

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Obama's U.N. Global Poverty Act - Supported by a Wicca Witch

A Wiccan witch, the Elder Donald Frew, is speaking out in support of Senator Barack Obama's U.N. Global Poverty Act (Senate Bill 2433). Cliff Kincaid, editor at Accuracy in Media (AIM) posted on a lobbying luncheon in support of Obama's legislation in the San Franciso Bay with Witch Frew listed as a participant. Kincaid's article dated June 20, 2008 provides two links featuring videos of Frew, both of which have been removed as of this writing (July 1, 2008). If you are not familiar with this tax to be levied by the United Nations, and Obama's sponsorship, read this for background, and be amazed that a man backing baldly Marxist legislation will be the Democrat nomination for President. From Kincaid's post (jumping from Wicca to a Christian preschool):

Meanwhile, a concerned parent alerted us to the fact that a Christian preschool in Long Island, New York was handing out a coloring page for children which included a plea for Congress to pass Obama’s Global Poverty Act. “Dear Parents,” said the letter that was sent home. “We would like to join efforts with the congregation of St. David’s to stop world hunger. You and your child can help by coloring and signing the enclosed sheet. 
This sheet will be sent along with many others to our representatives in Washington, D.C…Thanks for supporting such a great cause. Sincerely, St. David’s Christian Preschool.” The sheet said “Dear Senator: At Preschool, I learned to thank God for the food I eat. I also collect coins to help those who don’t have enough. Today, I ask you to help, too, with more and better aid for the world’s poorest countries. We want Congress to pass the Global Poverty Act. Please cosponsor S. 2433. Thank you.” The child’s name and age were supposed to be filled in. The pictures to be colored included what appeared to be an angel holding a bowl of food (with a Valentine heart on the robe and the bowl) and a basket with apples. The plea for “more and better” foreign aid money conflicts with the claims of those who insist the Obama bill doesn’t authorize the expenditure of more federal funds. As AIM has documented, the bill amounts to a mandate on the federal government to force compliance with the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations.
Read the entire article.

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