorrow’s edition of the Somerset Daily American. It explains how the original Crescent of Embrace design remains completely intact in the Circle of Embrace redesign, which is explicitly described by the Park Service itself as a “broken” circle. That is exactly how architect Paul Murdoch described his original Crescent design. All the redesign does is include an extra arc of trees that explicitly represents a broken off part of the circle. The unbroken part of the circle (the crescent), remains exactly as it was. It is still a giant Islamic shaped crescent, still pointing to Mecca , as your colleague Kirk Swauger verified a year ago:Can reporters actually be shamed into doing their jobs? Doubtful. They seem to regard actually checking the facts as giving some kind of unfair advantage to the side that is right (which they would be happy do do if the right side was THEIR side). When the press is in this anti-fact-checking mode, their methodology is just to quote each side. We are trying to take advantage of this behavior by having some of our independent supporters use source documents to fact-check our basic claims, then attest in press releases and at the public meeting that they have personally counted the translucent memorial blocks etcetera. Co-panelist Diane Gramley will be making such declarations for the cameras. Cao (the organizer of these blogbursts) did some checking from source documents this week and has already posted a powerful press release about her findings that Alec will present at the press conference. Tom Burnett's attendance should bring national news coverage. If Tom and Alec can direct some of that coverage to our independent fact checking, it might break the media embargo on fact checking, and once we get the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent out as verified national news, the crescent goose will be cooked. If you want to participate in our fact-checking drive, Alec has a set of fact checking guides, with links to source documents, at Just send him a link to the post or comment in which you attest to your fact-checking results, and he will compile them. To join our blogbursts, just send your blog's url. Technorati Tags: Flight 93 Blogburst, Flight 93 Rally, 9/11, War on Terror, War on Islam,American Family Association of Pennsylvania, Muslims Against Shariah Law, Chester Country Victory MovementRawls maintains that the midpoint between the tips of the crescent points almost precisely toward “qibla,” the direction to Mecca, which Muslims are supposed to face for prayer. His claims seem to be backed up by coordinates for the direction of qibla from Somerset that can be found on When superimposed over the crescent in the memorial design, the midpoint points over the Arctic Circle, through Europe toward Mecca.Except for Kirk’s verification of the Mecca orientation of the crescent (which was not picked up by any other news organization), reporters have not been bothering to check the facts. When our claim that there are to be 44 inscribed translucent blocks emplaced along the flight path was reported a few months ago, Gordon Felt, President of Families of Flight 93 was quoted denying it, but despite this clear conflict of factual claims, no reporter bothered to simply open up the design drawings and count.
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
11:51 PM
Labels: 9/11/01, Flight 93, Islam, Muslims, War on Islam, War on Terror
What Do You Tell the Demons?
Radarsite is fortunate to have made a lot of good friends in this small part of the blogosphere. Many of these friends and fellow bloggers are veterans. Some from the deadly jungles of Vietnam. And some from unheralded battles and wars that must still remain classified. These people are special. They all seem to share some common fundamental traits: a certain toughness of mind, coupled with a deep hard-won humility. And one common trait which I particularly value -- an absolute and uncompromising self-honesty, and a correspondingly low threshold for bulls**t. It's almost as though they've developed a sixth sense that picks it up immediately. This is one of the reasons why it pays to listen to their opinions and to heed their warnings. They are coming to you directly without interference from the ego.
Our good friend Snooper is one of these special people. For those of you who know him you are familiar with the sound of his voice. And it's an impressive sound, isn't it? It gets your attention immediately. It reaches right out and grabs you. There's no equivocation there, no fumbling ambiguities. Just dead on truth. His truth. And if you don't like it, tough.
Men like this seldom wax nostalgic. They seldom complain, they rarely talk about their feelings or their fears. But on those rare occasions when they do, we listen. And we listen closely.
This is one of those times. This particular posting took me completely off guard. It 'reached out and grabbed me'. It is something special. Something we don't see every day. Something we will remember.
I am posting this short essay of Snooper's today in honor of all of those friends of ours who have learned what truth really means. Those who have served and have sacrificed, and who, in their very private moments in the darkness still serve and still sacrifice. - rg
By Snooper
Cross posted from A Newt One
A Newt One
Many years ago, there came a point in my life when I had to deal with the demons that came to me from time to time once and for all. They still appear from time to time but I know what to say to them now to dispense with their intent to destroy anything they are set out to destroy. And no, I am not talking about some grotesque monster or some sabre-toothed, four-eyed beast-man nor am I referring to some anti-angelic supernatural presence. I am talking about things that cannot be described unless someone has experienced the same events. I am referring to memories triggered by people, places and things beyond my control. I am talking about fighting the "what if" or the "if I had only done this differently" syndrome(s).
Those that have met me don't really know who I am but yet I sense that they sense things about me...kind of hard to explain that but there it is. Those that have read selected readings from my manuscript know a little bit more about me but have a stronger sense as to who I am. Those that have read my articles, pieces and blog posts might think they have an inside track as to a beginning of a glimpse into the Real Me.
Years ago, an individual that I respected very deeply asked me a question during a time of reckoning in my life. He asked, "What do you tell the demons when they come out at night?" The question floored me because at the time, we were doing the deal for God, Flag and Country. We were marking targets. We were observing enemy movements. We were plotting their very demise. My answer was, "I tell them to kiss my ass". We laughed and never spoke of it again. Until. There was nothing for us to fear really because after all, we owned the night. Demons? Screw them. Until.
A short time later, we watched a movie entitled "In The Line Of Fire". It had our hero Clint Eastwood in it so naturally it just had to be a good flick. Yes? Certainly. Until. Until "Frank" asked the "Bad Guy" a question: "What do you see in the dark when the demons come?" The answer? "I see you". We didn't remember much of the movie thereafter because we looked at each other in complete amazement and our world crumbled before us. The cat was out of the bag. One can only suppress so many things for a specific period of time until the bottom drops out from under you. No one knows when that will take place but take place it will.The dialog just before that question and answer period is as follows: "They made you into a real monster didn't they?" "That's right. And now they want to destroy me because we can't have monsters running around the quiet countryside now can we?" (audio file here)
Does that give you chills? Does it? Does it not? I have seen this movie several times since and that particular part of the movie to this day sends chills up and down my spine because that movie started my "associate" and I on our long journey of recovery.He has since passed on to the Soldier's Lair having died where he wanted to, on the beaches of Australia almost two years ago. I will miss him but, before he left for Australia, he asked me to promise that I will never give up the fight and I swore an Oath to him, knowing that I would never see him again on this planet, that I would Soldier On. We shook hands, hugged and saluted our last. And, I - Soldier On. Will you Soldier On? Will you Embrace The Suck?
I believe that I have more insight than most into that which we face in this nation at this current time in the cosmos. Barack Hussein Obama or, Czarbama as I have come to call him, is America's latest Demon. What will we say to our children and our children's children when they ask us, "Why did we sit idly by and allow this cretin to become president and destroy the last hope of freedom in the world?"
As this country spirals down into some allusively morphed form of socio-communist-American liberal tyranny, what will you say to the demons as they come to you at night as you lay in bed kicking yourself in the ass for not standing up and fighting?The time has come to choose sides. Will you be a part of the American Awakening or will you sit idly by and let others do the dirty work because it is too inconvenient to turn the TV off? In this era of the pollsters knowing absolutely nothing, will you sit idly by and allow the politicians under a Leftinistra veto-proof Congress with a Marxist Thug Demon as in Czarbama at the helm bring about forced servitude of those between the ages of 18 and 42? Is this your Grand Scheme? And, it is a Good Plan? Not hardly. We saw how well that worked in 2006, didn't we? Why are Conservatives so stupid at times anyway?
We all know why the Unions - read that Teamsters - all favor the Democrats, I mean Leftinistra, don't we? We do know that union wages are tied to minimum wage, don't we? We do know that union wages are set to be at times 6 times the minimum wage, don't we? Is it any wonder why the labor unions suck up to the socialists? Can you spell useful morons? With The American Demon Czarbama at the helm, he wants to get rid of Teamsters oversight. Is that a good thing? Why, no, it isn't. Perhaps Czarbama wants to create his Civilian National Security Force with the culling from the Teamsters. One never knows.
Rick Moran at Right Wing Nut House a few days ago placed an article up entitled, "TOP TEN THINGS THAT CREEP ME OUT ABOUT OBAMA". Whereas he has touched Spot On, I would like to add a few things to that list. Behold:
#11) Czarbama has stated publicly that he intends to create a Civilian National Security Force that is just as powerful, just as strong and just as well funded as the United States Armed Forces.
#12) Czarbama has publicly confirmed that he intends to create a Civilian National Security Force that is just as powerful, just as strong and just as well funded as the United States Armed Forces.
#13) Czarbama carries with him at all times his magic wand of indecisiveness, charlatanism and the ability to agree with every point of every issue from every side and has the uncanny ability to have everyone he speaks to think he is the Pied Piper.
#14) Czarbama has stated publicly that he will review and reverse everything that President Bush has done.
#15) Czarbama has publicly presented himself as the New Lenin and all one has to do to confirm that is to gaze upon his posters in Berlin and compare them to the posters from the age of Lenin.
#16) Czarbama doesn't chastise his followers for praising Che Guacamole.
#17) Czarbama associates himself with those that have financed our enemies to fight against us and to kill and wound our Troops in battle.
#18) Czarbama blames the United States for 91101 and he did that eight says after the infamous day when the dust and smoke hadn't even subsided yet.
#19) Czarbama denies that the Troop Surge was an ingenious plan and that it was successful.
#20) Czarbama wants to increase our taxes by $4,000 per household.Is that enough yet? Not quite.
#21) Czarbama wants to add an additional $285 BILLION in taxes to finance the American Global War on Poverty.
#22) Czarbama wants to ratify L.O.S.T..That is all for now. So, tell me again how he will be good for the nation in the long run. Czarbama wants to strip this nation of its sovereignty and surrender to our enemies. Some say that he will be a lame duck from his first day. Consider this.Czarbama gets into the White House and along with him comes a veto-proof conglomerate and there will be nothing to stop him from reversing all of President Bush's accomplishments, both good and bad. There will be nothing to stop the Fairness Doctrine from becoming a reality. There will be nothing to stop him from raising taxes to the degree of which we have never seen. There will be nothing to stop him from creating his Civilian National Security Forces and there will be nothing to stop the Universal National Service Act. We will no longer have a voice to be heard. Conservative talk shows both professional and BTR will cease to exist. Conservative bloggers and Conservative outlets will vanish.
Czarbama mentioned at one time his presidency would be for 8 to 10 years. So much for the 22nd Amendment and kiss the United States Constitution goodbye because once we are turned over to the One World United Nations Consortium and World Court, the Conservative Voice is history. Remember the List of 45? Have you read it? Have you memorized it? Are you armed? Do you give a damn? If not, why then, did we fight for you? Do you give a damn? If not, why then, should we fight for you again?
Previous posts in regards to the Enemy of The State running for President of the USA:
We Live In Upside Down LandThe Obama Youth: What's Next?Barack's Civilian Army Just Keeps Getting More and More Interesting
Obama Youth: The Lame Stream Deafly Silent
The Obama Youth: The Saga ContinuesObama Youth: The Gift That Keeps On Taking
Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth CorpsThe Aspirants To The Presidency Say A Lot Of Things, But...Obama's Brown Shirts Faux Pas Gains More ScrutinyOp-Ed: Sith Lord Obama and His Civilian National Security ForceWhat Does Barack Obama Intend? (video snippet) (You Tube)Pat Dollard: Pissed Off And Wants BloodBaracks' Civilian National Security Force - Continuing Saga UnfoldingSith Lord Obama: Another Gaffe?Obama: The Subtleties of A Dictatorial TyrantBarack Obama To Be Protected By Terror GroupWhen A Duck Wadddles, Does It Look Like A Barack?And All The People Said?Nobama's Civilian National Security Forces Explained?Czarbama and the Civilian National Security ForcesNational Service Act: Czarbama's CNSF?National Service Act: Amerika's Newest Conscript Nation.
Thank you Lew for your service
Louis Waters, US Army Senior Air Crewmember Vietnam 1969-1971
Thank you Mike for your service
LCDR Mike Thayer - DOS: 12 June 1964 to 31 August 1994 - USS New Jersey
Thank you Len for your service
Len Peracchio - Sept 14, 1960- Sept 21, 1965. Semper Fi
Thank you Dean for your service.
Thank you Pastor Ed Boston (Cyber Pastor) for your service.
Thank you Gary Fouse (The Fouse Report) for your service.
Thank you "Stormin" Norman Hooben for your service.
Thank you Katie (Findalis) for your service.
Thank you Shawmut for your service.
Thank you KG of Crusader Rabbit for your service.
And finally, thank you to any of those fine men and women who I may have inadvertantly left off this small list. We honor your gifts.
Posted by
Roger W. Gardner
5:07 PM
Labels: Barack Obama
AMBER ALERT - Do You Know This Creep?
Rodlyn Petitbois entered no plea as he was arraigned on a
fugitive warrant in Brooklyn, where police found him and the others
Wednesday, the Brooklyn district attorney's office said. His lawyer
did not immediately return a telephone call seeking comment after
the proceeding.
It wasn't immediately clear whether Petitbois, 25, might also be
charged with forcing the family to flee with him. Authorities had
issued Amber Alerts on Wednesday for the children, the oldest of
whom is 3.
Eveillard was released after speaking to police Wednesday.
Police said they did not know where she was Thursday. No telephone
number could be found for her in Massachusetts or New York.

Suspect: Rodlyn Petitbois, 25 years old, Black male - wanted for homicide
Suspect: Louna Eveillard, 26 years old, Black female - one hand injured
Vehicle Info: 1992 Buick Roadmaster, white, Maine Lic. 91EW79
FOUR Children taken by their alleged father. Four children under 4 years old:
2 yrs old - Lyndsey Petitbois
1 yr. old - Lauren Petitbois
11 most old - Roddick Petitbois
The children were last seen on 99 High Rock Rd. At 1 am this morning after a murder took place at the family's [Lynn, Massachusetts] home. Rodlyn fled the scene of the murder with Louna Eveillard and their children.
Authorities tell the Herald a 32-year-old woman was killed at the High Rock multi-family home in Lynn.
The alleged mother, Louna Eveillard, is listed as a suspect by authorities but may be a victim of kidnapping.
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children: Amber Alert
Technorati Tags: amber alert, Missing Amber Alert, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children: Amber Alert
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
1:20 PM
Labels: Child Abuse, Children
Blogs For Borders - July 29, 2008
Our weekly podcast -- vlog on illegal immigration and border security. In this weeks edition... Our coverage of the rally against the enforcement of our immigration laws in Postville Iowa. Extra special thanks to those who helped fund the trip, thanks!
Make sure to visit our sponsor....
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
10:47 AM
Wednesday Hero: 1st. Lt. Thomas M. Martin



Posted by
Maggie Thornton
9:57 AM
Labels: Iraq, War on Terror, Wednesday Hero
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Protecting the New Species: Muslims! This Time in Canada
A thank you to Holger Awakens who brought this story to my attention. Holger has one of the finest blogs on the War on Terror to be found anywhere. If you want a credible daily dose of Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Hamas, the Taliban, al Qaeda - go visit Holger. If you have a strong stomach you'll want to keep an eye out for his Taliban 101 videos. If terrorists are at work, so is Holger. As British citizens battle the Islamification of their neighborhoods, as bloggers there are arrested by officials committed to a hateful agenda of Protecting the New Species - Muslims, as those who speak out about Muslim atrocities must flee their homeland to protect their freedom or save their lives...comes this story from Alberta, Canada. Ezra Levant, the publisher of the Western Standard based in Alberta, Canada, published the "controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad" a few months after they were first published in Denmark in September 2005. The following video is of Levant's opening remarks to the Alberta Human Rights Commission Interrogation, January 2008 - his interrogation. This snippet from Levant is critical:
The commission was meant to deal with deeds, not words or ideas. Now the commission, which is funded by a secular government, from the pockets of taxpayers of all backgrounds, is taking it upon itself to be an enforcer of the views of radical Islam.Mr. Levant's statement is printed below the video for those who prefer to read. Video courtesy of Text of Levant's opening remarks (paragraphing slightly reformated to make for easier reading)
My name is Ezra Levant. Before this government interrogation begins, I will make a statement. When the Western Standard magazine printed the Danish cartoons of Mohammed two years ago, I was the publisher. It was the proudest moment of my public life. I would do it again today. In fact, I did do it again today. Though the Western Standard, sadly, no longer publishes a print edition, I posted the cartoons this morning on my website, I am here at this government interrogation under protest. It is my position that the government has no legal or moral authority to interrogate me or anyone else for publishing these words and pictures. That is a violation of my ancient and inalienable freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and in this case, religious freedom and the separation of mosque and state. It is especially perverted that a bureaucracy calling itself the Alberta human rights commission would be the government agency violating my human rights. So I will now call those bureaucrats “the commission” or “the hrc”, since to call the commission a “human rights commission” is to destroy the meaning of those words. I believe that this commission has no proper authority over me. The commission was meant as a low-level, quasi-judicial body to arbitrate squabbles about housing, employment and other matters, where a complainant felt that their race or sex was the reason they were discriminated against. The commission was meant to deal with deeds, not words or ideas. Now the commission, which is funded by a secular government, from the pockets of taxpayers of all backgrounds, is taking it upon itself to be an enforcer of the views of radical Islam. So much for the separation of mosque and state. I have read the past few years’ worth of decisions from this commission, and it is clear that it has become a dump for the junk that gets rejected from the real legal system. I read one case where a male hair salon student complained that he was called a “loser” by the girls in the class. The commission actually had a hearing about this. Another case was a kitchen manager with Hepatitis-C, who complained that it was against her rights to be fired. The commission actually agreed with her, and forced the restaurant to pay her $4,900. In other words, the commission is a joke – it’s the Alberta equivalent of a U.S. television pseudo-court like Judge Judy – except that Judge Judy actually was a judge, whereas none of the commission’ s panellists are judges, and some aren’t even lawyers. And, unlike the commission, Judge Judy believes in freedom of speech. It’s bad enough that this sick joke is being wreaked on hair salons and restaurants. But it’s even worse now that the commissions are attacking free speech. That’s my first point: the commissions have leapt out of the small cage they were confined to, and are now attacking our fundamental freedoms. As Alan Borovoy, Canada’s leading civil libertarian, a man who helped form these commissions in the 60’s and 70’s, wrote, in specific reference to our magazine, being a censor is, quote, “hardly the role we had envisioned for human rights commissions. There should be no question of the right to publish the impugned cartoons.” Unquote. Since the commission is so obviously out of control, he said quote “It would be best, therefore, to change the provisions of the Human Rights Act to remove any such ambiguities of interpretation.” Unquote. The commission has no legal authority to act as censor. It is not in their statutory authority. They’re just making it up – even Alan Borovoy says so. But even if the commissions had some statutory fig leaf for their attempts at political and religious censorship, it would still be unlawful and unconstitutional. We have a heritage of free speech that we inherited from Great Britain that goes back to the year 1215 and the Magna Carta. We have a heritage of eight hundred years of British common law protection for speech, augmented by 250 years of common law in Canada. That common law has been restated in various fundamental documents, especially since the Second World War. In 1948, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Canada is a party, declared that, quote: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” The 1960 Canadian Bill of Rights guaranteed, quote: 1. “ human rights and fundamental freedoms, namely, (c) freedom of religion; (d) freedom of speech; (e) freedom of assembly and association; and (f) freedom of the press. In 1982, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guaranteed, quote: 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: a) freedom of conscience and religion; b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; Those were even called “fundamental freedoms” – to give them extra importance. For a government bureaucrat to call any publisher or anyone else to an interrogation to be quizzed about his political or religious expression is a violation of 800 years of common law, a Universal Declaration of Rights, a Bill of Rights and a Charter of Rights. This commission is applying Saudi values, not Canadian values. It is also deeply procedurally one-sided and unjust. The complainant – in this case, a radical Muslim imam, who was trained at an officially anti-Semitic university in Saudi Arabia, and who has called for sharia law to govern Canada – doesn’t have to pay a penny; Alberta taxpayers pay for the prosecution of the complaint against me. The victims of the complaints, like the Western Standard, have to pay for their own lawyers from their own pockets. Even if we win, we lose – the process has become the punishment. (At this point, I’d like to thank the magazine’s many donors who have given their own money to help us fight against the Saudi imam and his enablers in the Alberta government.) It is procedurally unfair. Unlike real courts, there is no way to apply for a dismissal of nuisance lawsuits. Common law rules of evidence don’t apply. Rules of court don’t apply. It is a system that is part Kafka, and part Stalin. Even this interrogation today – at which I appear under duress – saw the commission tell me who I could or could not bring with me as my counsel and advisors. I have no faith in this farcical commission. But I do have faith in the justice and good sense of my fellow Albertans and Canadians. I believe that the better they understand this case, the more shocked they will be. I am here under your compulsion to answer the commission’s questions. But it is not I who am on trial: it is the freedom of all Canadians. You may start your interrogation.End of Ezra Levant statement. Related: Western Canadian magazine publishes Muhammad cartoons The National Post Lionheart: The End No More Mosques - The Need for Radical Thinking Read more written by Lionheart, Paul Ray, in the archives of RADARSITE Permalink: Trackback URL for this entry: Trackposted to Political Byline, third world county, Adam's Blog, Right Truth, The Pink Flamingo, Cao's Blog, and Democrat=Socialist, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe. Technorati Tags: Ezra Levant, Western Standard, Danish Muhammad Cartoons, Human Rights in Canada, Holger Awakens Paul Ray - Lionheart, U.N., Islamification of Great Britain, Islamification of England, Muslims, Islam, Jihad, Islamification of Canada
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
9:57 PM
Labels: Canada, Islam, Islamification, Muslims, UN/United Nations, War on Terror
The Arab Labyrinth
From an original article in Front Page Mag
Obama: Servant of the Jewish Conspiracy
By P. David Hornik Monday, July 28, 2008
Is Barack Obama the pawn of evil Jewish minions? Yes, according to cartoons that appeared in the Palestinian media.

Al-Quds, July 22, 2008
The cartoon's headline: "Learn about Israel…from 'Behind the Fence.'" Below, in Arabic: "Obama's view."

Ar-Risala, June 22, 2008
Headline: "The Wagon [that gets you] to the White House."
Despite his portrayal as an ape, Obama has rewarded his detractors, and Israeli Jews' killers, with a naive indulgence for “peace talks” not seen since the days Bill Clinton helped set the stage for the Palestinian intifada.
“I believe the next U.S. administration should move quickly,” Barack Obama told far-Left Israeli journalist Akiva Eldar last Wednesday. “I have had in-depth discussions today with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, and encouraged all of them to make as much progress as they can in their negotiations this year.”
He added, “The next U.S. administration the parties build on the progress that has been made thus far, and continue to work toward the goal of two states living side by side in peace and security.”
Obama was here for a lightning one-day tour of Israel and the Palestinian Authority. In the latter, of course, he met with Mahmoud Abbas, who a few days earlier sent his tidings to a brutal murderer of a four-year-old girl.
Eldar, writing in the left-wing daily Haaretz, says “associates” of Obama told him that, if elected, Obama “has no intention of wasting time on consolidating an ‘Obama peace plan.’ He would rather dive in and promote the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians on the basis of existing American initiatives.”
Eldar also says “one of Obama’s senior consultants on the Middle East” told him that “Obama would attempt to deepen U.S. involvement in the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians” and “what would change…is the U.S. distanced position, as the consultant put it, in which Washington monitors developments but generally prefers to refrain from a more hands-on policy.”
First, considering that Obama’s Middle East advisers include the likes of former Carter and Clinton administration dove Anthony Lake (instrumental in dumping the Shah and catapulting the Ayatollah Khomeini to power), former Carter adviser and sharp Israel-foe Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Iraq Study Group co-chair (with James Baker) Lee Hamilton, Eldar’s words are more than plausible.
Second, those who have noticed (among much else) Condoleezza Rice’s obsessive 16 visits to Israel and the Palestinian Authority in three years—all aimed at pushing Israel back to indefensible borders—will be surprised to hear that the U.S. has been maintaining a “distanced position” and can only fearfully imagine what “deepened involvement” would look like.
Meanwhile, also on Wednesday, the Anti-Defamation League reported that “editorial cartoonists in the Arab world are using direct or borderline anti-Semitism in their portrayal of the presumptive U.S. presidential candidates as lackeys of the Jews and Israel…The cartoons ignore the issues of the campaign and instead engage in hate-filled characterizations of Jews and overt racist stereotypes.”
ADL national director Abraham H. Foxman noted, “Once again, the Arab media does not miss an opportunity to promote classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of Jewish control over Washington, the media and the democratic process.” He added: “Their aim is not to provoke discussion or challenge ideas, but to spread horrific stereotypes of Jews. Some cartoons also use classical racist stereotypes to portray Senator Obama.”
Foxman also said the ADL provided copies of the report to the McCain and Obama campaigns.
On this page, the ADL gives samples of the cartoons, beginning with seven cartoons taken from mainstream, official Palestinian Authority newspapers over the last two months. There’s one of a grotesque, apish-looking Obama hulking behind Israel’s security fence with what look like some small, scheming, nasty Jews; one of a grinning, impish Obama peering from the pants seat of a blue-and-white-clad, Star of David-bearing Jew…and many more such images.
It's undeniable both that the Obama campaign has a report of these hateful images and that no news media report that he has demanded such caricatures stop. Instead, Obama promises to accelerate the demented quest of the current U.S. and Israeli governments to award the bigots with sovereignty over strategic land overlooking Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
P. David Hornik is a freelance writer and translator living in Tel Aviv. He blogs at He can be reached at


Nurtured by untold generations of inbred hatred and distrust, the vengeful Arab mindset has become a victim of its own conspiracy theories, sinking deeper and deeper into that dark underworld of delusion and myth. And always and forever, lurking in the depths -- the eternal gargantuan Jew-Monster waiting to devour its helpless prey. - rg
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Colbert Gets it! Obama's Trip - Who's the Kool-Aid Drinker?
Video courtesy of Comedy Central Check-out the membership of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee. Obama's not on it. Obama lies about a Senate Committee being HIS, but the video is named John McCain's Sausage Party. Go figure! Permalink: Trackback URL for this entry: Technorati Tags: Senator Barack Obama, Senator John McCain, 2008 election, Israel, U.S. Banking Committee, War on Terror, Obama in Israel, Obama in Germany
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
7:42 PM
Labels: ACLU, Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Israel, Sen. John McCain R-AZ, War on Terror
Video - Muslims: The New Protected Species - Calling Bloggers
This story is about one blogger in particular, Paul Ray, and what's happening to him and to our brothers and sisters across the pond. The politically-correct, multiculturalism, British thought-police arrested Ray for blogging about radical Muslims who were promoting jihadism. They arrested Ray for allegedly inciting racial hatred - not the radical imams. His specific crime? Well, he called the radicals who advocated the beheading of infidels - meaning us -- 'savages.' For the life of me, I wouldn't know what else to call them either.
Capitulation to Islam is becoming a reality, and it's also closer to home than you think. From what I now understand, there are other similar instances that occurred here in the United States, which I hope bloggers across the Internet will investigate.
First, take a look at what's going on in England. See anything familiar?
The [British] government has made so-called "hate speech," illegal, but it also depends on who is doing the hating. When one group of British citizens protested the Mohammed cartoons at the Danish embassy in London in 2006, they expressed their allegiance to Osama bin Laden, and called for beheadings and nuclear attacks against Denmark Britain and America. Yet British police arrested no one, until there was a public uproar.
Compare that to when Britain's Channel 4 Dispatches program exposed violent rhetoric in local mosques. British police initially decided to charge - not the radical imams who were promoting violence and bigotry - but the news program that did the report, for allegedly stirring up racial hatred.
For now, it suffices to scream a new battle cry in unison, "We will not let Freedom die without us at her side." Those are fighting words, my friends, and perhaps I could even be arrested for writing and promoting them. But, I was born in New Hampshire and my "Live Free or Die" spirit came with me. End Loyal Eagle's post. Related: Lionheart: The End No More Mosques - The Need for Radical Thinking Read more written by Lionheart, Paul Ray, in the archives of RADARSITE Permalink: Trackback URL for this entry: Technorati Tags: Paul Ray - Lionheart, U.N., Islamification of Great Britain, Islamification of England, Muslims, Islam, Jihad
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
8:13 AM
Labels: Christianity/Christians/, Islam, Islamification, Jihad, Muslims, UK/Britain/England, UN/United Nations, War on Terror
Monday, July 28, 2008
Video: Glen Beck on Obama's Global Poverty Act
The "good stuff" is about 3 minutes into the video - solid information on Senator Obama's Senate Bill 2433 - The Global Poverty Act, including the U.N. arms register
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
7:06 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Sen. John McCain R-AZ, UN Millennium Goal, UN/United Nations
Will Obama's Global Poverty Act Tax Fossil Fuels, Currency, Land and Freeze Militaries?
The answer to the title of this post is "yes." It is not a joke and it is not mis-stated or over-stated.
According to Senator Jim Inhofe's office today, Obama's Global Poverty Act, Senate Bill 2433, may not come to the floor until September, unless "energy" is resolved sooner than expected.
Senate Bill 2433 is vile Legislation and it is sponsored by Senator Obama. If this legislation passes, I cannot say that everything I've outlined below will be automatically adhered to, because as a Nation the masses would rise-up, but Senator Obama is an Internationalist, a Globalist, a Socialist. If we give him the opportunity, (and his co-sponsors as well, and certainly if he becomes President, he will collaborate with the United Nations in every way he can. He believes in this stuff folks. Be alarmed!
A comment on a forum board somewhere made me take an even closer look at the details of the Bill. I've scoured the documents involved before, and again now - a lot of very long text and very small print - links provided herein.
The comment that caught my attention was this:
"I wouldn't worry about Senate Bill 2433 tying the U.S. to anything other than eradicating global poverty. The remainder of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) is not tied to the U.S. through this Bill."That is simply wrong. According to United Nation's MDG agreement, signed by many countries, including the United States, the key to the mission and vision of the Bill is the U.N. Millennium Development Goal (MDG), which Senator Obama includes in his legislation, specifically tying the eradication of poverty to achieving the goals of the MDG. (Link to Bill at end of article). Here's a quote from Millennium Development Goal that will give you more than a hint of what is planned for you and me:
...Poverty eradication is not an automatic consequence of economic growth; it requires purposeful action to redistribute wealth and land,...Here's what Obama requires our President to "implement" in order to achieve the MDG goals: eradicating global poverty, which cannot be done without: All quotes are taken directly from the U.N. Millennium Goal Forum (MDG) minutes.
1) Abolishing war through a worldwide freeze on militaries and achieving global disarmament:"
To initiate a worldwide freeze on armed forces ...the prohibition of the use of force,...must not be undermined
To explore the feasibility of a legally binding convention on overcoming poverty,...To carry out the objective of moving towards the abolition of war by practical means,...the United Nations Secretariat and interested Governments, or a separate group of Governments, should develop a draft proposal for global disarmament
2) Prohibiting advanced weapons technology
...devise ways of stopping the technological development of new and more advanced weapons that create new imbalances in global power relationships.3) Monitoring small arms 4) Controlling the world's immigration to allow for:
...the global principle of freedom of circulation for all5) Controlling the world's finances:
...To move towards democratic political control of the global economy so that it may serve our vision. ...Sustainable funds could be raised through a currency transfer tax...and a tax on the rental value of land and natural resources.6) Controlling the world:
Globalization needs defining [and then they define it] is transforming our world into a global village...7) Prohibiting "sanctions" against rogue countries:
...Stop imposing economic sanctions...8) Controlling conservation through a global tax:
...establish a global habitat conservation fund to purchase comprehensive protection of threatened, critical ecological habitat worldwide. The fund should accrue revenues from a nominal (0.5 -1.0 per cent) royalty on worldwide fossil energy production oil, natural gas, coal, collecting at least $5 billion to $10 billion annually.Video: Glen Beck on Obama's Global Poverty Act
For detailed information, Bill sponsors and U.N. Links:
Obama's Global Poverty Act - Here's the Evil in S.2433
U.N. Millennium Goal Forum
Related: WorldNetDaily Click here for the text of Senate Bill 2433
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Technorati Tags:U.N.,U.N.D.P.U.N.Millennium Development Goal, United Nations, Globalism, Senator Barack Obama, One World Order, Reject the U.N., Senate Bill 2433, Obama's Global Poverty Act
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
3:41 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Globalism, S. 2433, Sen. Jim Inhofe R-OK, UN/United Nations
Obamas: Confusing Christmas with a "Seasonal" Event
H/T to The Obama Nation The Obamas, in an unnamed magazine interview, agree that Santa Claus and "seasonal gifts," are appropriate, BUT Christmas gifts are not. The Telegraph UK
In a magazine interview Obama and his wife Michelle revealed that one of their steadfast house rules is not giving Christmas or birthday presents to Malia, 10, and Sasha, seven. The couple explained that they spend "hundreds" on birthday slumber parties and want to "teach some limits". Santa Claus is still permitted to deliver seasonal gifts however.I was impressed until I got to that last sentence. I concede that Christmas gifts get out-of-hand, and the meaning of Christmas can be lost in the material wealth on December 25th. But if Santa is allowed to come and leave "seasonal gifts" on the traditional day of Christ's birth, in a Christian home - them I confused. Other cultures and religions have celebratory events at about the same time as our Christmas. Some celebrate with traditional Christmas icons such as Christmas trees, Christmas stockings, gifts, - even though they are not Christian. But the Obamas do not adhere to other cultures or other religions, do they? This glimpse into the Obama's home life, on the most sacred day of the year, other than Resurrection Day, for a Christian, is one more reason to doubt his commitment to Judeo-Christian values. And yes, I know that I do not know what is in a person's heart. Nevertheless... Christmas is not a "seasonal" event. NOTE: A kind reader reminded me that Resurrection Day is the "most sacred" of all days for a Christian, and that is correct. As I told him/her, I got a little carried away and I've amended my above comment. Thank you CKA in Red State USA Permalink: Trackback URL for this entry: Tracked by: PATIENT EVIL - An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive - Chapter Twenty-Nine from Right Truth - Excerpt: PATIENT EVIL They say laughter is the best medicine from Right Truth - Excerpt: So oft repeated, without question, yet has the cliché status of that statement hidden a pernicious effect? Perhaps some will laugh at even the notion that such is possible. Just such a reaction that helps illustrate what will be discussed ... Some people are just nuts, mean, or both from Right Truth - EXCERPT: I have not commented until now on the church shooting at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville Tennessee. I wanted to wait for the facts, so here they are cuil from 123beta - Excerpt: Former Google employee Anna Patterson debuts her latest search engine, cuil.Patterson intends to upstage Google, which she quit in 2006 to develop a more comprehensive and efficient way to scour the I... Doozie of the DaY: Bali Bombers from Woman Honor Thyself - Excerpt: Angel’s first prize goes to: Mahendradatta, the bubbly Muzlim Bali bomber’s defender. Technorati Tags: Senator Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Christianity, Christmas, How the Obamas Celebrate Christmas
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
9:50 AM
Labels: Barack Obama, Christian Holidays, Christianity/Christians/, Elections 2008, Holidays, Michelle Obama
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Obama Gave Media His Western Wall, Note, uh Statement
Obama Gave Media His Western Wall Note! posted by Zoe at What Suddenly
Read more at What Suddenly and then run-over to RealClearPolitics and give this author and this important information a vote. Just click here to get to RealClearPolitics. Technorati Tags: Senator Barack Obama, Obama's prayer, 2008 ElectionsIn a world tour filled with media stunts, the low point must be Obama's visit to the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site.While Obama looked as if he were in prayer at the Western Wall, sharing in the tradition of writing one's message to God and placing the note in a crevice of the ancient stones, international media -- Obama's God? -- already were reading the note.
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Maggie Thornton
9:31 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Israel
Obama: Pentagon "Hints," BO "Distracts," HuffPuff "Deceives"
Does anyone think the Pentagon issues "hints" to a Presidential candidate? In an interview with Fox News' Bill Hemmer, Hemmer asked Obama to clarify why he did not visit a U.S. Military hospital when in Germany. Obama said the following:
There was a hint [from the Pentagon] that it might end up being perceived as a political issue, because of some blowback we've received...And he says:
...we had never intended to take cameras in. Our intention was not to publicize this at all.The Huffington Post, however, offers a direct quote with a named Pentagon spokesperson:
We told him he could visit Landstuhl (Regional Medical Center in western Germany) with his Senate staff, but not with his campaign staff," said Army Lt. Col. Elizabeth Hibner.How embarrassing for Senator Obama. Then here's a version from TMP Central, Greg Sargent speaking:
I've just gotten clarification from the Pentagon on what really happened with regard to Barack Obama's canceled visit to an Army base in Germany,... A Pentagon spokesperson confirms to me [Sargent] that because of longstanding Department of Defense regulations, Pentagon officials told Obama aides that he couldn't visit the base with campaign staff. This left Obama with little choice but to cancel the trip, since the plan to visit with campaign aides had been in the works for weeks.Obama the Presumptive was "left with little choice...? The campaign aides couldn't cool their heels long enough to get Obama to the hospital? So which is it? Did the Pentagon say: (1) you can go with your Senate staff, but not your campaign staff and you cannot take cameras? (2) you can't go because it is a campaign event (3) well, it might be perceived as political, so... The clear answer is No. 1. NOTE: Among The Huffington Post's coverage, they helpfully provide a link to a Pentagon ruling (or so it would seem):
When Obama cancelled his military base visit, he was responding to a Pentagon ruling:Click it and see where it takes you. It's a perfect example of the fine art of deception. Here's another example of deception: Senator Obama speaks of "distracting" the troops.
The last thing I want to do is in anyway distract the terrific work that's being done in terms of treating our troops by getting it fouled up by a bunch of politics, so since I had a chance to visit the folks in Walter Reed, we had a chance to visit folks in Iraq, I didn't want it to be a distraction.Remember this slap-in-the-face from the would-be Commander-in-Chief while standing in front of a crowd of Berliners?
Will we [America or "we" the World???] reject torture and stand for the rule of law?Can he think those lying wounded in military hospital beds, and those wounded and bravely moving on with their lives, were not "distracted" by his indictment of them as torturers, because that's exactly what he said, not what he hinted. More deception: CBS News, Fox News, The AP and many more reported on Obama's "quiet" trip to Walter Reed Hospital a few weeks ago . CBS News: Obama Quietly Visits Wounded War Vets Fox News: Obama Quietly Visits Veterans at Walter Reed The AP Obama quietly visits wounded vets at Walter Reed You can view the video of the Hemmer-Obama interview here Permalink: Trackback URL for this entry: Technorati Tags:Senator Barack Obama, Obama Trip to Germany, Obama Cancels Visit to Wounded Soldiers, Huffington Post, Pentagon, Fox News' Bill Hemmer
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
6:35 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, Elections 2008, US Military
Just a Handful of Death: A New Low for the Despicable NYT

Just a Handful of Death
Note: Radarsite has added bold emphasis and red commentary.
4,000 U.S. Deaths, and Just a Handful of Public Images
From the New York Times
Published: July 26, 2008
BAGHDAD — The case of a freelance photographer in Iraq who was barred from covering the Marines after he posted photos on the Internet of several of them dead has underscored what some journalists say is a growing effort by the American military to control graphic images from the war.
Zoriah Miller, the photographer who took images of marines killed in a June 26 suicide attack and posted them on his Web site, was subsequently forbidden to work in Marine Corps-controlled areas of the country.

If the conflict in Vietnam was notable for open access given to journalists — too much, many critics said, as the war played out nightly in bloody newscasts —
-- the Iraq war may mark an opposite extreme: after five years and more than 4,000 American combat deaths, searches and interviews turned up fewer than a half-dozen graphic photographs of dead American soldiers. [So many dead bodies and so few pictures. What a shame.]It is a complex issue, [This is only a complex issue for the NYT and our antiwar leftist enemies. Its is actually a very simple issue: it is called Patriotism. Looking out for the interests of your own country first, and being certain that whatever you are doing is in no way aiding and abetting the enemy.] with competing claims often difficult to weigh in an age of instant communication around the globe via the Internet, in which such images can add to the immediate grief of families and the anger of comrades still in the field.
While the Bush administration faced criticism for overt political manipulation in not permitting photos of flag-draped coffins ["Overt political manipulation? How about simple decency, and an unwillingness to give our enemies a cause for celebration ? Two concepts utterly alien to the anti-Americanists at the NYT.]
the issue is more emotional on the battlefield: local military commanders worry about security in publishing images of the American dead as well as an affront to the dignity of fallen comrades. Most newspapers refuse to publish such pictures as a matter of policy.
But opponents of the war, civil liberties advocates and journalists [Note how neatly these avowedly leftist groups all fit together]
argue that the public portrayal of the war is being sanitized and that Americans who choose to do so have the right to see — in whatever medium — the human cost of a war that polls consistently show is unpopular with Americans.
Journalists say it is now harder, or harder than in the earlier years, to accompany troops in Iraq on combat missions. Even memorial services for killed soldiers, once routinely open, are increasingly off limits. Detainees were widely photographed in the early years of the war, but the Department of Defense, citing prisoners’ rights, has recently stopped that practice as well.
And while publishing photos of American dead is not barred under the “embed” rules in which journalists travel with military units, the Miller case underscores what is apparently one reality of the Iraq war: that doing so, even under the rules, can result in expulsion from covering the war with the military. [Thank God!]
“It is absolutely censorship,” Mr. Miller said. “I took pictures of something they didn’t like, and they removed me. Deciding what I can and cannot document, I don’t see a clearer definition of censorship.” [If this is absolute censorship, then we nee more of it. Ask yourselves -- How would FDR have handled this problem?]
The Marine Corps denied it was trying to place limits on the news media and said Mr. Miller broke embed regulations. Security is the issue, officials said.
“Specifically, Mr. Miller provided our enemy with an after-action report on the effectiveness of their attack and on the response procedures of U.S. and Iraqi forces,” said Lt. Col. Chris Hughes, a Marine spokesman. [Excuse me, but isn't this a pretty clear definition of treason? And if it is, shouldn't our Mr. Miller be subject to some much harsher penalties than mere verbal censure and removal from embed status? ]
News organizations say that such restrictions are one factor in declining coverage of the war, [And our post-surge success on the ground would be the other] along with the danger, the high cost to financially ailing media outlets [Now I wonder if their overt anti-Americanism might just have something to do with this?] and diminished interest among Americans in following the war. By a recent count, only half a dozen Western photographers were covering a war in which 150,000 American troops are engaged.
In Mr. Miller’s case, a senior military official in Baghdad said that while his photographs were still under review, a preliminary assessment showed he had not violated ground rules established by the multinational force command. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing, emphasized that Mr. Miller was still credentialed to work in Iraq, though several military officials acknowledged that no military unit would accept him. [Maybe there is some justice in this world after all]
Michael Kamber reported from Baghdad, and Tim Arango from New York [Thank you Mr. Kamber and Mr. Arango, your check from Mr. Soros is in the mail.]
If for some unimaginable reason anyone would want to read more of this treasonous filth click here:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A note from Radarsite: So then who is Zoriah Miller, this courageous warrior photojournalist? this fearless champion of the world's downtrodden victims? What, I wonder, are his political motivations? What, I wonder, are his feelings about America, about America's soldiers? Well, let's see, he is after all a photographer; and they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Here is one of his riveting photos:
Now who do you suppose the bad guy is here? Who is this faceless military monster? And why is he intimidating this poor frightened little girl? What, I wonder, can the message here be?
Of course, our intrepid photographer is not without his supporters. Here are some comments from a few of them:
Your images work so well. One thing I would love you to photograph in an ideal world: The impeachment and sentencing of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush, Paul Wolfowitz and team for international war crimes. Those pictures would make a fitting end to your middle east series. Keep doing your thing, you are making a difference." Dan
"All Wars are very bad and nobody wins...your photographs are very impressive. Congratulations!" Engin
"A photograph is like a symbol for all the frightening aspects of a disastrous war that brings so much suffering to so many innocent people on both sides. Great, valuable, artful, high class photography that shows the true face of what is going on in Iraq after the "Holy Mission" was declared completed so long time ago. I bow in respect of your great work." Helmut Schadt
Of course he has other supporters too, more organized and influential supporters, like Global Voices For And just who are Global Voices For Read on:
GVFJ stands by Zoriah in his fight for a free press
Mission /Vision: Our mission is to make the voices of today’s independent
thinkers widely accessible to contribute toward a more diverse social discourse. we strive to be a resource of information enabling average people to defend themselves against corporate and governmental powers that might otherwise exploit or ignore them. It is our belief that all human beings desire peace, and when given the tools will move in that direction. Laying the groundwork for meaningful dialogue promotes peaceful solutions to conflicts.To that end, GVFJ collaborates with other independent media organizations and journalists. We document current affairs and social issues as well as art, culture, and ideas that directly impact your life. Our topics include the current crisis in relations with Iran, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Iraq and
Afghanistan wars, media reform, racism, election issues, prison reform,
environmental issues, U.S. imperialism, and more.
Rules Of Disengagement: The Politics And Honor Of Military Dissent (PoliPoint Press, forthcoming winter 2009) (co-authored with Kathleen Gilberd)
Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law (PoliPointPress, 2007)
Here's what our CIA has to say about The National Lawyers Guild:
The National Lawyers Guild(NLG) was organized in 1936 by a caucus of Communist Party, U.S.A.(CPUSA) lawyers assisted by the International Labor Defense, an American agency of the Comintern(Communist International). The NLG remains an active affiliate of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers(IADL), an international Communist front which operated under the control of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The International Department took over the old Comintern that was disbanded by Stalin during World War II.
A study prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency at the direction of the House Intelligence Committee in 1978, reported that the IADL:
"has been one of the most useful Communist front organizations at the service of the Soviet Communist Party....In the 31 years of the IADL’s existence, it has so consistently demonstrated its support of Moscow’s foreign policy objectives and is so tied in with other front organizations and the Communist press that it is difficult for it to pretend that its judgments are fair or relevant to basic legal tenets."

Support Zoriah: PayPal DONATION
And remember folks, dissent is part of the American tradition, and patriotism comes in all forms:







God Bless America
Trackposted to Mark My Words, third world county, DragonLady's World, Adam's Blog, The World According to Carl, DragonLady's World, The Pink Flamingo, Cao's Blog, Democrat=Socialist, , and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Posted by
Roger W. Gardner
5:29 PM
Labels: George W. Bush