

Monday, September 1, 2008

"If those pics are real then the whole Dem party ought to be ashamed."

Obama Convention throw US Flags in the Trash
----------------------------------------------------------------------- A note from Radarsite: Almost immediately after this article posted, Radarsite was beiseiged with hits from one particular website: The Hillary Clinton Forum. By six o'clock this evening we had received over 2,000 hits, mostly from this site. Obviously, this article hit a sensitive nerve with the Dems. Our article was picked up and subsequently generated a long - two pages long, so far -- comments thread. And, to their credit, many of the commenters have indeed expressed appropriate outrage. But, as might be expected with any controversial topic such as this, some readers just dismissed it as minor and unimportant. And, just as predictably, many of their readers blamed the Obama people for a lack of patriotism and a cynical disregard of American tradition. Hoping, it seems, to distance themselves from this blatantly unpatriotic image. I did try to register to join the discussion, but was advised that the Registration was closed. Therefore, in response to their enlightening responses I am crossposting just a small segment of these anguished comments. I have deleted the commenter's names and info, and I hope that by doing so I have avoided crossing some ethical Internet guidelines. Unlike the Republicans, the Dems are vulnerable on the patriotism issue and they know it. They have obstructed almost every one of our efforts to prosecute the GWOT effectively and to protect Americans here at home. To me, these comments show an acute awareness of this vulnerability, and a real concern for how this convention outrage might effect their chances in November. Read their comments and decide for yourself just how vulnerable they really are. Here they are: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If those pics are real then the whole Dem party ought to be ashamed. This is outrageous, and if I remember right actually illegal. Does anyone know about the laws regarding the flag, because I am 99% sure that that is illegal.

Yes Pass around ask why they would not have given them to supporters ?More Prroof of disrespect of the United states of America and foolish wasting of funds ! I am a first generation american.. when I got my citizenship about 12 yrs ago.. they gave us those little flags(granted these in the picture are differrent, but still).. I still have that saved.. b/c it meant so much to me.. I don't know what has happened to the Undemocratic party.. we are watching it disintergrate.. I'm email this story to everyone .. please do the same: a.latour@wsj.com, a.murray@wsj.com, darren.mcdermott@wsj.com, j.fry@wsj.com, kudlow@cnbc.com, wsj.ltrs@wsj.com, abrams@msnbc.com, advocate@thebulletin.us, byork@nationalreview.com, byork@thehill.com, ccrawford@cq.com, comments@mclaughlin.com, ElRushbo@eibnet.com, evening@cbsnews.com, Foxreport@foxnews.com, ftn@cbsnews.com, gretawire@fox.com, Hannity@foxnews.com, hemmer@foxnews.com, hume@foxnews.com, igcolonel@hotmail.com, irena.briganti@foxnews.com, jocelyn.austin@foxbusiness.com, Joe@msnbc.com, joetalkshow@aol.com, letters@charleskrauthammer.com, lou@loudobbsradio.com, me@glennbeck.com, mitch.davis@foxnews.com, netaudr@abc.com, Ontherecord@foxnews.com, oreilly@foxnews.com, race08@msnbc.com, richard.white@foxnews.com, robert.finnerty@foxnews.com, Special@foxnews.com, stu@glennbeck.com, suzanne.scott@foxnews.com, ureport@foxnews.com, weekendlive@foxnews.com, AndyMart20@aol.com, bsmith@politico.com, lindamuller@buchanan.org, LouDobbs@cnn.com, jake.tapper@abc.com This should be emailed all over. Send to Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, DNC, Fox News. They could have been donated to elderly nursing homes, vet groups, schools, etc.Typical of the Obama crowd! Sorry guys, but I can't get angry about throwing plastic flags in the bin. I don't read that much into that gesture. I am not a pack rat, so I tend to discard things. This reminds me of Palm Sunday, when Catholics go home with these palm branches after mass. My mother would get so mad at us for throwing them away. What else can you do with branches? ____________________________________________ BHO isn't patriotic, so what can we expect from his supporters? Give me the war hero! Why am I not AT ALL surprised by this? Obama the anti-American racist puts on a big show for his Kool-Aid drinking fans, and then American flags get thrown in the trash. Just another day in Obama's America-hating world. Quote: BHO isn't patriotic, so what can we expect from his supporters? Give me the war hero! ____________________________________________ Sorry guys, but I can't get angry about throwing plastic flags in the bin. I don't read that much into that gesture. I am not a pack rat, so I tend to discard things. This reminds me of Palm Sunday, when Catholics go home with these palm branches after mass. My mother would get so mad at us for throwing them away. What else can you do with branches?You put them behind your picture of the Last Supper...a staple in every dining room of every Irish-American...even the gay ones! ____________________________________________ The day of Hillary's suspension speech I was working at our theatre's fundraising booth at the annual town festival, and was feeling down (of course). While I was on a break I took a quick walk around the grounds and walked past this Little plastic U.S. Flag on a stick that was laying on the ground. I stopped and picked it up and stuck it in the ground next to one of the booths. A lady smiled and said "thank you", I smiled back and said, "This country isn't to that point...at least not yet." ____________________________________________ Today, for the first time in my adult life, I am proud to say I am voting for a Republican."McCain 2008" - because 2012 belongs to HILLARY.As children our parents tell us not to talk to strangers, yet as adults our Democratic leaders expect us to vote for one.Recycle plastic...Don't vote for it. This isn't such a big deal, as far as I'm concerned. What is horrendous is the amount of money wasted on that spectacle of a convention. ____________________________________________ This isn't such a big deal, as far as I'm concerned. What is horrendous is the amount of money wasted on that spectacle of a convention.The funny thing is how everybody feels that Obama will win this election. I would laugh my ass off if McCain wins. It's pathetic how even after the "spectacular" Democratic convention, McCain is still a formidable oppenent. I'd rub it in all the moronic, brainwashed Obama supporters. ____________________________________________ Chairman of BO Campaign: "Mr. Obama, I'm so sorry, but you lost the nomination!"BO: "Hold on one second, sweetie."Lmao! Watch this plox. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AboutThe DNC was so vigilant about recycling garbage. They even had "garbage police" out at trash cans to instruct people to put there compost type stuff in one can, the regular trash in one, and the plastics into another. Why didn't they set up a flag gathering place, for those who were so unpatriotic that they didn't want their flag? These flags could have been given to other organizations that good respect them. We always save our tattered flags and take them to our VA to have the ceremonial flag burning in its proper way...My son was a scout and we teach our children to respect our American flag something that is very important to teach our Children and something that isnt shown in our schools now days Im sorry to say.... ____________________________________________ We always save our tattered flags and take them to our VA to have the ceremonial flag burning in its proper way...My son was a scout and we teach our children to respect our American flag something that is very important to teach our Children and something that isnt shown in our schools now days Im sorry to say....Thank you. Whether it's made of cheap plastic or the finest materials, there are proper ways to retire flags........even cheap dime store ones. ____________________________________________ You put them behind your picture of the Last Supper...a staple in every dining room of every Irish-American...even the gay ones! ...or you can take the Italian-American approach and put it behind the picture of the Blessed Mother hanging over the bed! ____________________________________________ You put them behind your picture of the Last Supper...a staple in every dining room of every Irish-American...even the gay ones! My family did that too. ____________________________________________ The DNC/Obama camp should have had people collecting them from people on their way out or running around picking them up from the ground (which is where I'm sure many of them ended up). I personally would never throw the little plastic flag in the trash but alot of people don't put the same stock in the little plastic ones as they would a big, cloth flag. I will say that I suspect that many of the Bots who were at that fiasco event probably would have thrown the cloth ones on the ground had those been given out.But, the DNC/Obama camp should have thought ahead, had people collecting them from people who didn't want to keep them, and they could have been donated to local cemeteries for veteran's graves. That would have been the decent thing to do. But, decency doesn't seem to be a part of the Democratic party. ____________________________________________ A PS from Radarsite: One of my commenters suggested that I use this pic with this article. Why not? it certainly fits the theme. - rg

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